SuzanneVega 发表于 2008-9-16 20:14:02



[ 本帖最后由 SuzanneVega 于 2008-9-16 20:38 编辑 ]

guiter 发表于 2008-9-16 20:34:57


阿川 发表于 2008-9-16 20:36:57


SuzanneVega 发表于 2008-9-16 20:38:08

回复 2# guiter 的帖子


guiter 发表于 2008-9-16 20:46:02


SuzanneVega 发表于 2008-9-16 20:47:42

回复 5# guiter 的帖子


liusihong82 发表于 2008-9-16 20:48:58

今天话太多,懒得多说了 直接把维基百科的给你贴过来吧

Melodic minor scale
Much of jazz harmony is based on the melodic minor scale, one difference being that the "descending" version of the scale used in classical harmony is not used. The modes of the (ascending) melodic minor scale are the basis for much of jazz improvisation and are variously named as below, using the key of C-minor as an example:

Melodic minor scale toneCharacteristic chord in C-minorScale Tones (chord tones in bold)Scale Name(s)
Ⅰ - CCm(∆)C D E♭ F G A Bmelodic minor
Ⅱ - DDm7sus(♭9)D E♭ F G A B CPhrygian ♯6 or Dorian ♭2
Ⅲ - E♭E♭∆(♯5)E♭ F G A B C DLydian ♯5
Ⅳ - FF7(♯11)F G A B C D E♭Mixolydian ♯4
Ⅴ - GG(-6)G A B C D E♭ FMixolydian ♭6 or "Hindu"
Ⅵ - AA∅A B C D E♭ F GLocrian ♯2
Ⅶ - BB7(alt)B C D E♭ F G AAltered, diminished whole tone, or Locrian ♭4

The Ⅶ chord in particular is rich with alterations. As it contains the notes and alterations (Ⅰ, ♭9, m3/♯9, ♭11, ♭5/♯11, ♭13, m7), it is particularly important in the jazz harmonic idiom, notably as a Ⅴ chord in a minor key. For our example key of C-minor, the V chord is G7, so the improviser would draw upon the G7 altered scale (mode Ⅶ of the Ab melodic minor). A complete ⅱ-Ⅴ-ⅰ progression in C-minor might suggest the following:

iiD∅D Locrian ♯2 (mode Ⅵ of the F melodic minor scale)
VG7(alt)G altered scale (mode Ⅶ of the A♭ melodic minor scale)
ICm(∆)C melodic minor (mode Ⅰ of the C melodic minor scale)
你记住其中一个就可以了,当极其偶然的情况下,在小调式出现(小大7和弦 我所听过得最不和谐的和弦)为主和弦的时候可以使用 Harmonic Minor 或者Melodic Minor 小大7和弦比如在G小调中和弦i由 G, bB,D, #F组成

guiter 发表于 2008-9-16 20:51:06



SuzanneVega 发表于 2008-9-16 20:54:58

回复 7# liusihong82 的帖子


liusihong82 发表于 2008-9-16 20:59:48

对了,忘跟你说了,在爵士乐中Melodic Minor,即旋律小调在Descending既下行的时候是不用还原的,上行怎么样,下行还怎么样。
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 为什么旋律小音阶(爵士小音阶)的主和弦用m6,而不用maj7??