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吉他手Mark Tremonti首张个人大碟 All I Was 即将发行!

发表于 2012-5-1 09:13:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Alter Bridge与Creed的吉他手Mark Tremonti,在一番漫长的制作后,终于基本完成了他的首张个人唱片,《All I Was》将于7月10日发行,唱片将会由Tremonti自己的Fret 12发布。

实际上从专辑名称All I Was可以看出,吉他手Mark Tremonti非常着重于这张专辑,包括所有,而All I Was将会是专辑的主打歌,更是专辑的第一首歌曲!在即将发行的过程中,我会每个月发布两首单曲供大家欣赏,还有可能制作DVD教学!

在上月Mark Tremonti接受采访时说道“尽管这里面最多的东西是节奏以及重型Riff,但我还是为这张专辑写了11首Solo,这花了我很长的时间“。当然新专辑也有歌唱部分,这也是他第一次在唱片中演唱:“我也一直是一个歌曲创作者,所以我会边弹边唱,但我写的歌多半要用假声演唱,所以我会演唱非常高的音,而且你会发现这张专辑到处弥漫着这种假声,不过我其实演唱的音高是比较低的,所以我在演奏Solo的时候,曲调会比较高一些。你知道,在这之前,我对演唱一直没有信心的。”Tremonti的这张唱片还邀请了节奏吉他手Eric Friedman和鼓手Garrett Whitlock前来助阵。

Mark Tremonti可能无法完成一个独奏巡回表演,但他和他的队员正在巡演中,当中会完全发挥Creed的首张专辑1997"My Own Prison(自我禁锢)",以及1999的"Human Clay"躯体。

可以说:Mark Tremonti是Metallica的铁杆歌迷,最先受KISS 和Metallica的影响,走上了金属之路,1985年买了他的第一个吉他,在校期间曾参加过多个地下摇滚乐队,早期他的吉技巧已经达到了一个新的水平,1994年加入了Creed乐队,这是一个汲取了来自上个世纪七十年代的最纯正的传统摇滚乐,1997年Creed的首张个人专集My Own Prison在歌坛缔造了许多新的记录.这张专辑在美国的销售量突破了双白金纪录,强劲有力的吉他、充满戏剧张力的演唱风格,以及大胆而长驱直入的歌词内容,使得他们的音乐真实地再现于一片虚假之声的商业市场中,2004年期间乐队在长期休息中,在2009年至今他们又在一起了!2004年, Mark Tremonti 与鼓手Scott Phillips在乐团休息期间,发现彼此对音乐有著相当的共识,因此伙同原始团员贝斯手Brian Marshall,以及前Mayfield Four的主唱Myles Kennedy,共周组建成Alter Bridge乐队,Alter Bridge曲风结合了70年代经典摇滚与当代硬摇滚风格的硬摇滚乐队,首张专辑有著纯熟的大将之风,不单以grunge特有的旋律为主轴,并不时加上了重摇滚以及重金属的成分,增加了整张专辑的可听性。他们更试著以老式摇滚乐为根基,并强调出旋律性的重要。而现在,Mark Tremonti正式对以往一真想制作的个人Solo演奏大碟作最后冲刺,新专辑《All I Was》预计在7月份发行!



专辑曲目:‘All I Was’ Working Song Titles:
All I Was
So You’re Afraid
You Waste Your Time
New Way Out
Leave It Alone
Wish You Well
don’t claim
All That I Got
Giving Up
Doesn’t Matter


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-1 13:07:39 | 显示全部楼层
Alter Bridge/Creed guitarist/songwriter, Mark Tremonti, is gearing up for his first-ever solo project this summer. All I Was is scheduled for release on July 10 via Fret 12 Records, a company Mark started with Daniel Tremonti and Tom Stanley.

Mark's solo effort, being released under the name Tremonti, showcases his acclaimed guitar playing and incomparable songwriting. The release also marks his debut on lead vocals. Tremonti features Eric Friedman on rhythm guitar and Garrett Whitlock on drums. Mark's Alter Bridge/Creed bandmate, Brian Marshall, will be stepping in for the bass duties when Tremonti takes to the road later this year. Long time friend and collaborator Michael "Elvis" Baskette, known for his work with Alter Bridge, Chevelle and Ratt, produced the album.

From the first riffs of album opener "Leave It Alone" to the final notes of the closer "Decay," it is apparent that Mark's playing and songwriting are at a new level. The metal influences he grew up on ring throughout the album on songs like "So You're Afraid," "Wish You Well" and "Giving Up." Mark finds his voice; literally, stepping up to the microphone for the first time in his career as a lead vocalist. The depth of his voice carries the melodies on songs like "New Way Out" and "Proof." The first single, "You Waste Your Time," will be unleashed at Active Rock radio over the next few weeks and will continue the success at the format that Mark has achieved with both of his other projects.

PFA Media

All I Was track listing:

1. Leave It Alone
2. So You're Afraid
3. Wish You Well
4. Brains
5. The Things I've Seen
6. You Waste Your Time
7. New Way Out
8. Giving Up
9. Proof
10. All I Was
11. Doesn't Matter
12. Decay

Watch Tremonti Talk About His Metal Influences

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发表于 2012-5-2 20:25:33 | 显示全部楼层
这个必须要支持一下 很喜欢
发表于 2012-5-2 21:05:47 | 显示全部楼层
Alter Bridge
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