The Fulltone OCD is a sparkling, harmonically rich overdrive, distortion that really makes a tube amplifier come alive! Get those cranked vintage Marshall or classic British tones at a low volumes. Features over 20dB of boost and a switchable filter.
The MI Audio Crunch Box Distortion has massive amounts of Gain for feedback and sweet sounding harmonics. With a frequency range that specializes in scooped and bumped mids, the MI Audio Crunch Box is sweet British Distortion at its best!
老实说,(不去管那个direct drive)大部分对比我没听出差别,大概和我在单位的电脑声卡和破耳机有关,不过也不一定。。。有几个对比感觉CB失真度更大一些(大概也就是说明里massive amounts of gain的体现)。