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[电吉他人物] 最新吉他杂志/摇滚杂志网盘下载[2012]

发表于 2012-8-21 08:18:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01014q5q class="titName SG_txta">英国《Classic&nbsp;Rock》(经典摇滚)杂志2012年9月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Classic Rock - September 2012<BR>English | 148 pages | HQ PDF | 135.00 Mb<BR><BR>英国《Classic Rock》(经典摇滚)杂志2012年9月刊,Lynyrd Skynyrd —— 生命不止,抗争不息!<BR><BR>英语原版 | 高清PDF | 148页 | 135 Mb<BR><BR>全球仅有的重磅传统摇滚乐鉴赏杂志,适合每一位热爱西方经典摇滚乐的乐迷。<BR><BR>Classic Rock goes behind the scenes to bring the real stories behind rock legends from Led Zeppelin to Metallica, to Marilyn Manson and beyond. You'll find interviews, news, tour dates, retrospective articles and a hefty reviews section in every issue.<BR><BR>Classic Rock focuses on the biggest names in rock music past, present and future with in-depth features, exclusive interviews, a substantial reviews.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效链接)</P>
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01014ktf class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;Techniques》(吉他技巧)杂志2012年9月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Techniques - September 2012<BR>English | HQ PDF | 100 pages | 79.2 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar Techniques》(吉他技巧)杂志2012年9月刊,封面人物:SRV!<BR><BR>英语原版 | 高清PDF | 100页 | 79.2 Mb<BR><BR>GT是一本注重于吉他演奏技巧的世界级音乐杂志,无论是对于吉他初学者还是高端进阶学习都有着重要的指导性意义。<BR><BR>Guitar Techniques Magazine is a Magazine focusing on guitar learning techniques, featuring master classes from expert tutors and step-by-step guides. Includes interviews, CD and album reviews and long transcriptions for the reader to practise and perfect.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效链接):
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01014oi3 class="titName SG_txta">《Premier&nbsp;Guitar》(顶级吉他)杂志2012年9月刊,Steve&nbsp;Vai!&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Premier Guitar - September 2012<BR>True PDF | 207 pages | English | 60.7 MB<BR><BR>《Premier Guitar》(顶级吉他)杂志2012年9月刊,Steve Vai!<BR><BR>True PDF | 英语原版 | 207页 | 60.7 MB<BR><BR>世界权威吉他杂志之一,主要介绍有关吉他的最新动态和一些技法知识,包括电吉他、民谣吉他、古典吉他等等,还讲了很多指弹吉他技法知识,非常适合吉他爱好者阅读。<BR><BR>Premier Guitar has the latest in guitar information and equipment along with music interviews, product reviews, and much more.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01014em3 class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;Bass》(吉他与贝斯)杂志2012年9月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar &amp; Bass - September 2012<BR>English | 148 pages | HQ PDF | 118.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar &amp; Bass》(吉他与贝斯)杂志2012年9月刊,封面人物:Slash!<BR><BR>英文原版 | 148页 | 高清PDF | 118 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar &amp; Bass》是一本英国专业吉他贝斯杂志,该杂志为您提供最好的吉他贝斯的使用评论,并提供大量教学与乐谱。<BR><BR>Guitar &amp; Bass magazine provides in-depth and essential reading for the serious guitarist, with dozens of guitar tests, playing techniques, an exclusive bass section and in-depth features on guitar heroes past, present and future. Each issue is packed full of reviews of the latest guitars, amps, effects and basses. Guitar &amp; Bass magazine also delivers the informed verdict on home recording equipment and regularly offers tips on buying second hand and vintage gear. When you occasionally put down that guitar, it is also packed full of interviews with the great and good of guitardom!<BR><BR>Guitar &amp; Bass offers you the very best instrument reviews. Our product testers are all leading industry professionals and we've helped thousands of readers make the right choice about kit. And when you occasionally put down that guitar, there are plenty of entertaining interviews with all your favorite guitar hero's.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01014c3j class="titName SG_txta">《Guitarist》(吉他手)杂志2012年夏季刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitarist - Summer 2012 (HQ PDF)<BR>English | 187 pages | HQ PDF | 155.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitarist》(吉他手)杂志2012年夏季刊,木吉他专题:50把世界最佳原声吉他!<BR><BR>英文原版 | 187页 | 高清PDF | 155 Mb<BR><BR>《吉他手》杂志是欧洲最为悠久的吉他类期刊,出版目的简单明了:让所有吉他爱好者对这件乐器以及它的一切周边更为了解,更好地掌控。