就在几天前,我跟美国朋友聊起2011NAMM上yngwie的签名箱头是不是会按计划推出时,还尚无任何明确消息,并且通过一个marshall参展代理大人打听都没有任何消息,因为前阵子slash的签名箱头忙于运作,都麻木了, 后来又通过多位marshall内部人士打探,也没有得到任何肯定的答复! 没想到,就在刚才,marshall给了我们一个惊喜,yngwie签名款Marshall箱头YJM100面世! 如此看来,之前那些人还真是守口如瓶,不到最后一刻死也不说啊.
这一款YJM100箱头, 是基于1959 PLEXI箱头制作的, 目前由于还没有正事上市,所以尚不知道内部线路结构和原版有多大的差异,对此我表示很遗憾.
惯常来说, marshall的签名箱头都不是很完美的遵守原版,哎............ 此外, 这个箱头按照1959 plexi的原型而不是JMP1987来制作也很让我吃惊,看来,
yngwie在让粉丝追求他的音色上还是有所保留, 非常的不厚道.
从图上来看, 前面板还是很好的延续了JMP系的风格, 仅仅只将左边的JMP修改成了YJM, 完全可以接受
不过后面板就真的太难以接受了.五个诡异的旋钮看着就像私人手工修改常见的那种样子....好吧. 让我们来一一盘点这5个旋钮的功能.
1:后面板有一个boost功能,含有volume和gain两个控制,---注: 应该是内置了dod250/yjm308或类似的单块电路, 也就是说, 箱头直接整合了一个boost功能的单块. 好吧, 这设计我表示:很2很傻很天真,想当年,RHINO YJM50 BLACK STAR的箱头--也是yngwie签名款,由rhino公司生产,也是同样的思路,和这个如出一辙, 这个设计也在我与yngwie前经理人的交流中反复讨论,结果都是,marshall给他出签名箱头依然逃不出这个路线,否则也就没有什么出品的必要. 这一思路也在JCM800 KK签名款中得到体现.
2:后面板有一个noise gate的threshold控制旋钮---你可以闭着眼睛想,嗯,这就是boss的ns2, 好吧. YY更健康!
3:后面板有一个studio级别的数字混响的volume控制旋钮---我实在不明白啊,这世界变化快, studio级别....不知道是农村studio还是LA studio.
注:以上1234功能都可以使用脚踏板控制来调整. 该踏板有售........价格不详.
5:有个按钮,按下去之后从100瓦变成50瓦, ---燃烧吧,后级管...........
6:内置一个超强无级变速的功率衰减功能,使得后级输出功率从100%到0.01%之间任意变化,没有档位,完全靠手感去调, 这个功能可以配合5使用,也就是说,当按下按钮从100瓦变成50瓦时,功率衰减可以最大是50瓦,最小是0.05瓦,还可以变化在两者中间任何一个值.---吐血了,这功能....
7:后面板有指示灯显示后级4根管子是哪一个坏了,据我猜测和推断,该处应该是后面板MARSHLL字样右边的4个led灯那里, 这个功能可以明确指出工作不正常的后级管子是哪个,方便维护.
8:后级管子自调整偏压功能, 这个也在slash签名款箱头上出现了,看来是marshall的新科技------这个很实用,方便各类电子小白的使用.
yngwie的推广广告词:“I can't say enough about my love for the sound, feel and look of the wall of Marshall's. Since I was 10 years old, I’ve insisted on having them behind me at all times,” the guitarist reveals. “I must have had every amp company in the world ask me to endorse them, over the years. To finally have my own signature Marshall is an honor and this amp is truly a master piece!”
How does Malmsteen sums up the YJM100? “Vintage look and sound, with incredible versatility and features. Remember you can't buy just one!”
1-8的英文原文在此,没有逐字逐句的死翻, 添加了很多我的个人解释,不然很多对设备不熟悉的朋友看的不是很明白.
Based on the power and tone of the “Holy Grail” 1959 Plexi head, the YJM100 offers the ultimate Neo-Classical amp with the following cutting edge features:
Footswitchable* Boost with controls for Volume and Gain on the rear panel.
Footswitchable* Noise Gate with rear panel Threshold control.
Footswitchable* studio quality Digital Reverb with rear panel Level control.
Footswitchable* Series FX Loop
Half power switch which takes the output power from 100W to 50W when engaged.
Built-in, infinitely variable Attenuator control which can take the output stage from 100% to 0.01% and anywhere in-between, while retaining the all-important tone and feel of the all-valve power section. This means the output power can be reduced to a staggering low of 0.05 Watts when in 50W power mode.
Valve Failure Circuitry: meaning that if one of the output valves develops a fault, a visual indicator on the rear of the amplifier shows which one is working incorrectly. This “roadie friendly feature” will save valuable time getting the amplifier back up and running again, should a valve failure occur.
Self-biasing circuitry to ensure proper power valve operation each time valves are changed.
*NOTE: A four-way Footcontroller (PEDL-00046) comes supplied with the YJM100,
就这么多........目前就这, 就这.
[ 本帖最后由 zhangbowst 于 2011-1-8 06:31 编辑 ] |