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VHT Special 6获得夏季NAMM最值得购买称号

发表于 2010-6-29 13:54:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在刚刚结束的美国夏季NAMM展上,VHT的Special 6获得了NAMM BEST OF SHOW展会最佳中"最值得购买“的称号。

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VHT Special 6设计者访谈
发表于 2010-6-29 14:46:16 | 显示全部楼层
版主来删广告了, 哈哈哈
发表于 2010-6-29 15:02:14 | 显示全部楼层
Best In Show — The best product or service that panelists saw at NAMM.
VoiceLive Touch, TC-Helicon (Selected by Zach Phillips)
Ibanez Montage, Hoshino USA (Selected by Mike Guillot)
iTab, Music Distributors Group (Selected by George Hines)
DBZ Guitars (Selected by Brian Reardon)
Keystone Series Drum Set, Ludwig Drums (Selected by Victor Salazar)
NAMM University Idea Center (Selected by Gordy Wilcher)

Gotta Stock It — A product that retailers need to stock right now, if they haven’t already got it.
VHT Special 6 Series Amps, The Music Link (Selected by Phillips)
Zoom H1, Samson Technologies (Selected by Guillot)
iRig, IK Multimedia, distributed by Hal Leonard (Selected by Hines)
V256 Vocoder Voice Pedal & Voice Box Pedal, Electro-Harmonix (Selected by Reardon)
Puresound Custom Pro Series Snare Wires, D'Addario (Selected by Salazar)
Austin Guitars, St. Louis Music (Selected by Wilcher)

Companies To Watch — Exhibitors that make a difference with trend-setting products or services.
Rock On Audio – New company with an inexpensive wired, in-ear monitor solution for musicians. (Selected by Phillips)
Yamaha Corp. of America – Attention to detail and retailers fuels Yamaha’s 50th anniversary in the United States. (Selected by Guillot)
Rapco/Horizon – Partnering with such companies as Taylor Guitars and offering inspired products, including the LTI Blox Laptop interface. (Selected by Hines)
Reverend Guitars – A great indie brand for independent retailers with high-quality and true-value pricing. (Selected by Reardon)
Remo – Innovative synthetic drumheads that mimics the feel and sound of animal skin heads. (Selected by Salazar)
Samick Guitars USA – Great designs with great price points and margins. (Selected by Wilcher)

Something Small — A great product that’s either small in price or small in size.
Planet Waves NS Capo Tuner, D'Addario (Selected by Phillips)
Uni-Stand, Hamilton Stands (Selected by Mike Guillot)
CooperStand, Coopercopia (Selected by Hines)
StoneWorks Picks (Selected by Reardon)
Rhythmic Designs by Gavin Harrison, Hal Leonard (Selected by Salazar)
John Thompson's Modern Course For The Piano/Popular Piano Solos, Willis Music (Selected by Wilcher)

但是best in show里面为何没有看到lz说的机头呢?
倒是下面有说在"Gotta Stock It" 里面有

namm这个我大体说一下吧, 这个会是展出各厂家音乐相关器材的
不过, 只有作为"商人"身份才可以去参加

"Best In Show" 是评委在namm看到最好的产品或者服务

"Gotta Stock It" 的意思是这些产品商家需要进货准备点库存, 需求量可能会更大
就好像lz说的这个机头, 现在小瓦数电子管头可是说是相当的火.marshall class 5到blackstar ht5都是走的这个路线

"Companies To Watch" 需要关注的公司, 这些公司的产品可能现在还不出名, 但是他们提供的产品或者服务以后也许会火的意思
这个我想才是namm这种会的真正含义, 挖掘一下小公司, 造福音乐人

"Something Small" 一些小东西, 如何个小法... 就类似下面说变调架阿, 拨片之类的小东西

"This year’s panelists were" 这个是评委列表, 就是最后一段, 大家就知道这些东西是谁选出来的了

大家别担心我是坏人阿, 我就是英文好一点看不管别人乱翻译东西, 哈哈哈
发表于 2010-6-29 15:10:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 16:24:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 17:25:05 | 显示全部楼层
天天发帖子 宣传这个破箱子 。
发表于 2010-6-29 17:27:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 17:33:40 | 显示全部楼层
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