<BR><BR>Guitarist is Europe's longest-established guitar magazine. Its aims are clear: to improve our readers' knowledge of the instrument, help them make the right buying choices and assist them in becoming a better player. Our in-depth reviews inform, our interviews entertain and our techniques section offers lessons from the UK's finest tutors. Our exclusive cover CD, Guitarist Interactive, provides an extra dimension. With this, you can listen to new products, see them demo'd, practice techniques over our backing tracks and listen to great artists in action. As 'the guitar buyer's bible', Guitarist enthuses, informs and entertains. Want to know more about guitars or the guitar market? Choose Guitarist!<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0ntwac3vi" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0ntwac3vi" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01014c3g class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;Player&nbsp;Vault》杂志2012年8月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Player Vault - August 2012<BR>True PDF | 91 pages | English | 43.3 MB<BR><BR>《Guitar Player Vault》杂志2012年8月刊,封面人物:Charlie Christian!<BR><BR>True PDF | 91页 | 英语原版 | 43.3 MB<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效链接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0bt1f84ue" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0bt1f84ue" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01014b8i class="titName SG_txta">《Metal&nbsp;Hammer》(金属音锤)杂志2012年夏季刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Metal Hammer - Summer 2012<BR>English | HQ PDF | 164 pages | 165 Mb<BR><BR>《Metal Hammer》(金属音锤)杂志2012年夏季刊,封面:金属拯救者 —— WATAIN!<BR><BR>英语原版 | 164页 | 高清PDF | 165 Mb<BR><BR><BR>《Metal Hammer》是英国乃至世界范围内最负盛名的重金属音乐杂志(月刊),在许多欧洲国家有其各自的本土版本。杂志以权威的姿态介绍评论世界范围内活跃的金属乐队以及其最新的专辑,MetalHammer内容丰富,每一期都有大牌乐队坐镇接受 MetalHammer采访,同时又是极具影响力,MetalHammer所挑选的专辑往往会被乐迷追捧并最终成为经典。<BR><BR>Metal Hammer is the UK’s only monthly hardcore metal magazine with a gift every issue. We cover both traditional and contemporary metal bands, hardcore, gothic rock, punk and alternative, reporting on the burgeoning British scene as well as all the latest bands Stateside and around the world. Metal Hammer has a comprehensive news section and reviews section and provides in-depth interviews with rising stars on the scene and more established acts. Above all, Metal Hammer is loud, rude and it makes no apologies!<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效链接):
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb010143ms class="titName SG_txta">英国《Classic&nbsp;Rock》(经典摇滚)杂志2012年8月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Classic Rock - August 2012 (UK)<BR>148 pages | 89MB | PDF | English<BR><BR>英国《Classic Rock》(经典摇滚)杂志2012年8月刊,ZZ Top重生!<BR><BR>英语原版 | PDF | 148页 | 89 Mb<BR><BR>全球仅有的重磅传统摇滚乐鉴赏杂志,适合每一位热爱西方经典摇滚乐的乐迷。<BR><BR>Classic Rock focuses on the biggest names in rock music past, present and future with in-depth features, exclusive interviews, a substantial reviews.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效链接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s04scvdb54" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s04scvdb54" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A><BR><BR></P>
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb010143mp class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;Techniques》(吉他技巧)杂志2012年8月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Techniques Magazine - August 2012<BR>English | 100 pages | HQ PDF | 79.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar Techniques》(吉他技巧)杂志2012年8月刊<BR><BR>英语原版 | 高清PDF | 100页 | 79 Mb<BR><BR>GT是一本注重于吉他演奏技巧的世界级音乐杂志,无论是对于吉他初学者还是高端进阶学习都有着重要的指导性意义。<BR><BR>Guitar Techniques Magazine is a Magazine focusing on guitar learning techniques, featuring master classes from expert tutors and step-by-step guides. Includes interviews, CD and album reviews and long transcriptions for the reader to practise and perfect.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效链接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0gthsc5so" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0gthsc5so" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01013uuh class="titName SG_txta">《Total&nbsp;Guitar》(完全吉他)2012年8月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Total Guitar - August 2012<BR>English | 164 pages | HQ PDF | 121.00 Mb<BR><BR>英国《Total Guitar》(完全吉他)2012年8月刊,封面人物:Ed Sheeran<BR><BR>英语原版 | 164页 | 高清PDF | 121 Mb<BR><BR>《Total Guitar》(完全吉他,或译作完全吉他指南)是来自英国的一本杂志,关注吉他演奏技术,吉他产品以及吉他制作工艺。