详细请看帖子内容:这把为电箱琴,想买把古典电箱,所以可换GODIN的尼龙电箱,这琴说实话成色没有一年前那么新了,正面成色9新,背面琴体就比较多背带弄到的刮痕,不过这些都是小问题,关键还是琴的手感好,音色好,非常适合录音以及演出还有对品质有高欣赏水平的吉他手使用,琴带压电拾音器电路,通过非常复杂的电路去还原最真切最美丽的音色,是TOM ANDERSON 一贯的原则,无论是清音分解,和声,节奏扫弦,还是主音SOLO,想要清脆干净,系点,肥厚点,它都能从几个旋钮控制电路调节到你最喜欢最想要表达的箱琴音色,让您在使用的过程中充分体会到TOM ANDERSON华丽而优美动人的音质。
这把为电箱琴,想买把古典电箱,所以可换GODIN的尼龙电箱,这琴说实话成色没有一年前那么新了,正面成色9新,琴颈也9新,品丝好,正面也就一两个小豆点磕碰,唯一不足就是背面琴体就比较多背带弄到的刮痕,不过这些都是小问题,关键还是琴的手感好,音色好,非常适合录音以及演出还有对品质有高欣赏水平的吉他手使用,琴带压电拾音器电路,通过非常复杂的电路去还原最真切最美丽的音色,是TOM ANDERSON 一贯的原则,无论是清音分解,和声,节奏扫弦,还是主音SOLO,想要清脆干净,细腻点,肥厚点,它都能从几个旋钮控制电路调节到你最喜欢最想要表达的箱琴音色,让您在使用的过程中充分体会到TOM ANDERSON华丽而优美动人的音质。
Tom Anderson电箱一把,型号为Crowdster,国内应该还比较少见。这把琴是03年的琴。
for the ease at which this one-and-only instrument performs flawlessly before crowds of any size-—from huge, packed arenas to the one...you.
As the name implies, this ground-breaking instrument is an unparalleled Live-Music Acoustic Guitarthat turns any live situation into total tonal control and bliss - no more compromises when playing acoustic guitar on stage. There is nothing on planet Earth like this guitar…really…nothing!
Crowdster - The original live-music acoustic guitar- all acoustic guitar tones projected uncompromised via it's LR Baggs/Anderson-EQed piezo system.
Crowdster Plus - Plus adds the ability to supplement Crowdster's gorgeous acoustic sound with thunderous electric guitar complements via its specially designed bridge electric guitar pickup.
Crowdster Plus 2 - The ultimate instrument has arrived as the Plus 2 brings even more versatility, adding a specially designed neck pickup to the regular Plus. Crowdster acoustic tones…Plus 2…selectable electric guitar pickups that will "bring it" all to any arena - big or small.
Crowdster Player - Is the player's guitar. Pure uncompromised Crowdster performance with no frills and no worries. Just unadulterated and unparalleled Crowdster performance at your fingertips.