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一封来自Klon Centaur设计者Bill Finnegan的2011年6月26日的回信

发表于 2011-6-27 23:24:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


下面转的是一封Klon  Centaur Centaur设计者Bill Finnegan的2011年6月26日的回信:

I received this response today from Bill regarding my request to get on the list:

Hi -
Thanks for your inquiry.
As of this date, June 10, 2011, the re-design of the original
Klon overdrive unit - the out-of-production and hopefully
never-to-be-back-in-production Centaur - is done. The new unit
will be produced, according to my specifications and detailed
instructions, by a contract manufacturing firm that specializes
in the production of guitar pedals; I am now waiting to receive
from them pre-production prototypes so I can verify that they
have gotten all of the important and also unimportant (to
everyone but me) details right.
My expectation, after nearly two years of very challenging
analysis and design work, is that the new unit will have the
same sound as the old one did, or perhaps ever-so-slightly
better sound; everything else about it, however, will be different.
As I did with the production Centaur units, I will be listening to
each and every one of the new production units to make sure,
before boxing it up and shipping it, that is is up to my standards.
As yet I do not have a firm date for availability of the new unit,
and as yet I also do not have the information I will need to determine
its retail price, so it seems sensible for the time being not to create
a waiting list or accept pre-orders. It may well be that I won't have
the money to pay for the design of a new Klon website until sometime
after the unit is available, so there is probably no point in checking
the site - www.klon-siberia.com - for updates; I will get the word out,
though, when I am ready to begin accepting orders, and unless I am
mistaken the word will spread quickly via the various online forums.
Thanks for your patience, and rest assured that I am working long and
hard to bring the unit out as soon as possible.
Bill Finnegan
From this correspondence it seems clear that Bill is saying that some of the Centaur units were production units too. Is that how anyone else reads this?
For clarification the email from Bill did not have any items in bold print. I made the text bold to illustrate why I have a question about past Centaurs.

以下是Bill Finnegan的回信原话:简短的说(不逐句翻译了):

     Bill Finnegan:

     新的Klon Centaur根据他给的详细规格,已经交付专业制造吉他效果器的工厂生产了,但是Bill Finnegan目前还没有收到样机,他也在等待工厂预生产的New Klon Centaur样机中............!

     他此次经过近两年艰辛的,而且极具挑战的对Klon Centaur进行了重新分析和设计工作。新的Klon Centaur将会具有和老的Klon Centaur一样甚至更好的声音,当然也会有些不同之处!(PS:要完全一样的话,还重新分析设计干嘛,那不是,吃多撑得慌了..

     目前为止,我还没有为NEW Klon Centaur确定以后的订购供货日期,而且新Klon Centaur的价格还没有定,但未来的Klon Centaur将是一个合理的价格,我没有钱去为新的Klon Centaur支付银子新的网站设计,所以将继续更新沿用老的网址。

[ 本帖最后由 伤感吉普车 于 2011-6-28 00:19 编辑 ]
发表于 2011-6-27 23:38:40 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-28 00:14:34 | 显示全部楼层
Klon Centau.jpg

发表于 2011-6-28 00:22:22 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-18 23:14:03 | 显示全部楼层

06-17-2011, 08:40 PM

Hi guys -

Several people who have posted on this thread have either speculated or stated that, in clean-boost mode, with the germanium diodes and indeed the entire main gain stage of the circuit out of the signal path, a purported clone of my pedal in terms of circuitry should or will sound just like the original. It's certainly possible, and maybe even likely, that a purported clone in clean-boost mode could sound very similar to my original set up the same way, but you should know that there are a good number of things the would-be cloner would have to do right - in terms of component selection, board layout, etc. - to truly realize the same results. As I learned again and again during the arduous process of designing the Centaur in the early 1990s, and as I have been re-learning during the arduous process of designing the new unit during the past two years, there are any number of ways to do something in particular not quite as well as it can be done; some of these little mistakes, and the sonic shortcomings they result in, may not be all that audible as single, stand-alone mistakes, but if you make enough of them you will almost certainly end up with something noticeably not as good as it might have been. Good design takes time and hard work, and for me anyway it seems to take an inordinate amount of time and hard work.

Regarding the results you can get using the Centaur to provide some dirt - and the results you'll be able to get using the new unit to provide some dirt - I can tell you that some pretty exceptional guitar players, including a few who are particularly known for their dirty sounds, have used the unit this way both live and in the studio, and been pleased with what it's given them. The key is to really use the unit as an overdrive - hitting the front end of your amp with a hotter signal than that with the unit off - and not as a same-level-on-or-off distortion unit. Different amps have different input-stage headroom characteristics, of course, so what you're looking to do is find out exactly how hard you need to hit the front end of your amp to get it to give up the good stuff; generally speaking, the Output setting on the unit should be above 11:00, and often settings in the noon-to-2:00 range work well. At a soundcheck once I saw a guy get a mindblowing sound using a Centaur to drive a 1970s Orange Overdrive Special (I think it was an 80-watter), and these were his settings on the unit: Gain around 2:00, Treble around 11:00, and Output DIMED. The old Oranges - like traditional Hiwatts, some Ampegs, etc. - have a lot of input-stage headroom, so I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised by what was coming out of the amp, but it was a sound I will never forget. Understand, though, that the actual volume coming out of the amp - whether high, low, or medium - is not at all important to getting the results the unit is capable of as an overdrive: what matters is your ability to figure out exactly how best to push the amp's front end.

Bill Finnegan

[ 本帖最后由 伤感吉普车 于 2011-7-18 23:19 编辑 ]
发表于 2011-7-18 23:19:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-8-26 21:33:21 | 显示全部楼层
老的 有爱啊…… 老的要多少……
发表于 2011-8-27 00:29:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-18 14:44:41 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-15 22:06:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-8-15 22:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
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