每一期都有权威的吉他测评,大牌吉他手坐镇讲解吉他演奏技巧以及经典吉他段落的详细讲解,而它广为人称道的是100%精确的吉他谱。如果你是一名吉他乐手或是吉他爱好者,Total Guitar绝对是一本你不会错过的好杂志。<BR><BR>Total Guitar is Europe's best-selling guitar magazine, crammed full of songs to learn plus backing tracks. From the latest metal and indie hits to classic rock from the likes of Led Zeppelin and AC/DC, TG has more songs than ANY other guitar magazine!Rhythm is the UK's best-selling drum magazine.<BR><BR>Total Guitar Magazine is dedicated to beginner and intermediate guitarists. It features profiles and interviews with big name and must-hear guitarists, in which their playing and gear secrets are revealed. Readers’ technical questions are answered in-depth every issue in Q&amp;A, while the latest guitars, amps and effects are reviewed in Europe's best selling guitar magazine.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0ul04r0v8" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0ul04r0v8" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01013r63 class="titName SG_txta">《Guitarist》杂志2012年8月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitarist - August 2012 (HQ PDF)<BR>English | 188 pages | HQ PDF | 159.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitarist》(吉他手)杂志2012年8月刊,封面:标准提升!新款Gibson/Fender全面评测。<BR><BR>英文原版 | 188页 | 高清PDF | 159 Mb<BR><BR>《吉他手》杂志是欧洲最为悠久的吉他类期刊,出版目的简单明了:让所有吉他爱好者对这件乐器以及它的一切周边更为了解,更好地掌控。<BR><BR>Guitarist is Europe's longest-established guitar magazine. Its aims are clear: to improve our readers' knowledge of the instrument, help them make the right buying choices and assist them in becoming a better player. Our in-depth reviews inform, our interviews entertain and our techniques section offers lessons from the UK's finest tutors. Our exclusive cover CD, Guitarist Interactive, provides an extra dimension. With this, you can listen to new products, see them demo'd, practice techniques over our backing tracks and listen to great artists in action. As 'the guitar buyer's bible', Guitarist enthuses, informs and entertains. Want to know more about guitars or the guitar market? Choose Guitarist!<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0obql816r" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0obql816r" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
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<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01013r5u class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;Bass》(吉他与贝斯)杂志2012年8月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar &amp; Bass - August 2012<BR>English | 148 pages | HQ PDF | 115.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar &amp; Bass》(吉他与贝斯)杂志2012年8月刊,封面人物:布鲁斯摇滚新领袖 Joe Bonamassa!<BR><BR>英文原版 | 148页 | 高清PDF | 115 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar &amp; Bass》是一本英国专业吉他贝斯杂志,该杂志为您提供最好的吉他贝斯的使用评论,并提供大量教学与乐谱。<BR><BR>Guitar &amp; Bass magazine provides in-depth and essential reading for the serious guitarist, with dozens of guitar tests, playing techniques, an exclusive bass section and in-depth features on guitar heroes past, present and future. Each issue is packed full of reviews of the latest guitars, amps, effects and basses. Guitar &amp; Bass magazine also delivers the informed verdict on home recording equipment and regularly offers tips on buying second hand and vintage gear. When you occasionally put down that guitar, it is also packed full of interviews with the great and good of guitardom!<BR><BR>Guitar &amp; Bass offers you the very best instrument reviews. Our product testers are all leading industry professionals and we've helped thousands of readers make the right choice about kit. And when you occasionally put down that guitar, there are plenty of entertaining interviews with all your favorite guitar hero's.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0y2q8rnad" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0y2q8rnad" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>

