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发一个很全面的zoom 505 2代的效果器参数设置,各种经典乐队,各路大师的音色都有!

发表于 2012-8-11 12:59:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
zoom 505 2代是初学综合效果器中很经典的一款了。相信很多人也有用过这么经典的一款综合。各位想摇滚没什么钱,其实,一块zoom 505 2就能做很多音色了,各位凑合听
以下的参数分别是:1 comp  
                                2 dist  
                                3 gain  
                                4 znr
                                5 eq  
                                6 mod

AC/DC-Angus Young.distortion.clean c9 bL 5 a9 41 of of 26
AC/DC-Angus Young.early c9 bL 20 9 20 of h1 24
AC/DC-Angus Young.general of od 18 a8 of of r4 24
AC/DC-Angus Young.rhythm of od 29 9 of of h4 27
AC/DC-Angus Young."Thunderstruck".intro c4 mt 30 9 30 c2 h3 30
acoustics.12-strings.haunting c4 ry 10 9 p1 p9 d1 30
acoustic.bright of ac 20 9 of p7 of 30
acoustic.bright/12-string simulator c4 ac 27 9 12 c2 d1 29
acoustic.clean.1 -- ac 30 -- 48 -- -- --
acoustic.clean.2 L1 ac -- a9 of of of of
acoustic.clean.3 of ac 28 of 29 d7 h2 20
acoustic."Eleven Tea" c9 ac 15 of p9 d9 of 27
acoustic.groove c9 ac 30 9 45 c1 h9 --
acoustic.jazz c2 ac 1 9 15 p7 h1 28
acoustic.Kansas."Dust in the Wind" c8 ac -- 8 18 c6 h7 23
acoustic.mellow of ac 10 6 45 of r1 ?
acoustic.rhythm of ac 30 of 46 c6 of 26
acoustic.solo.1 c9 ac -- 8 22 c4 h7 26
acoustic.solo.2 of ac 22 of 20 c1 h1 30
acoustic.solo.3 c1 of -- 4 25 c2 -- 24
acoustic.tweaked L5 ac 20 6 50 of of --
Aerosmith/Joe Perry.distortion.rhythm c1 dt 29 9 24 ? h1 25
alternative L1 Ld 30 7 24 of of 20
ambience.heavy a9 fu 30 a9 p4 54 d9 21
bass.clean.ambient L9 of -- a1 1 c1 of 30
bass.simulator.1 c2 ac 30 9 1 p1 of 30
bass.simulator.2 c8 ac 3 a6 3 p1 h2 23
bass.simulator.3 c2 ac 1 9 15 p1 h1 28
BB King of od 13 of 40 of of 30
BB King.acid of ry 23 of of f2 r1 20
Beatles.circa 1963 c1 ry 12 1 15 of r2 27
Beatles."Day Tripper" c2 fu 7 a9 1 p1 h7 18
Biohazard.distortion c1 bL 30 a9 48 of of 19
Black Sabbath. of dt 30 1 40 of of 30
Black Sabbath. c1 fu 25 a2 25 25 -- --
"Master of Reality"
Black Sabbath. c9 fu 19 9 50 of of 30
Black Sabbath. a9 dt 30 5 42 of d6 25
Black Sabbath.solo L9 od 15 of 23 of h1 24
blues.crunch.rhythm c9 ry 17 a8 19 of h5 ?
blues.jazz c3 od 6 of 35 of d7 20
blues.hard of bL 29 9 19 c1 h1 22
blues.hard-to-miss p9 fu 18 5 25 of r4 18
blues.heavy. p9 od 20 9 41 of h3 27
down & dirty
blues.late night of Ld 30 3 31 f4 d3 26
blues. L1 fu 14 a3 11 of r3 28
screaming dirty gritty
Bombtrack L1 bL 26 7 24 of h1 25+
*Boston."Amanda". c4 ac 27 9 12 p7 d1 30acoustic.12-strings
Boston.Rockman sound c7 Ld 30 7 31 c1 h4 2 feb-26
Bowie, David. L7 of -- 1 p6 of d2 25
"Ziggy Stardust"
Bush.distortion c9 ry 20 a9 20 c5 r5 ?

Candlebox.chorus of of -- of 43 c5 r6 30
Candlebox."Far Behind" c2 of -- a1 15 c5 h5 25
Cannibal Corpse L8 mt 30 a1 45 -- d1 25
Cannibal Corpse. L4 dt 30 a9 42 -- r3 25
"Gallery of Suicide"
Carcass.1 c9 mt 30 a9 47 of h7 25
Carcass."Reek of c7 fu 30 a9 50 of h2 29
chorus.clean.1 of of -- a7 36 c8 of 26
chorus.clean.2 of ry 4 1 36 c2 h2 26
chorus.clean.jazz L5 of -- 6 25 c5 h5 25
chorus.compression. c1 od 25 5 -- c2 -- 20
chorus.cool c9 of -- a5 42 c3 h3 26
chorus.light.solo -- Ld 26 5 -- c2 -- 20
chorus.mild of ry 15 a1 of c1 of --
chorus.moody c4 of -- 3 35 c4 h3 26
chorus.silky of ac 5 6 35 c4 h5 30
chorus.reverb of of of of 30 c4 r6 28
chorus.reverb.clean of of -- 9 39 c6 h6 20
chorus.rhythm.1 L1 ac 30 9 38 p4 h6 27
chorus.rhythm.2 L3 of -- a9 17 c4 h4 27
chorus.silky of ac 5 6 35 c4 h5 30
chorus.super.solo L9 ac 5 4 39 d7 h9 30
Clapton, Eric. L6 bl 10 1 12 -- r9 21
The Cradle CD.solo
clean.12-strings c9 od 5 a2 40 p1 h2 28
clean.12-strings. of 20 9 of p6 of ? ?
clean.jazz L1 -- -- 1 -- c1 h1 24
clean.lead p8 ry 1 a7 20 c1 h9 20
clean.solo L9 ry 4 a9 38 p7 h9 27
Cranberries L9 od 3 a2 25 c5 h1 20
Cream/Hendrix. ? a9 od 24 pu 27 -- --
distorted wah
Creed L9 dt 26 a9 44 c1 h3 30
Crow, The.movie.solo of dt 30 4 42 of h9 27

