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发表于 2011-8-10 12:32:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/ar ... sis-gear-guide.html
根据这篇著名的Noel Gallagher设备分析,Noel现在用Fender Blues Junior进Marshall或者Hiwatt的箱体,配上TS-9,Line 6 DL-4之类的效果器,但是我始终找不到一块Noel所使用的失真或者过载效果器,(TS-9没错,但是TS-9这么绅士的过载,怎么可能实现Noel那种音色呢?多数只是被Noel用来做个激励吧)。Fender Blues Junior我用过,Master和Volume全部开到最大的过载,加上TS-9,也不可能有这种音色,再加上不可能开到最大,毕竟还要串DL-4,肯定多数用的清音咯~~~
于是我就仔细再看了下,貌似在一张设备图片里面,还出现了Vox AC50的箱头,难道这个是关键?用的Vox AC50箱头的过载配上一些周边和前面推个TS-9,然后再进Fender Blues Junior,然后再进箱体?这套逻辑成立吗?是不是太繁琐了一些呢?

请高人来指点一下吧~~~我的意思其实是想明白,这个音色的关键究竟是在配上效果器的Fender Blues Junior还是Vox AC50箱头自己的过载音色呢?

发表于 2011-8-10 13:34:02 | 显示全部楼层
Getting The Noel Gallaghet Current Tone:
Getting a basic Noel-like setup won't be that expensive, really. Go for a Fender Blues Junior, into aMarshall MG412 cab, which is not as good as the more expensive Marshall cabs, but should do the Job if you want to keep things cheap - this setup would cost just a bit more than a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, for instance! The Blues Junior is a fantastic little amp, especially when you select the "fat" mode - nice crunchy tube tone...into a cab, it usually sounds amazing.
So do that, and get some of the usual Noel Gallagher pedals...starting with the TS-9 Tubescreamer, of course, and use a semi-acoustic guitar

在下面的代用品指南里看,似乎只要Blues Junior的fat档加 TS-9 Tubescreamer,就功德圆满了
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