[ 本帖最后由 lihaobo 于 2012-8-21 08:29 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-8-21 08:30:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:31:42 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01013cif class="titName SG_txta">法国《Les&nbsp;inRocKs&nbsp;2》摇滚杂志重金属特刊,总第46期&nbsp;[新浪微盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Les inRocKs 2 46 - Heavy Metal<BR>French | 100 pages | HQ PDF | 90 MB<BR><BR>法国《Les inRocKs 2》摇滚杂志重金属特刊,总第46期。<BR><BR>法语 | 100页 | 高清PDF | 90 MB<BR><BR>A la une dans ce numéro : Puissance et gloire du Heavy Metal<BR>Et également : ACDC Black Sabbath La genèse des premiers riffs Les activistes du metal en France Metallica Motorhead Rammstein Van Halen<BR><BR>Bimestriel - 6 numéros / an<BR>Tous les mois, les inrockuptibles éditent un hors-série sur un sujet musique, cinéma, société ou artistique. En 100 pages, les inrocks2 et les inrocks hors-série retracent un grand courant musical, mettent le cap sur une tendance...<BR><BR>新浪微盘下载:<A href="http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/7l5Ks/1340304325" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点击</FONT></A></P>
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:32:55 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01013av6 class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;Player》(吉他乐手)杂志2012年7月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Player USA - July 2012 (HQ PDF)<BR>English | 180 pages | HQ PDF | 113,7 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar Player》(吉他乐手)杂志2012年7月刊,超级英雄 —— Jason Becker!<BR><BR>英语原版 | 180页 | 高清PDF | 113,7 Mb<BR><BR>GP杂志创刊于1967年,是一本极为流行的吉他相关刊物。杂志定位于富有经验与严肃的吉他手,内容包括优秀的课程、大师级乐手的教学专栏,各类专业访谈、录音技巧和大量的器材评测。<BR><BR>The only magazine committed to the most experienced and serious guitar players. Coverage includes the finest lessons and master classes, interviews with top artists, recording tips, and extensive product reviews.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:34:05 | 显示全部楼层
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<H2 class="titName SG_txta">英国《Classic&nbsp;Rock》(经典摇滚)杂志2012年8月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Classic Rock - August 2012 (HQ PDF)<BR>English | 148 pages | HQ PDF | 144.00 Mb<BR><BR>英国《Classic Rock》(经典摇滚)杂志2012年8月刊,真实的'77年 + 前卫对抗朋克!<BR><BR>英语原版 | 高清PDF | 148页 | 144 Mb<BR><BR>全球仅有的重磅传统摇滚乐鉴赏杂志,适合每一位热爱西方经典摇滚乐的乐迷。<BR><BR>Classic Rock goes behind the scenes to bring the real stories behind rock legends from Led Zeppelin to Metallica, to Marilyn Manson and beyond. You'll find interviews, news, tour dates, retrospective articles and a hefty reviews section in every issue.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s077p5j5j6" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s077p5j5j6" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:34:39 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb010138y7 class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;Techniques》(吉他技巧)杂志2012年7月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Techniques - July 2012<BR>English | PDF | 100 Pages | 48.5 MB<BR><BR>《Guitar Techniques》(吉他技巧)杂志2012年7月刊,封面专题:吉他之神克莱普顿经典《不插电》20周年纪念。<BR><BR>GT是一本注重于吉他演奏技巧的世界级音乐杂志,无论是对于吉他初学者还是高端进阶学习都有着重要的指导性意义。<BR><BR>英语原版 | PDF | 100页 | 48.5 Mb<BR><BR>Guitar Techniques Magazine is a Magazine focusing on guitar learning techniques, featuring master classes from expert tutors and step-by-step guides. Includes interviews, CD and album reviews and long transcriptions for the reader to practise and perfect.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0fk9usw6n" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0fk9usw6n" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:35:27 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb010135fs class="titName SG_txta">《Premier&nbsp;Guitar》杂志2012年7月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Premier Guitar - July 2012<BR>True PDF | 269 pages | English | 61.8 MB<BR><BR>《Premier Guitar》(顶级吉他)杂志2012年7月刊。<BR><BR>True PDF | 英语原版 | 269页 | 61.8 MB<BR><BR>世界权威吉他杂志之一,主要介绍有关吉他的最新动态和一些技法知识,包括电吉他、民谣吉他、古典吉他等等,还讲了很多指弹吉他技法知识,非常适合吉他爱好者阅读。<BR><BR>Premier Guitar has the latest in guitar information and equipment along with music interviews, product reviews, and much more.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s07fytrbrz" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s07fytrbrz" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:37:29 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01012zya class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;Bass》杂志2012年7月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar &amp; Bass - July 2012<BR>English | PDF | 148 pages | 64.3 MB<BR><BR>《Guitar &amp; Bass》(吉他与贝斯)杂志2012年7月刊,封面专题:Marshall和Fender与经典摇滚乐的联姻。