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[音箱知识] 作为爱好者应该买多大功率的音箱

发表于 2012-10-29 07:56:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Differentwith professional guitarists, hobbyist and advanced learner have a fewer chanceto play at bigger stage .Certainly ,they might play at a smaller venue, or practiceat home . So how many power of amp is good for them?
The relationship between  powerand loudness
Letus start from discussing relationship between power and loudness. The unit of measure loudness most common is the decibel
(dB), the dB is a unit of measure for sound intensity or level. It is alogarithmic scale developed to express wide ranging quantities on a simplescale. Because it is logarithmic, it can be a little bit confusing. As anexample, a doubling of volume is not equal to twice the number of dB. The chartbelow will help you to better understand the dB and how it relates to what youhear, and what is happening throughout your system as volume levels change. Butfirst, we need to look at the other end of the equation.
in this discussion, refers to watts. Power defined is the rate at whichenergy is converted or dissipated, as in the case of an amplifier driving aloudspeaker. It is important in our discussion in defining the generalrelationship.
A simple chart will help to understand therelationship of the terms we have introduced:
dB Change
Looking at the chart, and starting at the left, wecan see than an increase of 3dB results in a
voltage increase1.4 times the original, a doubling of power, and yields only a subjectiveincrease in loudness only 1.23 times the original. To get a doubling ofloudness, it is important to note that an increase of 10dB is necessary. And toreproduce that volume through our loudspeakers, note that we require
ten times
more power from the amplifier!
The chart below is relationship between power withloud
100 watts is 1.23 as loud as 50 watts.
80 watts is 1.1562 as loud as 50 watts.
60 watts is 1.0578 as loud as 50 watts.
40 watts is 94% as loud as 50 watts.
30 watts is 86% as loud as 50 watts.
25 watts is 81% as loud as 50 watts.
22 watts is 78% as loud as 50 watts.
20 watts is 76% as loud as 50 watts.
18 watts is 74% as loud as 50 watts.
15 watts is 70% as loud as 50 watts.
12 watts is 65% as loud as 50 watts.
10 watts is 62% as loud as 50 watts.
9 watts is 60% as loud as 50 watts.
8 watts is 56% as loud as 50 watts.
7 watts is 55% as loud as 50 watts.
6 watts is 53% as loud as 50 watts.
5 watts is 50% as loud as 50 watts.
4 watts is 47% as loud as 50 watts.
3 watts is 43% as loud as 50 watts.
2 watts is 38% as loud as 50 watts.
1 watt is 31% as loud as 50 watts.
3/4 watt is 28% as loud as 50 watts.
1/2 watt is 25% as loud as 50 watts.
1/4 watt is 20% as loud as 50 watts.
1/10 watt is 15% as loud as 50 watts.
50mW is 13% as loud as 50 watts
20mW is 10% as loud as 50 watts.
10mW is 8% as loud as 50 watts.
5mW is 6% as loud as 50 watts.
Sowe can know
  • All other     things being equal, a 100-watt amp will be just perceptibly louder than a     50-watt amp.  It takes about a ten-fold increase in power to double     perceived volume.  That's right, you'd need a 500-watt amp to be     "twice as loud" as your buddy's 50-watt amp.  Even more     thought-provoking is the fact that a 50-watt amp will only be perceived as     a little bit louder than a 15-watt amp driving the same cabinet!
  • All other     things are almost never equal.  There are so many variables     controlling sound pressure level (SPL) and perceived volume that it is     quite common for a small amp to sound louder than a much more powerful     amp.
  • The     initial purchase price of a 100-watt amp will be significantly higher than     a 30-watt amp with similar features.
  • It will     cost you signficantly more to re-tube a 100-watt amp.
  • If you     are driving a 30- or 50-watt amp hard enough to require frequent     re-tubing, chances are very good that you will also drive the 100-watt amp     hard enough to require frequent re tubing (at significantly higher cost).
Does hobbyist need 100w amp?
Below arerelationship between hearing and volume:
50dB-60dB volume ofelectric guitar without power.
70dB-80dB thevolume of watching TV and wood guitar

80-90dB Volume ofsolid guitar amp, this volume don't noise your neighbor on day.

