在技术上,Tommy已经是一个不可逾越的丰碑了,他令人高山仰止,不是一般的高,视频中不也称他为“Greatest acoustic guitarist on the planet” 吗(这个星球上最伟大的原声吉他手)?而文化上,中国的吉他人也不可能比这个“上帝与之同在”的澳大利亚人更接近欧美主流了(在圣经中,Tommy的姓氏EMMANUEL是“上帝与我们同在”的意思,而吉他是西洋乐器,不是中国传统乐器),可即便这样,在世界的流行音乐中,还不能成为一个主要的角色,这值得中国的吉他人去深思和改变。另外中国吉他如何才能在世界上有自己的声音? 这同样需要所有的吉他人去思考。黄家伟老师曾提到过吉他的中国风是让世界听到中国吉他声音的唯一途径,黄老师的责任感令人钦佩,且对吉他人对中国传统文化、借鉴中国传统乐器都提出了更高的要求。不过无论如何,翻弹都是没有出路的,一定要创新,即便充满荆棘。
附:圣经中马太福音原文:"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us." Emmanuel 和Immanuel这两个词意思相同,见:http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_Immanuel_and_Emmanuel
What is the difference between Immanuel and Emmanuel?
Immanuel is derived from the Hebrew word "Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14). "Emmanuel" is derived from the Greek word in the New Testament (Matthew 1:23). Both spellings mean "God with us". Both spellings are correct.
Remember that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, a language that did not have vowels (e.g. 'e' or 'i'). So when the Hebrew was translated into Greek (i.e. the Septuagint), the translators rendered the Greek "Emmanuel" based on pronunciation not on a particular spelling. Later when the Hebrew vowel were added by Masoretic scholars, a vowel was added which modern scholars typically render as an 'i' rather than an 'e.'
It is important to keep in mind that many ancient languages did not have fixed spellings, but instead spelled words based upon their sound. This was the problem that led Noah Webster to create the dictionary, to establish in America a standard spelling.
[ 本帖最后由 00后少年吉他手 于 2011-6-7 20:13 编辑 ] |