<BR><BR>英文原版 | 148页 | PDF | 64.3 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar &amp; Bass》是一本英国专业吉他贝斯杂志,该杂志为您提供最好的吉他贝斯的使用评论,并提供大量教学与乐谱。<BR><BR>Guitar &amp; Bass offers you the very best instrument reviews. Our product testers are all leading industry professionals and we've helped thousands of readers make the right choice about kit. And when you occasionally put down that guitar, there are plenty of entertaining interviews with all your favorite guitar hero's.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0muai5rv1" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点击</FONT></A></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:39:14 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01012wq9 class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;Player》(吉他乐手)杂志2012年6月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Player - June 2012<BR>English | 180 pages | HQ PDF | 116,0 MB<BR><BR>《Guitar Player》(吉他乐手)杂志2012年6月刊,封面专题:Erinie Ball 50周年庆。<BR><BR>英语原版 | 180页 | 高清PDF | 116 Mb<BR><BR>GP杂志创刊于1967年,是一本极为流行的吉他相关刊物。杂志定位于富有经验与严肃的吉他手,内容包括优秀的课程、大师级乐手的教学专栏,各类专业访谈、录音技巧和大量的器材评测。<BR><BR>The only magazine committed to the most experienced and serious guitar players. Coverage includes the finest lessons and master classes, interviews with top artists, recording tips, and extensive product reviews.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:40:38 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01012wr2 class="titName SG_txta">《Guitarist》杂志2012年7月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitarist - July 2012 (HQ PDF)<BR>English | 196 pages | HQ PDF | 168.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitarist》(吉他手)杂志2012年7月刊,封面专题:Cream乐队经典唱片《Disraeli Gears》45周年纪念 + Clapton、Gibson和Marshall如何发明了摇滚吉他 etc<BR><BR>英文原版 | 196页 | 高清PDF | 168 Mb<BR><BR>《吉他手》杂志是欧洲最为悠久的吉他类期刊,出版目的简单明了:让所有吉他爱好者对这件乐器以及它的一切周边更为了解,更好地掌控。<BR><BR>Guitarist is Europe's longest-established guitar magazine. Its aims are clear: to improve our readers' knowledge of the instrument, help them make the right buying choices and assist them in becoming a better player. Our in-depth reviews inform, our interviews entertain and our techniques section offers lessons from the UK's finest tutors. Our exclusive cover CD, Guitarist Interactive, provides an extra dimension. With this, you can listen to new products, see them demo'd, practice techniques over our backing tracks and listen to great artists in action. As 'the guitar buyer's bible', Guitarist enthuses, informs and entertains. Want to know more about guitars or the guitar market? Choose Guitarist!<BR><BR>华为网盘下载(永久有效连接):<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0nh6gc8g1" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0nh6gc8g1" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A><BR></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:49:35 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb010129fl class="titName SG_txta">《Premier&nbsp;Guitar》杂志2012年6月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Premier Guitar - June 2012<BR>True PDF | English | 288 pages | 76.7 MB<BR><BR>《Premier Guitar》(顶级吉他)杂志2012年6月刊<BR><BR>True PDF | 英语原版 | 288页 | 76.7 MB<BR><BR>PG是世界权威吉他杂志之一,主要介绍有关吉他的最新动态和一些技法知识,包括电吉他、民谣吉他、古典吉他等等,还讲了很多指弹吉他技法知识,非常适合吉他爱好者阅读。<BR><BR>Premier Guitar has the latest in guitar information and equipment along with music interviews, product reviews and much more.<BR><BR>华为网盘下载:<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0lltc7q6v" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点击</FONT></A></P>