D9+chorus c9 ry 10 a1 p9 d6 of 26
Deep Purple."Made in Japan"c3 dt 15 of 10 of d8 26
Deep Purple.1 c9 od 14 9 40 of h5 27
"Smoke on the Water".
Deep Purple.2 c9 Ld 5 a6 p1 f7 d5 27
"Smoke on the Water".
Deep Purple.3 L2 od 17 5 23 d3 of 23
"Smoke On The Water".
Deftones.distortion c9 od 13 a9 16 of r6 25
Deftones."Root".intro a7 dt 30 2 40+ f7 r4 ?
delay.clean.1 -- ry 5 a9 39 d9 h7 20
delay.clean.2 L6 of -- 6 22 p4 d7 25
delay.clean.jazz L6 of -- 6 26 c5 d7 25
delay.lead/solo -- mt 26 8 -- c3 d7 28
delay.monster.1 a1 fu 4 of 45 of d8 28
delay.monster.2 a1 fu 8 of 45 of d9 29
delay.monster.3 a1 fu 29 of 45 of d9 30
delay.nasty L7 Ld 28 5 24 of d7 25
delay.slap-back L4 of -- 22 36 d6 d6 23
delay.slide L9 od 1 a1 40 c9 d9 24
delay.smooth -- mt 24 9 -- c1 d8 26
Dire Straits.crank L9 od 5 of 24 of h2 27
Dire Straits. p1 ry 30 1 17 of r6 23
"Money for Nothing"
Dire Straits. L9 od 6 of 25 of h2 30
"Sultans of Swing"
distortion.1970s c2 ry 17 a6 29 of h1 25
distortion.1970s.oldie of ry 30 7 32 of r3 21
distortion.Big Muff L5 fu 30 9 10 c1 r1 18
distortion.bite.solo a4 Ld 22 4 of p7 h2 22
distortion.blues L1 bL 10 6 30 of r9 30
distortion.blues.wah a9 bL 30 a9 30 pu h9 25
distortion.bright.rhythm L7 ry 19 9 38 of h6 24
distortion.bright. a3 ac 28 of of p6 d8 20
Screeching Moth
distortion.clean c9 bL 5 a9 41 of of 26
distortion.clean.heavy c9 ry 26 a9 50 of h1 25
distortion.chorus.blues of bL 27 7 of c3 r3 26
distortion.chorus.solo of dt 23 9 25 c4 of ?
distortion.compressed. of dt 30 1 7 f8 h1 25
distortion.cool c1 bL 24 4 of c2 h2 25
distortion.delay c9 dt 30 of p1 d6 d9 27
distortion.Dr Distortion a9 mt 30 a3 4 58 r2 30
distortion.dropped-D.solo L9 fu 14 4 -- -- -- 21
distortion.early c9 fu 21 9 41 of of 19
distortion.evil of dt 30 5 30 of h9 25
distortion.flange c9 Ld 24 -- 41 f1 h3 ?
distortion.fuzz L1 fu 30 a7 25 of of ?
distortion.fuzz.blues c9 fu 17 8 19 of h5 17
distortion.fuzz.chunky of fu 3 of 30 of h6 26
distortion.fuzz.creamy L5 fu 30 8 35 of d5 27
distortion.fuzz.filtered p3 fu 30 a9 -- -- -- 19
distortion.fuzz.gargle p9 fu 18 5 25 of r5 20
distortion.fuzz.grungy.fat c3 fu 30 a7 12 of r6 25
distortion.fuzz. c8 fu 26 a9 26 of ? 24
Peach Fuzzz.solo
distortion.fuzz.rhythm. c5 fu 15 2 22 of h1 25
distortion.fuzz.thick c1 fu 30 a9 50 of r1 25
distortion.fuzz. c7 fu 25 8 45 of of 25
thick low-end chunky
distortion.hard L9 dt 15 6 30 of r9 30
distortion.hard. c4 ac 17 a9 40 c3 r7 ?
"Tract Boy".intro
distortion.hardcore.1 c9 Ld 25 a9 25 c1 r9 ?
distortion.hardcore.2 c9 mt 30 of 40 d3 of ?
distortion.hardrock c4 bL 26 8 28 c2 h3 21
distortion.hardrock. L2 bL 26 8 29 c3 d8 23
distortion.heavy.1 L9 dt 30 a9 50 of of 25
distortion.heavy.2 c2 mt 30 9 10 p1 h1 28
distortion.heavy.3 c1 dt 25 a9 40 c5 h5 27
distortion.heavy. L8 mt 25-30 a6-a9 ago-13 c3/d3 r3/h9 24
distortion.heavy.very-cool c1 dt 25 a9 25 c5 h5 27
distortion.iron of dt 30 a9 12 of of ?
distortion.lead L9 dt 26 a9 45 c1 h3 25
distortion.lead c3 bL 30 9 of of d8 28
distortion.lead/solo. L4 Ld 30 7 30 of 7 26
distortion.live L2 dt 24 a7 23 d7 h8 23
distortion.loud c7 dt 30 a4 35 p9 of 30
distortion.loud.solo c1 mt 30 1 50 of of 26
distortion. p7 dt/od 45 ? 21 c4 d4 30
massive thunder
distortion.metal.1 L8 mt 30 a1 17 -- d1 25
distortion.metal.crisp c5 dt 30 4 36 d7 h9 17
distortion.metal.death.1 c7 dt 30 6 50 of h2 27
