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金属支流Dark Tranquillity 全集!

发表于 2012-4-18 09:52:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P> 01.jpg </P>
<P>俗称哥登堡之声的NWOSDM(New Wave Of Swedish Death Metal),并以Dark Tranquility、In Flames、At The Gates为首在90年代中叶叱咤风云,融合北欧民族的哀愁情怀以及民谣元素,撷取死亡金属之暴力性格创造出音乐个性强烈的金属支流,力与美的完美共存,可说是金属乐界的重要创举。<BR>经过长期的磨合,1993年,D.T.终于在芬兰厂牌Spinefarm旗下发行了乐队的第一张正式专辑Skydancer(空 舞者)。这一时期的D.T.在歌词创作方面都是由Sundin,Stanne两人包办,受英国浪漫诗人雪莱,拜伦的影响比 较大,而音乐方面,残忍攻击下所不能掩盖的凄美忧郁气质更形成了D.T.独树一帜的非线性结构。这种旋律化的 死亡金属开始引起整个斯堪的纳维亚金属圈的瞩目,并纷纷效仿,直至后来形成NWoSDM(New Wave of Swedish Death Metal)。  </P>
<P>95年的EP—Of Chaos and Eternal Night(混沌和长夜)将这种风格延续并固定下来,这时候的旋律死亡已 经可以单独作为一种音乐类型来讨论了。随后D.T.改签了法国的厂牌Osmose Productions,而主唱Anders Friden由于音乐方面以及对自己在乐队中的位置问题与乐队发生摩擦,最终离开了D.T.去了另一支大腕级乐队 IN FLAMES,不过这些小小的不愉快随着时间的推移都不值一提(Sundin后来甚至也为IN FLAMES写一些歌词)。 乐队原本的吉他手Mikael Stanne摇身一&nbsp; 乐队成员变专门司职主唱,新的吉他手Fredrik Johansson加入乐队。同年发行 了专辑The Gallery(画廊),这是一张更加成熟的专辑,Osmose出色的宣传工作使得这张专辑得以为更多人所了 解,多年以后直到今天这张专辑仍旧被很多人奉为Melodic Death Metal的不朽经典。  </P>
<P>通过96年的EP,Enter Suicidal Angels(自毁天使)以及97年的专辑The Mind's I(精神的眼睛),D.T.变得 更加阴郁,内敛。Sundin逐渐减少了参与歌词的创作,大部分由主唱Stanne完成,所围绕的主题也更加透入事 物的消极面:绝望,自厌,沮丧,毁灭的情绪深深地根植于其中。The Mind's I中的歌曲虽然更加短小紧凑, D.T.的标志性气质却有过之而无不及,而其CD封面混沌般的构思更是交杂着各种晦涩的隐喻,就像是将精神分 裂症病人脑海中的图像影印在CD上一般。  98年底的时候,新专辑Projector(放映机)业已录制完毕,不过在它发行之前乐队内部发生了一点人员变动 ,吉他手Fredrik Johansson由于各种原因离开,还是本着就近原则,原贝司手Martin Henriksson转为吉他手 ,他的空缺后来为Michael Niklasson填补。另外新专辑中采用了大量的键盘,于是键盘手Martin Brandstrom 作为正式成员加入到了乐队中来。接下来就是发行的问题了,由于这张专辑相对D.T.以往的作品要"柔"了许多 ,显然由Osmose发行这样一张专辑是不明智的举动,这对双方都没什么好处,于是99年D.T.与Osmose Productions心平气和的分手了。经过一番谈判,乐队成功地与Century Media Records签约,并在全世界范围 内发行了这张具有转折意义的唱片。  </P>
<P>D.T.的音乐从它诞生之日起就从未停止过探索求新,正如他们在90年代初期所作的那样,不过这次是 NWoSDM面临同样境地。而D.T.凭借这张多元化立体层次的专辑,再次走在了时间的前面,它不仅是D.T.对自己 的挑战,也是对听众的一次考验。Projector再次获得巨大的成功,它甚至为乐队赢得了瑞典格莱美奖的提名。 而随后与IN FLAMES,CHILDREN OF BODOM,ARCH ENEMY联合进行的欧洲巡回演出更是将D.T.完全变成了一只"地 上"乐队。由于乐队最早由Spinefarm发行的两张唱片受发行渠道的限制而比较难于找到,新东家CM特意制作了 一张合集,将早期那两张的内容一网打尽,新瓶装旧酒,不赚白不赚。  </P>
<P>2000年,D.T.乘胜推出全新专辑Haven(避风港),制作人仍旧是上张专辑为他们带来成功的Fredrik Nordstrom。Sundin也再次展示了他作为职业图形设计师的专长,为专辑设计了封面。可以说Haven是上一张专 辑成功的延续,D.T.对这种风格已然是驾轻就熟,掌握的不温不火。期间乐队还参加了瑞士的Prattein音乐节 ,意大利的Gods Of Metal音乐节,并与IN FLAMES,SENTENCED,TO DIE FOR欧洲巡演。由于Century Media的 强大实力,D.T.的足迹得以继续延伸到世界各地,土耳其,日本,墨西哥,都曾留下他们的声音。 </P>
<P> 2002年,最新专辑Damage Done问世,对于习惯了上两张专辑柔和之风的歌迷来讲,此回又要有些吃惊了, 新专辑变得更快更重,甚至连D.T.以前惯用的清音唱腔都一点儿不留,虽不及当年那么生猛,却似乎是另一种 返璞归真。  D.T.就是这样,总是出人意料,随心所欲的变化着,他们的音乐强烈而旋律,复杂且充满创造性,诡变又 不脱离本质,实令人叹为观止。他们的内容可以涉及宗教,艺术,心理学,各种意识形态,甚至量子物理,混 沌理论。唯一不变的就是他们对音乐的热情,这种热情让D.T.的探索永无止境,创新永不停息</P>
<P>1993 - Skydancer</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01 - Nightfall By The Shore of Time02 - Crimson Winds03 - A Bolt of Blazing Gold04 - In Tears Bereaved05 - Skywards06 - Through Ebony Archways07 - Shadow Duet08 - My Faeryland Forgotten09 - Alon</P>
<P><BR>1995 - The Gallery</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01 - Punish My Heaven02 - Silence, And The Firmament Withdrew03 - Edenspring04 - The Dividing Line05 - The Gallery06 - The One Brooding Warning07 - Midway Through Infinity08 - Lethe09 - The Emptiness From Which I Fed10 - Mine Is The Grandeur11 - ...of Melancholy Burning12 - Bringer of Torture (Kreator Cover) (Bonus Track)13 - Sacred Reich (Sacred Reich Cover) (Bonus Track)14 - 22 Acacia Avenue (Iron Maiden Cover) (Bonus Track)15 - Lady In Black (Mercyful Fate Cover) (Bonus Track)16 - My Friend of Misery (Metallica Cover) (Bonus Track)</P>
