楼主 |
发表于 2009-11-28 18:07:59
 好了,现在开始正式介绍我这把琴,制琴师叫做Rick Robinson,下面是制琴师对配置介绍:
1.)Top is exreemely rare-birdseye burl ash!ash is usually known for sparce grain but exceptional tone
This is 5A+ ***BODY IS CHAMBERED & WEIGHED ONLY 1 3/4 lbs. before loading!
2.)Main back body is lace burl Redwood(500 yr.tree/asoned 20 yrs.)as mentioned "chambered"-
striping is flame maple/koa/flame maple/top of ash all bookmatched!
1.)exhibition grade heavy flame maple neck,5a lacewood fretboard
w/gold jumbo frets & 12" radius,Gold VENUS logo on headstock,DUAL "HOT ROD" truss rod,
Genuine bone nut !(small "S" style headstock)
1.) J.S.Moore hand wound Humbucker pick-ups to specs-Vintage '59 P.A.F. w/nickel covers-neck-7.69k,bridge-8.38k
2.)Two CTS 500k concentric pots -2 vol. w/ treble underneath each one...total balance of mix!
3.)Vintage paper/oil caps. military specs. .022 on neck,.027 for bridge!
4.)vintage cloth over silvered wire-silver solder
5.)Gold treatment-switch plate,knobs,pick-up surrounds (steel),neck plate engraved w/"V" logo and....
6.)Spertzel staggered locking tuners-gold w/ black pegs to reduce fingerprints,no string trees,no "skunk
7.)SCHALLER CUSTOM BRIDGE-Solid brass w/gold plate,rock solid tone & tune!!!
8.)Electro-socket plug -in@ 1/4"
琴体:贴面是5A级birdseye burl ash,琴身是两块实木 lace burl Redwood(树龄500年,风干20年)
琴颈:展示级火焰枫 exhibition grade heavy flame maple neck
指板:5A级蕾丝木 lacewood,纯黄铜品丝
拾音器:两个手工J.S.Moore Humbucker Vintage '59拾音器。这款拾音器国内没有卖,完全是个人手工定制,需要定做。拾音器壳类似一种钛合金,和一般的也不同。
手工硝基漆,usa Spertzel自锁琴弦钮,SCHALLER CUSTOM BRIDGE定制琴桥,没有上背带钉,可赠送全新握威黑色背带扣。带原装vintage琴箱,附打印venus介绍、售后服务事项、制琴师手写配置单、致用户信。
此琴全新,是我的收藏品。音色非常好,非常vintage,类似于LP59那种感觉,但又更亮,更柔和。售价不便宜,在2万出头,但这只是我购买的成本价,请能接受这个价位的再和我联系。这样的配置量产琴是买不到的,即使有相似的配置如果是gibson 、fender、prs这种品牌附加值高的琴估计都要在4、5万左右。我卖的这个价格能买到这种琴应该是相当便宜和难得。
[ 本帖最后由 白色爵士 于 2009-11-28 18:24 编辑 ] |