distortion.metal.death.2 L2 dt 30 a3 6 -- -- 25
distortion.metal.death.3 L2 mt 30 4 5 c2 h3 25
distortion.metal.death.4 L1 dt 30 5 25 of h9 30
distortion.metal. c7 fu 30 a9 50 of h2 28
distortion.metal.death.low L9 mt 30 of 1 of of 26
distortion.metal. of dt 21 of of c2 of 30
distortion.metal. L9 dt 30 a1 40 of h3 2 jun-28
distortion.metal.deep L4 -6 mt -- a9 44 d1 d1 29
distortion.metal.demonic c8 bL 15 4 25 of r4 26
distortion.metal c7 dt 30 6 50 of of 27
distortion.metal.improved of dt 30 a9 12 of r1 25
distortion.metal.mid-high L4 mt 23 a6 35 c2 -- 21
distortion.metal.more L8 mt 30 a1 17 of d1 26
distortion.metal.overdrive c9 od 30 of 19 of of 26
distortion.metal.rhythm c1 Ld 23 of 50 c5 h4 27
distortion.metal.smooth.1 c1 mt 30 a9 50 c1 h3 25
distortion.metal.smooth.2 c9 mt 6 9 6 of of 25
distortion.metal.solo c1 mt 20 3 17 c1 h1 20
distortion.metal.solo. L9 Ld 20 8 34 c2 d6 25
distortion.metal. L9 Ld 20 8 34 c3 h6 25
distortion.metal.super c4 mt 27 7 49 c3 h3 ?
distortion.metal. c5 mt 8 a1 p2 c5 r8 18
distortion.metal. c9 mt 30 5 25 of h9 30
very heavy
distortion.nice.1 L9 Ld 20 8 34 c3 h4 22
distortion.nice.2 of fu 30 6 45 of of 27
distortion.nice.tight c7 dt 8 a9 7 c2 h3 25
distortion.new.bright c7 dt 17 a3 21 c2 h4 20
distortion.overdrive c9 od 1 a9 50 c3 h1 30
distortion.overdrive. L3 ac 25 6 of of h3 25
distortion.overdrive. L1 Ld 30 7 24 -- -- 20
distortion.overly c2 mt 30 a3 41 d7 r3 30
distortion.phase L5 ry 30 9 p4 -- -- 27
distortion.punk.1 L7 bL 19 a4 of of of 25 distortion.punk.2 L4 ry 30 a1 42 of of 24
distortion.punk.3 of od 24 6 49 of r1 28
distortion. of dt 30 9 50 -- h3 ?
Purity in Oblivion
distortion.raunchy L9 dt 30 a9 36 of of 22
distortion.really rockin' of mt 28 a3 of of h9 27
distortion.rhythm L9 ry 26 a8 45 d1 h3 25
distortion.rolphie L2 dt 24 5 20 of d5 22
distortion.simple c9 dt 20 a5 30 of of 24
distortion.solo.1 c1 Ld 20 1 25 d6 h6 28
distortion.solo/rhythm L1 mt 30 a3 50 c2 of 30
distortion.solo.good-tone c1 Ld 20 1 25 d6 h6 28
distortion.solo.super L1 Ld 26 7 24 of h3 24
distortion.solo.sweet L9 Ld 20 9 of p7 h7 20
distortion.solo.sycho a9 fu 30 9 p1 p7 d2 20
distortion.thick.warm L1 dt 30 9 23 c5 d1 30
distortion. c9 bL 30 9 5 c9 h9 25
Type O Negative
Doors."The End" L4 of -- p2 36 f7 d6 24
double.laid back c2 ac 25 9 6 d9 of 26
Dream Theatre. L9 of -- 6 p9 c3 r9 23
"Pull Me Under".intro
Dream Theatre. c9 dt 30 a7-a9 20-30 p7-p9 c3/d3 h7-h9
"Under the Glass".intro
Faith No More. of mt 30 a9 45 of r1 25
"Ashes to Ashes"
Fear Factory p9 mt 30 9 50 c2 h2 30
*Fear Factory/ c1 mt 30 9 50 of r7 25
Machine head.distortion
Filter -- ry 2 may-30 -- -- -- -- 30
flange.clean of of -- 1 13 f7 of 27
flange.cool.running water c3 ry 1 a9 p9 c9 h6 26
flange."Jet-Metal" L9 dt 22 a5 24 f1 d7 16
flange.metal of dt 26 a9 of f4 h5 24
flange.phase L9 of -- of p1 f4 h4 29
flange.reverb c7 ry 4 a9 38 f3 h4 27
Foo Fighters.1 c5 ry 30 of of 25 of h2
Foo Fighters.2 c5 mt 30 1 5 of of ?
Foo Fighters. c4 bL 30 7 35 of r4 27
Foo Fighters. a1 bL 1 6 25 d9 d1 ?
"Down in the Park".intro
Foo Fighters.2 a1 dt 30 9 20 d1 d1 ?
"Down in the Park".
Foo Fighters.flange a5 fu 23 a3 p7 f9 d9 25
Frampton, Peter. a9 of of of p6 of of 26
talking guitar
funk.supergroove L9 dt 30 of p9 f9 d9 30
funk.groove thing a9 Ld 30 a9 p9 f9 d9 --

