Marco Serri1 天前
also check this first, it may help : watch?v=8Mn9116AxiE
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Marco Serri1 天前
hi there, this is really very strange because i use a torpedo myself and it sounds really great! You may have missed something on the EQ, you should check out again. Best.
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lothar knoerle1 天前
Well, I use Torpedo PI a lot and you know what i like the most about it ? It really reacts liek a real Cab, Mic, Poweramp and so on. If you put a real Mike in that Position in front of a real Cab it would sound the same bad. And btw you shouldnt use a 2x12 to compare with a real 4x12. So i wonder the sence of this video ???
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Jason Wilding1 天前
Well, having used the CAB professionally for months, congratulations on making it sound so bad. I have no idea why you would want to do that, but you did. I don't know why you did but you obviously don't understand how to get a great tone out of it.
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Sebastien Bizeul1 天前
1. You have to change your cab simulation...a 2x12 will never sounds like a 4x12!!!
2. I think your poweramp setting is not can try to increase the Depth.
3. Your miking position is too far and not center...and I think it's better in front!!!
4. Try the EQ section...very simple to use and very powerful.
match eq这东西不是IR技术吧。而且我觉得我用这玩意根本match不了什么。还不如自己看频谱慢慢对着准。用了半天,感觉这东西蛮失败的,卸了。有电子管设备,不代表总有时机去使用啊,家里用得有一个能用耳机的方案才行啊,不然像我这种晚上下班晚的人,管箱一个星期就周末开一小时,那多郁闷啊。