90dB-100dB Thevolume of ROCK ,you can start feeling cool ,although it still need moreheadroom. It is only one fifth of full volume of 30w-50w amp damaging yourhearing. Not face to speaker.
100dB-110dB Thevolume is very cool. half of volume of 50w amp, good headroom, damaged hearingserious .
110dB-120dB It islimit of amp.
Within a few years hearing of player will be permanentlydamaged.
  • There is     absolutely
    venue that
    a larger amp and cabinet than one     suitable for use as a stage monitor – provided that the members of the     band don't get into a juvenile competition to outdo each other.  Need     more feedback?  Fine, move closer to the amp, for crying out     loud!  Typically, a really good 30-watt rig with a suitable cab is     ample!  Depending on the composition of your band and the variety of     venues you play, an even smaller rig mic'ed to the PA and then pumped to     stage monitors may be even better.
    Note     that while a good 30-watt rig has ample volume you may end up having to     buy a more powerful rig to get other desired features.
    • At a      small venue, a 15 to 30 watt amp can be placed behind the band in a      traditional position and used without a mic.  In this position the      rig serves as a monitor for the guitarist and as the primary amplification      for the guitar.  
    • At a      medium venue, the small rig can be placed in front of and facing the      guitarist as a monitor, and be mic'ed and run through the band's      PA.  The band's PA speakers are placed along the front of the stage      and facing out.  This arrangement allows the sound to be balanced at      the mixer and allows the band to flood a medium to large venue without      damaging their hearing.  
    • At a      large to giant venue, that same small rig can be arranged much as      described above but now the band's mixer feeds the house PA.  This      is the only way to reach the back of the room without dangerous SPLs near      the stage at a large venue and
      would      be required no matter how powerful a rig the guitarist has.
  • Smaller     equipment takes up less space on cramped stages.
  • The money     you save by purchasing a smaller amp can fund a nice power conditioner to     protect your equipment and clean up power line noise – the conditioner     will cost less too since now you don't need one that will handle a billion     watts.
  • If the     band members will agree not to compete,
    of them can recognize significant     savings by not having to purchase unnecessary equipment.
  • Your band     is far more likely to be called back for a repeat engagement if you     provide a well-balanced, easily managed performance than if you are just     obnoxiously and uncontrollably loud.
  • Many     guitarists already have the monster amp – it isn't necessary to get rid of     it.  You can use an attenuator (see the attenuator myth) and perhaps     a smaller cab.
How about amp which power is within 10w?
Itdepend on whatsound you want. If you like clean sound, No problem, one 5w combowhich has smaller speaker is good for you.But if you want distortion sound(manypeople want it). It is different.
Thereare fours components in total guitar amp syetem.
#1 preamp tube distortion( which let soundhard ,more metal), #2 power tube distortion( which let sound warm ) #3 speakerdistortion ( I like regard it as No-Line of speaker)#4 the physical movement ofair that your speakers produce at high volumes.
When the power of amp issmaller such as 5w.It is difficult to obtain more distortion from power tube. At same time, because the capacity of power tube issmaller, the distortion of preamp is limited . The power push coil of speakeris too smaller . The response of speaker will became bad.
What is the best combination of amp for hobbyists ?
Wehave discussed 100w and 5w guitar amp , know disadvantages of two kind of amp.
What is good choice for hobbyist?
One amp, which power is within 50w , is good selection.At same time combination 50w amp with one attenuator will help you more.
发表于 2012-10-29 08:14:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-29 12:12:57 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1楼 kldguitar 的帖子

大致看了下,写的是吉他爱好者如何选择合适瓦数箱子  首先陈述了一个观点,箱子的声音提高一倍,瓦数得增加10倍,5w箱子音量是50w的一半,30w的声音是50w箱子的86%,100w箱子音量是50w的1.23倍  所以,你买30w的箱子跟50w的箱子音量差不多,音量不能按瓦数来评判。   
     然后说50-60分贝是木琴的音量范围,70-80分贝是你看电视正常音量 80-90分贝应该指你电琴的清音,不扰民的情况下,90-100分贝你才能感觉什么是rock,30-50w箱子五分之一的音量,但是你需要更大的空间,不能把耳朵贴在音箱上,100以上就是50w箱子一半的音量,但长期处于这种环境有损听力
     再下面是关于不同瓦数的箱子的表现及优缺点,小瓦数的可能要另加麦克风拾音进PA, 大瓦数直接开音量就可以,没仔细看,谁有兴趣可以详细翻译一下
发表于 2012-10-29 12:22:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-29 12:25:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-29 12:26:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-29 17:49:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-29 19:17:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-29 20:29:37 | 显示全部楼层

回复 3楼 skyrangerlc 的帖子

发表于 2012-10-30 01:42:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-30 01:43:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-30 11:51:23 | 显示全部楼层

回复 10楼 胜子 的帖子

发表于 2012-10-30 12:24:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-30 12:38:11 | 显示全部楼层

回复 13楼 rocklover_2000 的帖子

发表于 2012-10-30 14:35:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 胜子 于 2012-10-30 12:38 发表

发表于 2012-10-30 17:16:44 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-2 06:46:05 | 显示全部楼层
实际上对大箱子的喜爱不能单从声音的角度来理解,比如presence 实际并不是调节可听声域的声音,更多的是来自于强烈震动引起的身体感受。 然而,声场受周围环境影响是比较大的,在一个空间有限的环境里,你不太可能得到真实的剧院的效果,但那时专业艺术家的事,作为爱好者又何比去追求呢。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-2 06:55:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复 11楼 胜子 的帖子

发表于 2012-11-2 22:49:12 | 显示全部楼层

回复 17楼 kldguitar 的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-11 10:36:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-12-13 16:55:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-12-13 22:35:42 | 显示全部楼层
听不到presence? .......即使你50岁也能听到12000hz的
吉他的主要EQ区域中比较亮的音色也都是3-5khz(和人声打架的区域) 5-8khz (空气感)

另外 没人说你非得在家把120瓦开到头 有个东西叫衰减器

至于音色取向问题  玩重的最好是能有多大瓦数就来多大瓦数
小瓦数箱子永远也搞不出120瓦150瓦箱头的low mid balls and punch

追求金属的话就别多想了 一步到位吧 120/150+212/412 预备一个衰减器的预算
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 10:04:53 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-31 08:21:54 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-27 13:47:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-10-29 00:51:55 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2016-10-29 00:58:50 | 显示全部楼层
卧槽 上古老坟 不过没看过 还是学习一下
 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-31 07:11:33 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-18 10:39:56 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-22 23:20:53 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-5 19:54:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-16 21:15:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-23 08:02:04 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-2 13:45:04 | 显示全部楼层
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