Gibson to Strat p9 od 17 a4 9 of r5 20
Green Day.distortion of Ld 26 a6 22 of h1 18
Guns 'n' Roses L2 dt 21 9 22 of r4 12
Gwar."Carival of Chaos L8 Ld 30 a5 50 -- r4 25
Gwar."Salaminizer" L4 dt 25 a4 50 p7 -- 25
Gwar."Scum Dogs" L8 dt 30 a3 50 c2 -- 25

harmonics.pinched p9 bL 30 n/a 50 c3 h4 29
Headhunters.rhythm L2 dt 20 a7 25 d2 h9 30
Heartbreaker oF od 21 a1 of of r3 --
Hendrix, Jimi. of fu 27 5 42 c2 h5 25
Hendrix, Jimi.1970s p9 mt 30 a7 50 of h1 30
Hendrix, Jimi. of fu 30 of of f1 of 25
Hendrix, Jimi. a6 od 15 7 p6 -- r9 27
Hendrix, Jimi.wah a9 od 24 -- -- c3 h9 --
Hendrix, Jimi. of ry 25 1 p9 of r4 23
elusive voodoo sound
Hendrix, Jimi. L2 ry 25 of 13 c2 d5 29
Hiatt, John L9 od 12 2 of of r5 23
"Red House"

Incubus.clean of ry 2 a6 p1 f1 h3 30
Incubus. a2 bL 30 of 1 of r9 30
Incubus.distortion L6 mt 19 1 of p7 r6 29
Iron Maiden. c3 bL 30 a1 20 c1 of 26
"Flight of Icarus"
Iron Maiden. c3 dt 30 a2 21 p5 d5 28
"Somewhere in Time"
Isaak, Chris. L6 of of 6 46 c5 d7 27
"Wicked Game"

jet sound L8 Ld 25-30 a6-a9 p7 f6 r3/h9 26
Johnson, Eric. c3 dt 15 of 10 of d2 24
"Camel's Night Out".solo
Johnson. Eric. c9 Ld 15 of 9 c2 h9 27
"Venus Isle".solo

Konhkra. L8 mt 30 of 50 of h3 28
"Spit or Swallow" CD
Korn of dt 30 of 2 d1 d1 30

lead/solo.clean c5 -- -- 9 45 d9 h9 --
lead/solo.cool.1 L2 Ld 30 a9 11 d2 h3 25
lead/solo.cool.2 L4 dt 16 9 22 59 h6 22
lead/solo.cool.3 L4 od 30 9 27 c2 d6 27
lead/solo.cool blues c3 ry 23 a9 3 p1 -- 25
lead/solo.drive -- Ld 25 -- 44 -- -- 25
lead/solo.echo c9 of -- 9 30 c1 d5 27
lead/solo.echodriver c3 Ld 30 6 22 p4 h3 15
lead/solo.fast p9 mt 30 of 45 of r1 30
lead/solo.laid back c2 ac 27 a3 26 p7 r7 24
*lead/solo.metal-multi c9 dt 30 a9 36 f7 d6 30
lead/solo.Marshallesque -- Ld 30 a4 31 -- h1 27
lead/solo.nice.1 L4 fu 24 9 17 d5 h8 26
lead/solo.nice.2 L4 bL 16 6 32 d1 d3 26
lead/solo.overdrive c1 od 30 9 10 of r5 23
lead/solo. c9 dt 30 a1 p5 f7 d7 28
lead/solo.plucking c9 o f 15-3 0 a7- a9 2 may-30 c3-c5 d3/h 9 30
lead/solo. L2 dt 24 5 20 f2 d8 2 0-25
power ballad.1
lead/solo. of bL 30 9 of c2 d5 25
power ballad.2
lead/solo. c9 ry 24 9 of c4 d4 22
rich & creamy
lead/solo.sweet.1 c8 od 30 5 43 c1 d5 25
lead/solo.sweet.2 c1 dt 30 9 p1 of d9 22
lead/solo.sweet.3 c2 dt 30 of 22 of h4 23
lead/solo of od 20 9 35 of h9 25
To Live is to Let Die
lead/solo.very good c3 Ld 30 6 22 p4 h3 15
lead/solo.visceral c5 Ld 28 a8 28 c3 d7 23
lead/solo.wah a6 od 15 7 p6 of r9 27
lead/solo.wide.clean L9 of -- 9 of c9 h9 24
lead/solo. L1 dt 29 7 25 p7 d8 22
wide 'n' creamy
low-end bite/Korn/ c1 mt 30 9 46 -- r2 27
Fear Factory
- set mids 5
Led Zeppelin/Jimmy Page c9 Ld 16 5 25 c1 h3 30
Led Zeppelin/ c4 fu 19 4 33 of r3 24
Jimmy Page.1970s fuzz
Led Zeppelin/ of od 29 a1 of of r2 --
Jimmy Page.1970s overdrive
Led Zeppelin. c1 bL 10 2 20 of h1 24
BBC Sessions "Grim Reaper"
Led Zeppelin. L7 bL 19 a4 of of of --
Led Zeppelin p9 fu 24 of 42 of h1 --
.BBC Sessions.3
Led Zeppelin c3 Ld 24 of 28 of of 19
/Jimmy Page.early
Led Zeppelin L1 od 20 a4 15 p9 r9 25
."Houses of the Holy"
Led Zeppelin/ p9 od 15 1 25 of h9 24
Jimmy Page.lead
loud.small-amp L1 Ld 30 a6 40 of r1 25
Lukather, Steve c9 dt 20 a8 26 d1 d7 22
Lynyrd Skynyrd/Nugent c1 od 30 a9 28 d4 h2 25
Lynyrd Skynyrd. c1 bL 24 4 of c2 h9 25
"Sweet Home Alabama"

