品牌: |
1 |
型号: |
1 |
成色: |
7成新 |
数量: |
1 |
价格: |
680 |
详细描述: |
出多年收集的音乐资料CD+VCD+DVD 680元都拿走包邮
原盘DVD CD VCD 总共60多张 算60张(6.5公斤) 6块一张 360
刻盘4快一张80多张 算80张(2公斤) 320
加一起还是个吉利数 880元 包邮 东西很重邮费也得小100.所以杀价的就别来了有诚意的想好了加q说一声 给你淘宝链接
刻盘VCD:dreamtheater newyork\dreamtheater tokyo\DT MV \great white MTV\guns N rose 毁灭欲\MRbig live
fransic\Ibanez show\dreamtheater 2000live ×2\steve vai live korea ×2\megadeth rude awakening ×2\G&R ×2\
skid row live\ extreme L.A \yngwei 交响乐\joe satriani LA ×3\night wish live\ steve vai live london ×3
\steve vai MTV\steve vai 98 show\steve vai japen 97\steve vai 85×2\steve vai 92 ×2\steve vai 88 ×2\steve
vai in david lee roth 87 ×2\steve vai in zappa 81 ×2\eagles 94 ×2\
原盘CD:dreamtheater a change of season\ faling into infinity\metallica ×2\steve vai ×4\metalica\
COB ×2\DT ×5\def\petrucci and jordoss\eric clapton\ magedath\nightwish\whight snake\jimi\
joe satriani ×2\marty freedom\其他风格12
原盘vcd:vanhalen live ×2\ G3 live 96\ deeppurple ×2 \joe live LA ×2 \yngwei live in japen ×2\
metalica 交响乐 ×2\fender 纪念\ skid row \great white\ gary moore\ bbking\ eric clapton ×2\paul guobert
×2\pentra ×2
原盘dvd:G3\ vai in london\SRV\DT in bodken\jimi 传记 |
姓名: |
1 |
电话: |
1 |
QQ: |
13716938 |
电子邮件: |
商品所在地: |
北京 |
是否中介: |
否 |
付款方式: |
中介 支付宝 银行汇款 |
出多年收集的音乐资料CD+VCD+DVD 680元都拿走包邮
原盘DVD CD VCD 总共60多张 算60张(6.5公斤) 6块一张 360
刻盘4快一张80多张 算80张(2公斤) 320
加一起还是个吉利数 880元 包邮 东西很重邮费也得小100.所以杀价的就别来了有诚意的想好了加q说一声 给你淘宝链接
刻盘VCD:dreamtheater newyork\dreamtheater tokyo\DT MV \great white MTV\guns N rose 毁灭欲\MRbig live
fransic\Ibanez show\dreamtheater 2000live ×2\steve vai live korea ×2\megadeth rude awakening ×2\G&R ×2\
skid row live\ extreme L.A \yngwei 交响乐\joe satriani LA ×3\night wish live\ steve vai live london ×3
\steve vai MTV\steve vai 98 show\steve vai japen 97\steve vai 85×2\steve vai 92 ×2\steve vai 88 ×2\steve
vai in david lee roth 87 ×2\steve vai in zappa 81 ×2\eagles 94 ×2\
原盘CD:dreamtheater a change of season\ faling into infinity\metallica ×2\steve vai ×4\metalica\
COB ×2\DT ×5\def\petrucci and jordoss\eric clapton\ magedath\nightwish\whight snake\jimi\
joe satriani ×2\marty freedom\其他风格12
原盘vcd:vanhalen live ×2\ G3 live 96\ deeppurple ×2 \joe live LA ×2 \yngwei live in japen ×2\
metalica 交响乐 ×2\fender 纪念\ skid row \great white\ gary moore\ bbking\ eric clapton ×2\paul guobert
×2\pentra ×2
原盘dvd:G3\ vai in london\SRV\DT in bodken\jimi 传记 |