<P><BR>Naissance (2005)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>01. Birth 3:52 <BR>02. Scratch (Solo) 3:42 <BR>03. Trilogy 4:42 <BR>04. No Name for Love 3:59 <BR>05. The Little Sam 3:02 <BR>06. 2 vs. 3 5:19 <BR>07. As In the Sky 3:21 <BR>08. Illusions 3:02 <BR>09. The Springtime 3:39 <BR>10. The Groovy Guy With Long Hair Is Whistling a Nowhere Song 4:51 <BR>11. Technoguitar 3:47 <BR>12. Scratch 4:50</P>
<P><BR>下载 <A href="http://u.115.com/file/t997a4f77"><FONT color=#800080>http://u.115.com/file/t997a4f77</FONT></A><BR>Antoine_Dufour_-_Naissance_(2005).rar</P>
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<P>Development (2006)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>曲目<BR>01. Development 3:40 <BR>02. Spiritual Groove 3:53 <BR>03. Vibe 3:32 <BR>04. Melancolie Du Changement 4:26 <BR>05. Edge Of Light 3:56 <BR>06. Passage 2:44 <BR>07. Memories Of The Future 5:05 <BR>08. Wapus 3:33 <BR>09. Inspirations 4:35 <BR>10. Funky Tonk Trio 3:42</P>
<P>下载 <A href="http://u.115.com/file/t9c9e7eb6f"><FONT color=#0000ff>http://u.115.com/file/t9c9e7eb6f</FONT></A><BR>Antoine_Dufour_-_Development_(2006).rar</P>
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<P>Existence (2008)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>曲目<BR>01. 30 Minutes in London <BR>02. Song for Stephen <BR>03. Reality <BR>04. The Heart of the Matter <BR>05. The Transcendent Mountain <BR>06. Existence <BR>07. Catching the Light <BR>08. You and I <BR>09. Hiding Place for the Moon <BR>10. Mother <BR>11. The Hidden Moon <BR>12. Ashes in the Sea <BR>13. Into Your Heart</P>
<P><BR>下载 <A href="http://u.115.com/file/t9b4d3f7bb"><FONT color=#0000ff>http://u.115.com/file/t9b4d3f7bb</FONT></A><BR>Antoine_Dufour_-_Existence_(2008).rar</P>
<P><BR>Still Strings (2009) (with Tommy Gauthier)</P>
<P>01. Swing in a Round (4:23)<BR>02. Tango Agricole (6:00)<BR>03. Cathrine (5:16)<BR>04. Après le beau temps... la pluie (5:02)<BR>05. Breakdown Ross (4:44)<BR>06. Mellow Deep Art (5:05)<BR>07. Solitude (4:33)<BR>08. 6/8 d'la Belle (3:13)<BR>09. String Fusion (3:55)<BR>10. Intenso (4:01)</P>
<P>下载 <A href="http://u.115.com/file/t98bc2558"><FONT color=#0000ff>http://u.115.com/file/t98bc2558</FONT></A><BR>Antoine_Dufour_&_Tommy_Gauthier_-_Still_Strings_(2009).rar</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Convergences (2010)</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01) Lost in Your Eyes - 4:40<BR>02) To Run in a Dream - 4:19<BR>03) Spirits in the Material World - 2:04<BR>04) Paroxysm - 5:19<BR>05) In My Own Rhythms - 4:20<BR>06) En T'attendant - 5:14<BR>07) Hide and Seek - 4:30<BR>08) South Side of the Sky - 1:29<BR>09) So Little While Road - 5:11<BR>10) The Drive Within - 4:22<BR>11) Cold Day - 4:46<BR>12) Life in Technicolor - 2:35</P>
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<P><BR>下载 </P>
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