Malmsteen, Yngwie.1 L5 Ld 28 a1 of of h6 24
Malmsteen, Yngwie.2 c2 bL 27 9 20 c2 h7 25
Malmsteen, Yngwie. c9 bL 25 a9 33 c1 h3 24
Malmsteen, Yngwie c2 bL 27 9 20 c2 h7 25
Manson, Marilyn c9 dt 26 a6 41 c1 h2 ?
*Manson, Marilyn. of fu 30 of 15 c1 h1 25
Manson, Marilyn. c2 bL 30 a1 50 d3 r2 25
"Irresponsible Hate A."
Manson, Marilyn. c7 fu 22-25 8 13 of of 25
POAAF sound
Manson, Marilyn. of Ld 11 of of of of 30
"Sweet Dreams".intro
Manson, Marilynsolo p2 od 30 4 40 f5 of 26
."Sweet Dreams".
Manson, Marilyn.wah a7 dt 26 a6 41 c1 h2 ?
Marcy Playground c1 fu 20 a5 of p7 r4 22
Marvin, Hank. c9 of -- 1 25 c4 d4 29
"Wonderful Land".solo
M COP -- dt 29 a5 -- c4 d7 3
Megadeth."Friday" L1 ac 30 a8 3 c6 r9 27
Megadeth."Countdown 1 L8 dt 30 a1 50 of d1 25
to Extinction".
Megadeth."Countdown 2 c1 dt 30 a4 31 of h1 25
to Exctinction".
Megadeth.distortion L1 dt 28 a9 44 pd h6 26
Megadeth."So Far So L1 dt 30 7 20 c1 h9 24
God So What!"
Metallica.1980s. L9 Ld 30 9 25 c2 h2 28
before Black CD
Metallica."Am I Evil?" of mt 18 3 40 of h1 30
Metallica."And L8 dt 30 a3 50 pd of 27+
Justice For All".1
Metallica."And L8 dt 30 a3 50 -- r6 25
Justice For All".2
Metallica."And c4 mt 30 9 30 of h3 30
Justice For All".3
Metallica."And of dt 30 of 42 of of --
Justice For All".4
Metallica."And c1 dT 30 a9 9 of h4 20
Justice For All".5
Metallica."And c4 mt 30 a9 13 of h1 ?
Justice For All".rhythm
Metallica/Kirk L9 dt 26 a9 44 c1 h3 27
Hammett."Enter Sandman"
Metallica."Enter of of -- a9 34 f8 of 24
Metallica."Fade of bL 30 3 50 of h3 30
to Black".intro.1
Metallica."Fade L8 Ld 15 9 of c6 h4 27
to Black".intro.2
Metallica. L9 Ld 23 a9 6 -- r6 21
"Fade to Black".solo
Metallica."Fade L5 od 14 3 41 c3 h5 25
to Black".overdrive
Metallica/Kirk c2 mt 30 of 10 c1 r9 26
Metallica/James c3 Ld 30 8 44 0 h2 30
Metallica/ Kirk c9 bL 30 9 20 of of 26
Hammett."Kill'em All"
Metallica."Master L5 dt 30 a3 of c3 of 27
of Puppets".1
Metallica."Master of dt 30 a9 45 c2 of 28
of Puppets".2
Metallica."The L8 Ld 30 a9 50 d3 r2 25
Memory Remains"
Metallica."The of fu 22 of 25 c3 h2 24
Memory Remains".intro
Metallica/Kirk L4 mt 30 a9 42 of h2 25
Metallica.new of dt 30 9 9 of of 25
Metallica." c9 ac 20 6 40 f2 h9 30
Nothing Else Matters"
Metallica."Nothing of ry 13 1 34 c3 h3 30
Else Matters".intro
Metallica."Nothing c9 od 21 3 34 of d2 23
Else Matters".solo
Metallica."Nothing L4 Ld 20 8 34 c3 h7 25
Else Matters".3
Metallica."Nothing L9 Ld 20 8 34 c3 h6 23
Else Matters".4
Metallica/Kirk L1 fu 24 of 46 f3 d9 26
Metallica/Kirk c2 of -- 5 31 c4 of 25
Metallica/Kirk of ry 5 6 30 of of 20
Metallica/Kirk c1 Ld 23 of 50 of of 27
Metallica/Kirk L9 of -- 6 p9 c9 r9 25
Metallica/Kirk of of of a9 13 c5 h4 ?
Metallica."Seek L9 Ld 23 -- 6 -- r6 21
& Destroy".solo
Metallica/ a3 mt 17 a7 50 of d6 30
Kirk Hammett.solo
Metallica/Kirk of of of a9 26 of d5 22
Metallica/Kirk a6 bL 30 a9 50 -- -- 25
Metallica/Kirk p7 mt 26 9 43 c1 of ?
Metallica. of of -- of of f9 d6 25
"Wherever I May Roam"
Metallica."Wherever a3 -- -- 2 9 p6 d3 27
I May Roam".intro
Moore, Gary. c4 Ld 21 a8 26 c3 h9 23
"Still Got the Blues"

Negasonic L9 dt 30 of 16 f1 h2 26
Teenage Warhead
Nine Inch Mails."Hurt" of of of 9 of p7 h3 22
Nirvana.acoustic. of ac 30 9 25 c2 h1 20
Nirvana.clean -- -- -- -- 46 c1 h9 ?
Nirvana."Come As -- -- 6 40 c5 -- 25
You Are".solo L6
Nirvana.distortion.1 c9 21 mt of 24 of h2 30
Nirvana.distortion.2 c9 30 bL of 25 c9 h3 28
Nirvana."Lithium".1 of of -- of 31 of r3 28
Nirvana."Lithium".2 of of -- of 41 of r3 28
Nirvana.live c5 dt 30 of 25 d9 h9 26
Nirvana."Smells Like." mt -- 25 9 10 c5 h5 30
Nirvana."Smells Like.." p9 of -- a9 50 of h1 ?
No Doubt."Just a Girl" a2 Ld 22 5 24 c3 h1 23
Nugent,Ted.sound.sweet of od 20 9 35 of h9 25