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:50:27 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01011xzr class="titName SG_txta">Jimi&nbsp;Hendrix!&nbsp;《Guitar&nbsp;Player》杂志2012年5月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Player USA - May 2012<BR>English | 164 pages | HQ PDF | 111,5 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar Player》(吉他乐手)杂志2012年5月刊,封面专题:Jimi Hendrix在70年代。<BR><BR>英语原版 | 164页 | 高清PDF | 120.00 Mb<BR><BR>GP杂志创刊于1967年,是一本极为流行的吉他相关刊物。杂志定位于富有经验与严肃的吉他手,内容包括优秀的课程、大师级乐手的教学专栏,各类专业访谈、录音技巧和大量的器材评测。<BR><BR>The only magazine committed to the most experienced and serious guitar players. Coverage includes the finest lessons and master classes, interviews with top artists, recording tips, and extensive product reviews.<BR><BR>华为高速网盘下载:<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0bmt5ogxd" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0bmt5ogxd" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:51:38 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb01011ahi class="titName SG_txta">《Metal&nbsp;Hammer》(金属音锤)杂志2012年5月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Metal Hammer - May 2012<BR>English | 164 pages | HQ PDF | 166.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Metal Hammer》(金属音锤)杂志2012年5月刊,封面专题:“我们正在回归自我的精华” —— Metallica的黑色专辑、新专辑和秘密项目!<BR><BR>英语原版 | 164页 | 高清PDF | 166 Mb<BR><BR>《Metal Hammer》是英国乃至世界上最负盛名的重金属音乐杂志(月刊),在许多欧洲国家有其各自的本土版本。杂志以权威的姿态介绍评论世界范围内活跃的金属乐队以及其最新的专辑,MetalHammer内容丰富,每一期都有大牌乐队坐镇接受 MetalHammer采访,同时又是极具影响力,MetalHammer所挑选的专辑往往会被乐迷追捧并最终成为经典。<BR><BR>Metal Hammer is the UK’s only monthly hardcore metal magazine with a gift every issue. We cover both traditional and contemporary metal bands, hardcore, gothic rock, punk and alternative, reporting on the burgeoning British scene as well as all the latest bands Stateside and around the world. Metal Hammer has a comprehensive news section and reviews section and provides in-depth interviews with rising stars on the scene and more established acts. Above all, Metal Hammer is loud, rude and it makes no apologies!<BR><BR>华为高速网盘下载:<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0bwkt2sdl" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0bwkt2sdl" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 08:52:31 | 显示全部楼层
<H2 id=t_781a5aeb010110i9 class="titName SG_txta">《Guitar&nbsp;Player》杂志2012年4月刊&nbsp;[华为网盘]</H2>
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<P class="titName SG_txta">Guitar Player - April 2012<BR>English | 164 pages | HQ PDF | 120.00 Mb<BR><BR>《Guitar Player》(吉他乐手)杂志2012年4月刊,封面专题:10种技巧像Steve Morse那样弹奏 + 2012最佳吉他产品揭示。<BR><BR>英语原版 | 164页 | 高清PDF | 120.00 Mb<BR><BR>GP杂志创刊于1967年,是一本极为流行的吉他相关刊物。杂志定位于富有经验与严肃的吉他手,内容包括优秀的课程、大师级乐手的教学专栏,各类专业访谈、录音技巧和大量的器材评测。<BR><BR>The only magazine committed to the most experienced and serious guitar players. Coverage includes the finest lessons and master classes, interviews with top artists, recording tips, and extensive product reviews.<BR><BR>华为高速网盘下载:<A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0npvmni8c" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>点</FONT></A><A href="http://dl.dbank.com/s0npvmni8c" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>击</FONT></A></P>
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发表于 2012-8-21 09:26:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-21 13:35:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-21 13:42:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-21 13:55:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-21 18:25:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-21 19:07:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-21 23:21:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-22 02:13:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-22 08:56:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-22 10:20:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-22 10:35:11 | 显示全部楼层
太美了 lz辛苦啦。。
发表于 2012-8-23 10:51:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-23 20:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
大波波仁兄太辛苦了 不顶对不起啊
发表于 2012-8-23 21:25:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-23 22:56:20 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2012-8-24 17:12:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-25 09:43:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-25 20:12:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-28 14:29:49 | 显示全部楼层
有slash好多内容啊 鸡冻。。
发表于 2012-8-28 14:52:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-28 15:28:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-30 09:18:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-30 17:23:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-30 18:01:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-8-30 22:36:01 | 显示全部楼层
太爽了 顶楼主
发表于 2012-8-31 15:51:58 | 显示全部楼层
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