版主先生,您的意见我十分理解。 不过就我个人来看,我的言论并未构成任何的人生攻击,只是一种互相交流信息与看法,其中不含有对他人的人格侮辱与诽谤。 在我看来古典吉他是神圣的,为了让更多人能了解吉他,我们要把吉他最好的一面展示出来,而不是........。 反而吉小二老师的发言言及我做人方面失败属于诽谤和人格侮辱,而且言辞带有强烈的倚老卖老的味道,并未摆出什么事实来驳斥我的观点。 A BBS should be a place which enjoys the highest personal statement right,isn't it?
The human right to speak is interfered by "political" power of the "rule" guided bbs,
fogive me i am just joking
Human right? Do you really understand the relationship between human right and rules of our bbs, or the difference between your right to speak and my "power" of implementing rules of bbs, or your right to speak and others' right not to be hurt?
Human right? Do you really understand the relationship between human right and rules of our bbs, or the difference between your right to speak and my "power" of implementing rules of bbs, or your right to speak and others' right not to be hurt?
Exactly! the freedom of speech would never be the random of abuse
Stop here! Here is a chinese BBS,not everone use English as usually as the floor in front of me! So someone can't be understand each other clearly! Now ,stop here! Use chingese! If youwant to be a hotdog ,you can speak more English here,though English si very important!