Oasis.1 c9 Ld 26 9 30 of r2 20
Oasis."Do You Know a2 Ld 22 5 24 c3 h1 23
What I Mean".solo
octaver L1 fu 24 of 46 f3 d9 26
organ.carnival c8 od 15 8 23 p9 d5 27
organ.church.1 c8 od 3 a1 24 p9 h6 17
organ.church.2 c9 ry 30 of p7 p9 h8 29
organ.haunted. L4 bL 22 1 p9 p9 d8 30
Tocatta and Fugue in Dm
overdrive.bass-doubler of od 17 a7 49 p1 r7 23
Oziris.distortion L6 dt 20 a9 31 of of 26
Oziris.lead/solo L6 Ld 20 a9 40 of of 27
Ozzy/Randy Rhoads. c9 mt 26 9 12 p7 h1 27
"Crazy Train".1
Ozzy/Randy Rhoads. c5 dt 25 9 41 c3 h2 27
"Crazy Train".2
Ozzy/Randy Rhoads. c5 dt 25 9 43 of h2 30
"Crazy Train".3
Ozzy/Randy Rhoads. c5 dt 25 9 43 p7 h2 30
"Crazy Train".3.solo
Ozzy/Randy Rhoads. L2 dt 30 a3 5 c1 -- 25
"Diary of a Madman"
Ozzy/Randy Rhoads.early c4 bL 30 6 23 p7 h1 25
Ozzy/Randy Rhoads. c2 bL 30 1 48 of h7 28
Ozzy/Zakk Wylde of Ld 30 of 8 of of h1
.harmonic enhancer
Ozzy/Zakk Wylde. L7 of -- 5 p2 f9 d8 30
Pantera.clean c1 of -- 2 36 c3 d6 28
Pantera.Dimebags.1 L1 c4 dt 30 4 48-50 of 25-30
Pantera.Dimebags.2 L6 mt 30 a1 29 of r3 30
Pantera.distortion c3 mt 30 4 47 -- r2 25
Pantera.distortion. c9 dt 30 a1 50 c3 of 30
overdrive + chorus
Pantera."End of Floods" L8 bL 28 a1 24 p7 d7 26
Pantera."End of Floods" c3 ac 26 a1 24 p7 h6 26
Pantera."End of L8 ac 28 a1 24 p7 d7 26
Pantera.general L8 mt 30 a1 50 -- r5 25
Pantera rhythm of dt 30 1 40 of of 30
Pantera.rhythm.solo p9 dt 30 of 46 of of 25
Pantera.super-drive L9 dt 25 9 50 c1 h4 26
perfect sound L6 of -- 6 p9 c6 d7 25
phaser.crunch -- ry 15 -- p4 c5 r4 27
phaser.metal c7 bL 23 9 p2 of of 24+
phaser.solo L7 of -- 1 p4 f1/ p1 d2 20
PinkFloyd/David Gilmour of ry 16 7 of of h4 26
Pink Floyd/David c4 ry 26 a9 p1 f3 h6 24
Pink Floyd/David c5 od 4 a2 43 c2 h3 25
Gilmour."Shine On...".1
Pink Floyd/David c5 od 6 a2 43 c2 d3 25
Gilmour."Shine On...".2
Pink Floyd/David of bL 30 a9 42 c5 h6 25
Pink Floyd/David c4 bL 27 6 36-38 c1 d7 27-30
Pixies."Caribou".solo L6 od 8 6 40 c6 of 20
Police.Andy Summers. L4 of -- 22 36 d6 d6 23
Prince."Purple Rain" c7 ry 1 a1 p1 f3 h7 27
Prodigy.Firestarter c9 fu 25 of 7 d1 of 30
psychedelic.cool of dt 20 9 30 s9 d7 25

