SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
今天改造绘画一把Epiphone-Emily,具体的改造方案还没有确定下来,正在构思中,先把之前的步骤发出来。按许多朋友的要求,这把琴我会把详细的制作过程发布出来,请想了解和学习的朋友们关注一下。Today transforms drawing Epiphone-Emily, the concrete transformation plan had not determined that is being formed in one's mind, sends before the first step. According to many friend's requests,The qin I the detailed manufacture process will issue that please want to understand the friends who and to study to pay attention.
SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
1.原琴照片(Leaving the plant guitar picture)SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
2.拆卸零件(Disassemblage components)需要在自己能力范围之内把能够拆卸掉的零件全部拆下,并归类放在不同的密封袋中。
Needs the components which can disassemble to dismantle completely in own area of competence, and classifies places in the different seal bag.
SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
3.打磨消光(The polish eliminates the gloss)用360#水砂纸把需要绘画的表面打磨消光,这样可以使漆和漆之间咬合更加牢固,顺便可以把表面的一些细微磕碰打磨平整。如果需要保留Epiphone logo,请在这个步骤中用硫酸纸把logo拓印下来。
Needs with the 360# water sandpaper the drawing the superficial polish, like this may cause between the paint and the paint the linking is more reliable, may be smooth while convenient the superficial some slight clash polish.If needs to retain Epiphone logo, please get down in this step with the parachment paper the logo rubbing.
SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
4.喷涂底漆(Spray coating primer)在喷涂之前需要把不绘画的部分用分色胶带和遮盖胶带进行遮盖,比如琴颈指板。底漆我用的是日本的浅灰色粉末状漆面底漆,目的是遮盖原图案和牢固漆面的附着力。喷涂底漆需要薄喷多次,直到图案完全被遮盖。
Before the spray coating needs carries on not the drawing part with the color separation adhesive tape and the cover adhesive tape the cover, for instance qin neck fingerplate. What the primer I use is Japan's French grey powdery paint surface primer, the goal is covers the original design and the reliable paint surface adhesion. The spray coating primer needs to spurt thinly many times, is covered completely until the design. 请问原来的emily的图是怎么弄上去的呢?
原来emily的图也是喷漆上去的,这是批量琴,厂家制作了固定的套色模板,用于大批量喷涂。 原琴图就不错呀 哦~
那模板不连续的地方也不是好做的~嘻嘻~ 请问 通体的吉他可以做彩绘么
回复 10# 黑色夜鹰 的帖子
可以呀,原理是一样的回复 9# ddelphi 的帖子
原琴的图案很简单,如果有了厂家的这个模板,制作过程很快,所以会大批量出产。这种琴一般都是以平面图案色块拼接为主,不会有很复杂的过渡色。SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
5.确定设计图(Definite design drawing)经过几天的冥想和翻阅资料,最终决定了这把琴的绘画主题-夜魔侠,也是我心中很重要的超能英雄。通过一些漫画图片的参考和修改,确定了琴身正面的设计图。(吉他的图案设计一般分为竖排式和横排式,横排式的设计更适合于演奏的观看角度。)And glances through the material after several day-long contemplation, has decided this finally guitar's drawing subject - Daredevil, is also in my heart very important ultra can the hero. Through some cartoon picture's reference and the revision, have determined the guitar positive design drawing. (guitar's pattern design divides into generally sets upright a row of type and the horizontal type-setting type, the horizontal type-setting-like design suits in performance's onlooking angle. )SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
6.琴身画稿(On guitar rough sketch)在绘画之前,我用白色的漆料覆盖了一遍浅灰色的底漆,一般漫画风格的绘画都要以白色为基础面,会使彩色漆料的颜色还原度为100%,其它风格的绘画可以直接在底漆上制作。这一步,我先用HB型号铅笔把大概的图案绘制在琴身上(如果要擦掉铅笔印记不要用普通橡皮,因为普通橡皮的硬度太大,会磨伤漆面,推荐使用可塑型软橡皮),并用黑色油性笔勾出轮廓线条(千万别用漆笔,试试你就知道了),喷出整体的黑色色块(护板的绘制同琴身的步骤一样,不同的是底漆要用树脂塑料型底漆)。
Before the drawing, I used the white the paint vehicle to cover French grey primer, generally the cartoon style's drawing must take the white as a fundamental plane, will cause the colored paint vehicle the color return to original state will be 100%, other style's drawing might manufacture directly in the primer. This step, I use the HB model pencil the first general design plan on the guitar (, if must wipe off pencil mark not to use ordinary rubber, is too big because of ordinary rubber's degree of hardness, meets damage by rubbing paint surface, recommendation use may model soft rubber), and rakes out the outline line with the black greasy pen (don't with paint pen, tried you to know), blowout whole black all kinds block(The guard shield plan is the same with guitar's step, what is different is the primer must use the resin plastic primer). 哇,大哥又来新作品了!牛啊!!!! 弄一把多少钱呀。
回复 15# okkokok 的帖子
前来观摩...也想知道彩绘一把吉他怎么收费? 去楼主的空间看了发现楼主是个才人
SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
7.琴身绘画(guitar airbrush)琴身正式绘画,按着由远至近、由简至繁的步骤逐步上色。设计图稿只是参考资料,在绘画中要进行二度创作,包括色彩的运用和造型的修饰。如果想让绘画作品有空间层次,记住四个字“近实远虚”。
The guitar official drawing, presses near by to, is coloring gradually far by the Jan Zhifan step. The design draft is only the reference, must carry on two degrees creations in the drawing, including color utilization and modelling beautification. If wants to let the pictorial representation have the spatial level, remembers four characters “near solid far empty”. 真是好手艺啊~!!!我也想弄~!一把~! 请问指板可以彩绘吗。。。。。我看到你空间的那把BC的V型琴的指板上有特殊的符号。。。。如果只是那样的绘指板。。大概需要多少钱。。。如果不方便公开。请PM
回复 24# ibanez370 的帖子
那把琴的指板图案不是彩绘上的,还是传统的镶贝技术,指板上是不能做彩绘的SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
........................................SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
琴身背面的绘画 不错,挺漂亮的 这样彩一把琴多少钱呢。。请问。。不方便请PM。。。就这把琴而言回复 31# ibanez370 的帖子
具体的价格还没有确定下来,因为包括琴头和琴颈的设计还在商讨中,因为是全琴彩绘,而且SG的护板也要进行彩绘。所以价格范围在3000-6000元。 楼主画工一流就是,请别再用google翻译您的大作了吧,语法不对的 原帖由 SARATATTOO 于 2010-1-14 14:32 发表
具体的价格还没有确定下来,因为包括琴头和琴颈的设计还在商讨中,因为是全琴彩绘,而且SG的护板也要进行彩绘。所以价格范围在3000-6000元。 的确.好手艺要比琴值钱..因为世界独一无二..加上精心制作..
回复 33# 009900 的帖子
哈哈,被识破了....回复 34# bey0nd886 的帖子
是呀,现在的彩绘群体是外国乐手、知名乐手、吉他收藏者。还有就是不用顾虑钱的问题,就是喜欢。SARA TATTOO吉他彩绘-改造Emily(详细步骤)
.............................. 有才啊。。。 我五体投地了~~~~~~~~~~ 功底不错!