<P><BR>1997 - The Mind's I</P>
<P><BR>曲目<BR>01 - Dreamlore Degenerate02 - Zodijackyl Light03 - Hedon04 - Scythe, Rage And Roses05 - Constant06 - Dissolution Factor Red07 - Insanity's Crescendo08 - Still Moving Sinews09 - Atom Heart 243.510 - Tidal Tantrum11 - Tongues12 - The Mind's Eye</P>
<P>1999 - Projector</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01 - Freecard02 - Therein03 - Undo Control04 - Auctioned05 - To A Bitter Halt06 - The Sun Fired Blanks07 - Nether Novas08 - Day To End09 - Dobermann10 - On Your Time</P>
<P>2000 - Haven</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01 - The Wonders At Your Feet02 - Not Built To Last03 - Indifferent Suns04 - Feast of Burden05 - Haven06 - The Same07 - Fabric08 - Ego Drama09 - Rundown10 - Emptier Still11 - At Loss For Words</P>
<P>2002 - Damage Done</P>
<P><BR>曲目<BR>01 - Final Resistance02 - Hours Passed In Exile03 - Monochromatic Stains04 - Single Part of Two05 - The Treason Wall06 - Format C - For Cortex07 - Damage Done08 - Cathode Ray Sunshine09 - The Enemy10 - I, Deception11 - White Noise - Black Silence12 - Ex Nihilo</P>
<P>2004 - Exposures - In Retrospect And Denial</P>
<P>曲目<BR>CD I<BR>01 - Static02 - The Poison Well03 - Misery In Me04 - In Sight05 - Cornered06 - No One07 - Exposure08 - Yesterworld09 - Unfurled By Dawn10 - Midwinter - Beyond Enlightment11 - Vernal Awakening12 - Void of Tranquillity<BR>CD II (Live Damage)</P>
<P>01 - The Wonders At Your Feet02 - The Treason Wall03 - Hedon04 - White Noise - Black Silence05 - Haven06 - Punish My Heaven07 - Monochromatic Stains08 - Indifferent Suns09 - Format C - For Cortex10 - Insanity's Crescendo11 - Hours Passed In Exile12 - The Sun Fired Blanks13 - Damage Done14 - Lethe15 - Not Built To Last16 - Therein17 - Zodijackyl Light18 - Final Resistance19 - Ex Nihilo</P>
<P><BR>2005 - Character</P>
<P>01 - The New Build02 - Through Smudged Lenses03 - Out of Nothing04 - The Endless Feed05 - Lost To Apathy06 - Mind Matters07 - One Thought08 - Dry Run09 - Am I 110 - Senses Tied11 - My Negation</P>
<P><BR>2007 - Fiction</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01 - Nothing To No One02 - The Lesser Faith03 - Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive)04 - Blind At Heart05 - Icipher06 - Inside The Particle Storm07 - Empty Me08 - Misery's Crown09 - Focus Shift10 - The Mundane And The Magic11 - A Closer End (Bonus Track)12 - Winter Triangle (Bonus Track)13 - Below The Radiance (Bonus Track)14 - Silence In The House of Tongues (Bonus Track)15 - Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive) (Live) (Bonus Track)16 - The Lesser Faith (Live) (Bonus Track)</P>
<P>2008 - A Closer End (Best Of Compilation)</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01. A Closer End [Japanese bonus track] (Fiction - 2007) 02. Derivation TNB [Japanese version bonus tracks] (Character - 2005) 03. The Endless Feed [Japanese version bonus tracks] (Character - 2005) 04. Undo Control [Korean Dope music digipack released in 2004 includes “Undo Control (Live)” as a bonus track. It was recorded in Poland in 2002] (Projector - 1999) 05. Razorfever [Reissued in 2004 by Osmose in Europe and in 2005 