shadowsmile 发表于 2012-12-13 17:56:37


Characteristics Defining the Three Compositional Periods in the Solo Guitar Music of Leo Brouwer
The usage of sevenths and seconds in LaEspiral Eterna, as well as Canticum (from 1972 and 1968 respectively)demonstrates how Brouwer deals with pitch in this period. After the opening ofCanticum, a brief, unmeasured melody closes with a downward leap of a majorseventh, before the first sustained sonority of the piece, an open cluster ofA, B flat, and B natural, approached from above via G sharp. This sonorityturns into a structural feature, as the first movement closes with a leap up a minorninth from F to F sharp, up another to G, then down nearly three octaves to the
guitar’s lowest A flat. Viewing thistransposition and augmentation of the first open cluster as a structuralelement is justified by the end of the piece, in which the A-B flat-B clusterappears in its original form, is repeated, and is finally supplanted by a D descendingto a low E flat (achieved by a scordatura tuning of the sixth string E).

[ 本帖最后由 shadowsmile 于 2012-12-13 18:00 编辑 ]

只信上帝 发表于 2012-12-13 18:46:36


愤怒的蚂蚁 发表于 2012-12-13 20:42:11

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