已通过安全检测:杀毒软件:KV2005版本号:9.00.607病毒库日期:2006-2-1常在服务器:Razorback2在线时间:0900~2200超级全面的吉他和弦书这本图解和弦百科全书,全是和泫的图表,还有在六线谱里的位置,五线谱的音符音高。还有和弦名称的各种叫法。虽然我们国内也出版过类似的图书,但是这本绝对堪称武林秘籍,为什么这么说?因为他收集的和弦多达2600多种。全面的照片+讲解~~分类详细! 他的特点就是:1。全面-具体---------[你不用在买其他类似的书籍]2。含概各种风格-----[很多爵士乐里少见的和弦也都记录在册]3。安排合理----------[本书和弦排列的合理,很容易就能找到您需要的东西]4。有新异------------[这也是针对我们的观念来说的。书里大三小三和弦的篇幅很少,大多都是运用起来很好听的替代和弦,有的几个和弦,你随便连接起来演奏,就成了一个作品的动机雏形] 出版发行: Hal Leonard Corporation The most comprehensive guitar chord resource ever! Beginning with helpful notes on how to use the book, how to choose the best voicings and how to construct chords, this extensive, 264-page source for all playing styles and levels features five easy-to-play voicings of 44 chord qualities for each of the twelve musical keys - 2,640 chords in all! For each, there is a clearly illustrated chord frame, as well as an actual photo of the chord being played! Includes info on basic fingering principles, open chords and barre chords, partial chords and broken-set forms, and more. Great for all guitarists!