楼主 |
发表于 2011-9-12 17:56:10
这把11P的琴枕和琴码都显得高,明显高于我先前的Valencia吉他,也高于Cuenca 40R。按Alhambra网站上的说法,8P-11P实际是给有一定基础的演奏者使用的,弦距高一些;1C-7P则更注重演奏的良好感觉。但我总想不通弦距高除了可以允许更大的振幅之外,还有其他什么好处。对音质应该没有什么影响吧。
Classical concert models, 8P, 9P, 10P and 11P, are used by players with a certain knowledge and level, so we use a height that let s them get the maximum features from the instrument with no inconvenience when playing. Their experience lets them get a stronger pulsation during a longer period of time. The traditional rule is: the bigger height, the stronger sound you get and, the smaller height, the better comfort (because the pressure put on the string is inferior).
(译:8P-11P是给有一定基础和级别的演奏者使用的,更注重吉他的声音表现。因此,对于这些“Concert Models”吉他,我们在不增加演奏难度的情况下,采用了较高的弦距,以获得更强的振动和更长的延响。在传统上,我们一般认为:弦距越高,演奏可获得的音量越大,弦距越低,演奏越舒适。)
However, it is important to mention that you cannot lower the strings all that you want, because there is a limit marked by buzzing problems. Alhambra classical studio guitars and for beginners have an inferior height than classical concert models, always looking for the above mentioned compromise between features and comfort according to the profile of the player buying these models.
(译:但是,在另一方面,弦距是无法任意调低的,因为低到一定限度之后,就会产生杂音。Alhambra为初学者生产的古典吉他的弦距都相对较低,而演奏级(concert models)的吉他弦距则相对较高。因此,不同型号的弦距总是针对不同演奏者的特点,在声音表现力和演奏舒适性之间寻求一种平衡。)
[ 本帖最后由 nkzmh 于 2011-9-12 18:07 编辑 ] |