Gibson Custom Shop 50th Anniversary Les Paul Standard 1960 Reissue Pilot Run Pre-Production Version 3!!!
这琴从字面意思上解释就是:Gibson R0、50th周年纪念、试飞(Pilot Run)、试制(Pre-Production)、第三版(Version 3)。
这是2010年,也就是R0元年出厂50周年之际,Gibson为其出的特别限量纪念版,所谓“试制”或者“试飞”我觉得就是再现了50年前Gibson Les Paul 1960款的实验和制作的全过程。
此50th周年纪念款Pilot Run Pre-Production系列,一共分为3个版本,Version 1、Version 2、Version 3。这三个版本一共只生产了500支,每个版本大概160-170支。
Version 1:有着与R9的一模一样的外型,R9的琴颈尺寸(1959 rounded neck profile),但是编号按照R0来编,属于当年实验从R9向R0转变的开始一版,实验的第一个阶段。颜色分为2种:Cherry Sunburst Gloss与Heritage Dark Burst Gloss
Version 2:有着接近R9的外形,琴颈尺寸是R9向R0过渡的中间尺寸(1960 neck profile 0.8~0.925"英寸),属于当年实验阶段的中期过渡版本,实验的第二阶段。颜色分为2种:Light Ice Tea Burst Gloss与Sunset Tea Gloss
Version 3:就是大家通常所见的R0的外形,琴颈也是真正R0的尺寸和手感(1960 thin taper neck profile 0.790~0.865"英寸),属于实验最终的版本,就是大家常见的R0的最终摸样。颜色只有一种:60's Cherry Burst Gloss
今天我这把,正是Version 3。R0的实验最终版,绝对绝对不可多得!
本人对此琴亲身感受:非常的赞!首先是手感超好,相对其它R系列来讲有着更合适亚洲人手型的尺寸。声音上没有一点儿混重的感觉,声线非常清晰!层次感很强!我同时拿了普通R7 普通R8 还有这把R60三个琴来体验,直观的感受就是他的声音比他的外表更加的出类拔萃。确实配得上他的身价!一点儿没有夸张,如果有机会欢迎各界朋友过来体验。
配置表 Features
·Top: carved figured maple
·Back: solid mahogany
·Binding: single-ply, cream
·Body type: non-chambered
·Average weight: 6.5 lb.
·Neck joint: mortise & tenon
·Neck joint angle tolerance: ±005"
·1960's Slim Taper
·Wood: Rosewood
·Number of frets: 22
·Radius: 12"
·Material: nylon 6/6
·Width: 1-11/16
·Slots: cut by PLEK system
·Inlay: mother-of-pearl
·Logo: period-correct Gibson logo with "Les Paul model" silkscreened in gold
·Truss rod cover: vintage truss rod cover
·Model: vintage tulips
·Plating: nickel-plated body with Alphatic resin
·Tuning ratio: 12:1
·Type: Tune-o-matic (ABR-1)
·Material: zinc surrounded by nickel alloy
·Plating: polished nickel
·Type: stop bar
·Material: aluminum
·Plating: lightweight nickel
·Knobs: gold top hats with silver inserts/top
·Pickguard: reissue cream
·Toggle switch washer: cream with gold silkscreen
·Strings: .010 to .046, vintage style strings
·Strap buttons: aluminum Gibson end pins
·Neck position: burstbucker 1 – mounted with slotted screws
·Bridge position: burstbucker 2 – mounted with slotted screws
·Magnet material: alnico ii
·Type: 500k audio taper
·Coil wiring: parallel-machine wound
·Toggle switch: Switchcraft axial toggle with vintage plastic tip
·Output jack: 1/4" Switchcraft
·Version 3 '60s Cherry burst
·Sealer: nitrocellulose lacquer
·Type: Custom Shop
·Case exterior: black pleather
·Case interior: maroon crushed velvet
QQ:736473242(注明:来自GC买XX琴) Tel:18622208077
[ 本帖最后由 huiwai 于 2012-2-25 01:05 编辑 ] |