by Century Media in the US. Bonus tracks on the reissue (Enter Suicidal Angels EP)] (The Mind’s I - 1997) 06. Shadowlit Facade [Reissued in 2004 by Osmose in Europe and in 2005 by Century Media in the US. Bonus tracks on the reissue(Enter Suicidal Angels EP)] (The Mind’s I - 1997) 07. Archetype [Reissued in 2004 by Osmose in Europe and in 2005 by Century Media in the US. Bonus tracks on the reissue(Enter Suicidal Angels EP)] (The Mind’s I - 1997) 08. Bringer Of Torture [Limited Edition in 10” box contains bonus cover songs (The Osmose ‘deluxe edition’ re-issue bonus cover songs - 2005)] (The Galley - 1995) 09. Sacred Reich [Bonus track for Korea (Limited Edition in 10” box contains bonus cover songs)(The Osmose ‘deluxe edition’ re-issue bonus cover songs - 2005)] (The Galley - 1995) 10. 22 Acacia Avenue [The Osmose ‘deluxe edition’ re-issue bonus cover songs - 2005] (The Galley - 1995) 11. Lady In Black [The Osmose ‘deluxe edition’ re-issue bonus cover songs - 2005] (The Galley - 1995) 12. My Friend Of Misery [Bonus track for Japan (The Osmose ‘deluxe edition’ re-issue bonus cover songs - 2005)](The Galley - 1995) 13. I, Deception [The limited edition digipack (shown below) bonus track] (Damage Done - 2002) 14. Winter Triangle [Australian bonus track] (Fiction - 2007) </P>
<P>2009 - Where Death Is Most Alive</P>
<P><BR>曲目<BR>CD I</P>
<P>01 - Intro02 - The Treason Wall03 - The New Build04 - Focus Shift05 - The Lesser Faith06 - The Wonders At Your Feet07 - Lost To Apathy08 - Freecard09 - Inside The Particle Storm10 - Nothing To No One11 - Edenspring</P>
<P>CD II</P>
<P>01 - Insanity's Crescendo02 - Lethe03 - Dreamlore Degenerate04 - Misery's Crown05 - Therein06 - My Negation07 - Yesterworld - Punish My Heaven08 - The Mundane And The Magic09 - Final Resistance10 - Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive)</P>
<P><BR>2010 - We Are The Void</P>
<P>曲目<BR>01 - Shadow In Our Blood02 - Dream Oblivion03 - The Fatalist04 - In My Absence05 - The Grandest Accusation06 - At The Point of Ignition07 - Her Silent Language08 - Arkhangelsk09 - I Am The Void10 - Surface The Infinite11 - Iridium12 - Star of Nothingness (Bonus Track)13 - To Where Fires Cannot Feed (Bonus Track)14 - Zero Distance (Bonus Track)15 - Out of Gravity (Bonus Track)16 - The Bow And The Arrow (Bonus Track)</P>
<P>下载 </P>

[ 本帖最后由 lihaobo 于 2012-4-18 09:59 编辑 ]
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发表于 2013-3-19 00:23:03 | 显示全部楼层
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回复 1楼 lihaobo 的帖子

发表于 2013-5-1 22:42:13 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-5-2 15:04:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-5-6 20:46:38 | 显示全部楼层
第一次去糖果看演出 就是 dt
发表于 2013-8-17 21:51:32 | 显示全部楼层
大爱dark tranquility!
发表于 2013-10-5 18:37:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-11-7 22:39:25 | 显示全部楼层
[em28] [em28] [em28] [em28] [em28] [em28] [em28] [em28]
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[em36] [em36] [em36]
发表于 2013-12-18 12:30:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-12-28 17:58:38 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1楼 lihaobo 的帖子

发表于 2014-1-7 15:18:10 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢  找了很久
发表于 2014-1-7 15:57:03 | 显示全部楼层
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