Queen/Brian May. c7 mt 21 a9 p2 of d8 24
"Keep Yourself Alive"
Queen/Brian May. c9 od 15 a9 33 of r4 21
tube screamer
Queen/Brian May. c9 od 1 a9 33 of r4 21
tube screamer.clean
Queen/Brian May. c9 od 25 a9 33 of r4 21
tube screamer.solo
Rage Against the Machine of bL 25 9 p3 p1 h1 30
*Rage Against The p8 dt 19 9 of c2 h1 27
Ma..."Bulls On Parade"
Rage Against The p9 bL 30 6 p9 of h3 25
Machine.screaming gtr
Ratt.1 L4 mt 30 a1 42 -- -- 25
Ratt.2 L8 fu 30 a9 36 -- -- 25
REM.crunch.bite of Ld 9 4 11 c1 r3 27
REM."Life & L9 ry 1 1 40 d7 of 30
How to Live It"
reverb.clean a3 -- -- 2 35 -- r9 --
reverb.clean.jazz L5 of -- 6 25 of h5 26
reverb.Room With c1 ry 9 1 14 of h9 26
a View
reverb.snap-verb.clean c9 of -- 9 of of h4 27
reverb.surf L2 ry 1 a7 25 d2 h9 25
rhythm.1970s c8 bL 8 a1 of of of 21
rhythm.bass.1 L9 od 16 a4 7 d2 r1 27
rhythm.bass.2 L9 ry 8 3 5 d2 r5 30
rhythm.hardrock of Ld 24 a6 41 of of 26
rhythm.monster of Ld 30 9 29 f2 h7 23
rhythm.NIB L2 fu 21 a2 47 -- -- 28
rhythm.tube crunch c4 od 13 a6 25 -- r7 30
chunky OD
rhythm.tube crunch c4 od 13 a6 35 -- r7 30
chunky OD.bright
Rolling Stones/Richards c2 od 15 4 35 of r3 21
Rush/Alex Lifeson.2112 c4 ry 1 1 35 c3 h5 26
Rush/Alex Lifeson. c7 dt 8 of of of d8 28
Rush/Alex Lifeson. L8 od 10 a8 34 c3 h3 28
"Fly by Night"
Rush/Alex Lifeson. L4 od 5 2 35 f8 h1 28
"Red Barchetta"
Rush/Alex Lifeson c8 dt 8 of of of d8 28
Rypdal, Terje c1 od 30 34 20 c2 h7 22
sad guitar solo c9 od 20/25 a5 of pu h9 20/25
Santana, Carlos c4 Ld 20 8 25 c2 r3 26
Santana, Carlos.solo c9 Ld 20 a4 23 d2 d4 20
Satriani, Joe. -- mt 26 6 45 -- d8 26
"Forgotten Part 2"
Satriani, Joe. c5 bL 30 a5 31 c3 d1 25
Satriani, Joe.solo c3 dt 25 a1 43 c3 d5 20
*saxophone L9 fu 13 a9 12 c1 h9 21
Scorpions."When the c3 of -- 6 42 c8 d8 27
Smoke is Going Down"
Scorpions."Winds c3 of -- 9 27 f9 h6 29
of Change".clean
Sepultura.Chaos c7 dt 30 a6 50 of h2 30
Sepultura.distortion.1 c4 mt 30 9 30 of h3 28
Sepultura.distortion.2 c1 mt 30 9 41 r2 25 --
Sepultura.distortion.3 c9 dt 30 6 15 of of 25
Sepultura."Roots" c9 mt 30 a9 45 c2 of 28
Setzer, Brian." c7 ry 25 of 10 d5 r7 28
Jump Jive & Wail".lead
Setzer, Brian."Jump c4 of -- a1 20 d9 d1 28
Shadows/Hank Marvin c1 of -- 9 15 of d1 30
Silverchair L5 ry 12 a9 32 c3 r6 26
Silverchair.clean.phase c6 ac 15 a9 p4 c2 r9 28
Silverchair.distortion c2 bL 15 3 27 c2 r1 23
sitar.drone.delay.wah a7 of of of p8 p9 d8 ?
ska L1 bL 10 5 15 pd of 30
Skunk Akansie. of ry 12 of 33 f2 h3 30
Skunk Askansie.flange of dt 30 5 of f7 h1 25
Slayer.early L5 Ld 25 a5 42 of h1 25
Slayer."Seasons in a1 7 c3 h3 25 of of of
the Abyss".clean
Slayer."Seasons in c2 mt 30 9 7 r5 25 --
the Abyss".dist
Slayer."Seasons L1 Ld 30 9 8 c1 of 25
in the Abyss".general
- set mids 5
Slayer."Seasons a6 Ld 30 a1 50 c3 h1 25
in the Abyss".solo
Smashing Pumpkins of dt 10 9 of of of 27
Smashing Pumpkins c9 fU 19 a9 9 f2 h2 23
Smashing Pumpkins. -- dt 30 -- p1 -- -- ?
Smashing Pumpkins. c4 Ld 22 a9 25 of of ?
Smashing Pumpkins.solo -- -- -- -- p9 f6 r9 21
Social Distortion. c4 od 25 5 24 of h1 25
"Story of My Life"
Space (Arkiv X) a4 bL 7 7 p6 f7 h9 22
spice it up patch L3 of of 5 28 c3 of 24
for an effects loop
SRV.solo c7 od 17 9 9 -- h2 18
Strat.1959 vintage.solo L6 od 6 1 12 of r9 21
Strat.killer c5 Ld 27 8 28 c2 h3 24 -26
hi-gain sound
*sustain/feedback. c9 dt 25 a9 3 sep-40 f1 h1 25
synth.cheesy.Sci-Fi p9 od 3 a1 p9 p9 h9 18
synth.Polly Phonic. c7 -- -- -- p7 p9 h9 22 -30
techno c9 od 27 9 p3 s1 d8 27
techno.solo a9 mt 25 a4 p1 p7 d2 24
Therapy.1 L4 od 30 9 36 d4 r6 25
Therapy.2 L7 dt 25 a9 24 d5 of 25 -30
Thin Lizzy. c4 Ld 15 6 23 d5 d3 22
"Whiskey in
the Jar".solo
Tool.1 of ry 22 9 11 of of 20
Tool.2 of mt 30 1 37 of h2 30
Tool.distortion of mt 30 9 13 f1 h2 25
Tragically Hip.rhythm c3 Ld 19 of 28 of of 19
Trower, Robin L9 Ld 30 7 24 f2 d1 22
tube.clean of od 10 1 28 of h1 25
tube.overdrive.vintage c5 od 15 7 28 of h1 25
tube.screamer c9 od 15 a1 24 of of 20
tube.tubey c9 bL 25 7 25 of h9 28

