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9.99999成新Marshall Vintage Modern 100W 2466 音箱头 KT66管子

发表于 2010-4-15 12:14:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9.99999成新Marshall Vintage Modern 100W 2466 音箱头。KT66 管子。


12000元包括从波士顿到国内的邮费。除非你真的非常非常感兴趣,否则请不要和我联系。也请不要来问基本的配置信息,比如有没有effect loop,有几个通道之类的,网上都有此类信息。谢谢。

参数和信息在这里 http://guitars.musiciansfriend.c ... Amp-Head?sku=480769

If you're looking for the perfect marriage of classic, vintage rocktones with modern features and levels of gain, your search is over!
The Marshall Vintage Modern 2466 Tube Amp Head isan all-valve amplifier with a choice of two dynamic ranges selectableby footswitch. The Low range equates equates to the performance youwould come to expect from a stock vintage Marshall amplifier in termsof tone and available gain. The High range adds an extra preamp valveinto the signal path, facilitating those classic hard rock tones of theseventies. Add to this the ability to dynamically interface with yourinstrument's Volume and Tone controls and the experience translatesinto a truly expressive and organic feel in performance.

Twofrequency selective Pre-amp Volumes (Gains) - Body and Detail -facilitate greater flexibility in tone shaping for individual guitarsand styles while the power amplifier is heavily influenced by the firstMarshall amplifiers to be produced, with four KT66 output valvesyielding that substantial, fat and smooth tone. A MID Boost switch onthe front panel fattens the tone even more while a traditional Marshalltone control circuit enables fine tuning of your sound.

A mastervolume has been included in order to practically manage the outputlevels at all venues. This is implemented after the phase splitter inorder to fully exploit maximum preamp drive when the master is turneddown low. A reverb level control mixes the on board plate reverb withthe direct signal to whatever degree the player chooses. The reverb canbe toggled on and off via the footswitch.

Finally, a series FXloop is provided for those players who wish to use outboard effects tofurther enhance their sound. Loop levels of —10dB and +4dB can becontrolled via a rear panel switch as well as the option to completelybypass this feature if it is not required.

The cosmetics arealso a carefully crafted hybrid of old and new styles — made even moredramatic by the deep purple vinyl that covers the entire series.
Marshall Vintage Modern 2466 Tube Amp Head Features:
  • 100-Watt valve head
  • Valve compliment: 4 x ECC83 (12AX7s) in preamp, 4 x KT66 in power amp
  • Master Volume with two Gain Controls — Detail (highs) & Body (lows)
  • Two footswitchable Dynamic Ranges — Low & High
  • Mid Boost switch
  • Footswitchable Proprietary digital Plate Reverb
  • Series FX loop with level switch and bypass
  • Made in England

[ 本帖最后由 wwyang 于 2010-4-15 12:15 编辑 ]
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