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国外媒体对Pavel Steidl大师的评论

发表于 2010-10-17 16:49:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
感谢王建国老师搜集的国外媒体的评论。 为了不改变原意,我尽量采用直译的方式简单地翻了一下,大家批评指正


"When you often go to great concerts it is inevitable to be a critical listener. Steidl`s concert astonished me with his preeminent play. The whole audience rose to its feet. It (the concert) was outstanding. His playing style is similar to John Williams but not in the way of John`s 'harmonie preetablie' and balance. His (Steidl`s) performance seemed to catch the audience`s mood of the moment consciously, included feints and could not be anticipated. He plays with a vivid expression as if he composes the music/pieces."
(Gendai Guitar No. 427 August 2000)


"Pavel Steidl played this time with a wonderful Staufer instead of the no less wonderful The Staufer is of a quality to destroy all reservations about old instruments-if they all be like this, and if the people who play them could all be as sensitive as Steidl, we all revise our preconceptions................."
(Classical Guitar 1996)
“帕维尔这次演奏用的是完美的Staufer吉他来代替与之相媲美的Fisher-Rubio吉他。Staufer具有摧毁旧吉他所有保留特色的品质。如果他们都像这样,如果弹奏这个乐器的人都能像Steidl一样敏感(地演奏此琴),我们就会改变我们的成见......."    (这段楞是没看懂)

"This is the artist suitable to play Caprices by Legnani and the Bardenkl?nge by Mertz. He provides the extra's that are suitable for these works, to make sure that the greatest moments become: good taste, generosity, imagination, the moving emotion of a vibrato that touches the heart of melody in the right way, and always that legato that interchanges all the time, but does so coherently. Pavel Steidl provides the repertoire for guitar with his incomparable solemn fashion: In his own manner he is able to pick this dissonance and to give us the opportunity to breathe it, to make us able to experience all the life that is there in this manner of playing the harmony that welcomes us, the firm melodies, the original and stimulating rhythm, this tempestuous and and enthusiastic virtuosity, that joy and humour that are part of him and make him so lively in his extra's: un r`egal !"
(Les Cahires de LA GUITARE 1995)

(Les Cahires de LA 吉他 1995)

"Here was a guitarist who knew how to laugh with the music and share the joke with his audience. But behind the entertainer lies a serious artiet, whose extended composition in memory of Jana Obrovska proved fully capable of stirring emotions at the other end of the scale. Never was a standing ovation more richly deserved. Pavel Steidl had won the hearts and minds of a capacity crowd."
(Classical guitar magazine)

“他是一位知道如何用他的音乐来笑并与他的观众分享这种(玩)笑的吉他演奏家。这种谈笑皆音乐的表演的背后却展现了一位严肃的艺术家。他对作品《纪念Jana Obrovska》的创作延伸证明了他那激起音乐另一端强烈感情的能力。从来没有哪一位演奏家的演出比帕维尔更(有资格)当之无愧地接受观众的起立鼓掌了。帕维尔Steidl赢得了满场观众的心。

"Legnani's 36 Caprices are uniquely adventurous, varied and technically demanding nineteeth-century repertory, hence their neglect by today's recording (and even concert) players. The two movement Fantasia is on a comparable level. It is impossible to overpraise Steidl's recording on a copy of a period guitar, one to be treasured. J.D."
(GRAMOPHONE November 1998)

"By great artist I mean on this occasion Pavel Steidl. I choose my words carefully. I have listened to too many great violinists and great pianists not to know a great guitarist when I hear one. The fact that Pavel Steidl is modest, cheerful, friendly and likable and the perfect guest at a festival should not blind anyone to his true value. Sooner or later the world is going to find him out, and his fees will rise to impossible levels. Buy this record and listen to it. If you can learn to phrase like that, you will have made a real contribution to the guitar. It shouldn't be beyond a normal musical intelligence. But no one can make anyone play like Steidl. It is enough that Steidl Plays like Steidl."
Colin Cooper (about N. Coste recording 2000)

"Steidl plays with a quasi-improvisational flexibility in all of the works here and emphasizes the showy aspects of Mertz's style over its lyrical introspection (though the latter is not neglected). He varies his tempos to an extraordinary degree, taking risks that most conservatory-trained players of modern instruments would be too cautious to try. There are rhetorically exaggerated grand pauses, impetuous accelerandos, hushed turns inward, and even some unnotated special effects (like the rubbed strings). The result is invigorating, breathing life into works that can easily become tedious. There is not a single dull moment on the program - a remarkable achievement with this repertory."
(American Record Guide 2004)

发表于 2010-10-17 17:19:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-10-17 19:25:46 | 显示全部楼层
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