U2/The Edge."Bullet c1 ry 30 a2 25 of d5/d7 16
the Blue Sky".intro
U2/The Edge."Bullet c9 od 30 3 23 f2 d7 18
the Blue Sky".2
U2/The Edge."Bullet of Ld 24 of p1 s8 d8 25
the..." (Popmart)
U2/The Edge."Bullet of od/LD 24/26 of p1 s8 d8 25/ 27
the..." (Popmart)
U2/The Edge.echo.delay L4 ry 8 8 23 d1 d8 26
U2/The Edge."Hold of od 30 of 24 of d8 28
Me, Thrill Me..."
U2/The Edge."Love p1 fu 30 of 4 d2 h1 28
is Blindness".live
U2/The Edge.NUMB.Clean of dt 13 of p2 f2 of 28
U2/The Edge."Staring c4 bL 26 a8 23 c2 -- 20
at the Sun"
U2/The Edge."Where c4 of -- 4 32 c3 d7 24
the Street..."
U2."Where the Street.. c3 ry 10 8 25 of d8 27
Vai, Steve.1 c9 Ld 15 5 14 d3 h5 27
Vai, Steve.electric c6 of -- 9 40 c5 h6 30
Van Halen, Edward.1 L9 bL 26 9 of c3 h7 30
Van Halen."Ain't c9 dt 30 9 42 f3 r9 30
Talkin' 'bout Love"
Van Halen."Ain't c7 mt 30 4 of f7 d4 25
Van Halen."Ain't c4 bL 25 3 p4 f1 d7 28
Talkin' 'bout...".phase
Van Halen, Edward. c2 dt 30 4 16 c2 d4 25
Van Halen.distortion c1 mt 26 6 42 f6 d4 ?
Van Halen, Edward of dt 26 a9 of c3 h5 24
Van Halen, Edward. c4 bL 30 3 of of h3 30
Van Halen, Edward. c2 dt 30 4 16 c2 d4 17
Van Halen, Edward of dt 30 a1 6 -- h5/h9 17
Van Halen, Edward. L1 dt 30 4 16 f7 d4 25
Van Halen, Edward. c9 Ld 16 5 31 c2 H3 30
Van Halen, Edward.new c1 bL 25 9 50 c3 r9 30
Van Halen, Edward.solo c2 dt 30 4 16 c4 of 21
Van Halen, Edward. a1 bL 20 a2 45 f2 r1 25
Vaughn, Stevie Ray. c2 bL 4 a9 39 of h6 28
'59 Strat
wah.1 a8 mt 30 a9 12 c2 h3 27
wah.cheesy.porno p6 od 1 9 47 c3 r6 25
music pedal wah
wah.cool p7 mt 26 9 43 c1 of ?
wah.delay + chorus a9 od 25 a9 26 c6 d9 30
wah.funk a7 bL 1 of p6 59 h2 25
wah.heavy+bite a9 bL 20 9 50 of h9 25
wah.screaming a2 Ld 22 5 24 c3 h1 23
wah.soft a7 ry 16 5 15 f7 d8 23
wah.solo.1 p9 od 30 of 41 of d7 20
wah.solo.2 a9 fu 30 of of of of 30
wah.wild of dt 30 3 31 c1 -- 30
weird.Dr Who of dt 30 of p1 f2 r8 ?
White Zombie. L8 dt 30 9 48 of of 26
White Zombie. c2 mt 30 a1 46 d3 r5 25
White Zombie. of mt 30 a1 6 d3 d1 ?
White Zombie. L9 dt 30 8 49 of r6 27
wild cool c9 mt 30 a9 p9 c9 d8 30
WOW! c3 dt 25 a8 45 c3 r5 22-27

Zoft 4x12 Celestion c3 ry 18 7 6 of h1 28
ZZ Top/Billy L4 ry 25 of 13 c2 r2 28
ZZ Top/Billy Gibbons c7 Ld 28 6 26 of d8 22 -26
ZZ Top/Billy Gibbons c2 dt 20 a4 25 c3 of 29
ZZ Top/Billy Gibbons. L2 ry 25 of 13 c2 r2
发表于 2012-8-11 13:29:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-11 13:51:54 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-11 16:00:21 | 显示全部楼层
第一个例子AC/DC-Angus Young.distortion.clean     
                1comp          c9   
                                2 dist              bL
                                3 gain                5
                                4 znr                a 9
                                5 eq                   41
                                6 mod             of
                                7del                  of
                                8lev                  26
发表于 2012-8-11 18:51:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-11 18:53:55 | 显示全部楼层

  现在用的还是G2.1U   ,,  效果也很不错、、主要是么钱哈、、、

    [em13] [em13] [em13] [em13] [em13] [em13]
发表于 2012-8-12 15:45:46 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-13 04:59:59 | 显示全部楼层

回复 5楼 tangchaoda123 的帖子

感谢亲爱的版主给加精! [em28]
发表于 2012-8-15 19:41:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-13 19:43:27 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tangchaoda123 于 2012-8-11 18:51 发表

哈哈 是啊
发表于 2012-9-16 08:51:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-12 10:39:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-16 12:31:55 | 显示全部楼层
LZ V587
发表于 2014-9-14 05:25:26 | 显示全部楼层
05年在北京用过的 当时在北京亮甲店上大学   要是能出的时候用过   目前手里有ZOOM    签名款  吉他手录音专用  G1/G1J   市场价600    要的跟我联系  QQ“706468798   里外对外租琴   演出用一天给100就租给你   押金100     只对东北的朋友租  最好是通辽市的
发表于 2014-9-14 05:28:34 | 显示全部楼层
索尼克唱片  目前提供录音  及演出排练 室  按时间收费    包间100一天  地址:通辽市金叶家园  或横木酒吧   联系人”阿博
发表于 2014-9-14 05:29:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-9-26 14:48:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-9-28 12:26:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-6 07:58:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-4 13:51:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-21 11:54:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-3-16 15:51:38 | 显示全部楼层
楼主辛苦了 作了那么多效果器参数的设置出来啊
发表于 2021-4-3 10:52:13 | 显示全部楼层
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