Q: Hi Mimi,
First I want to say that you have an incredible amount of information on this page that is so pertinent to being a girl and playing the bass. I had yet to find this much info anywhere on the web! I am only 5'1 and have the tiniest fingers...believe me. I'm struggling with finding a smaller bass and thanks to your references I think I will be able to find one that fits. I am 25 and just beginning to learn to play and I'm very excited!
I plan to learn to play the bass as my primary instrument but I am scheduled to begin taking lessons for acoustic guitar next week and am now having second thoughts after reading your page. Do you feel it is necessary for me to learn on acoustic guitar before the bass? I had thought that this was the way to go, to learn the basics and to re-learn how to read music (used to play the violin) but now I'm not too sure... ~T.
A: hello "T",
thanks for emailing. i'm glad you're learning bass - it's such a great instrument. (superfun!)
i've met other girls (and some guys) who play bass that have very small hands. actually i've met some girls with REALLY small hands. myself my hands are actually more medium sized i think, they're not really small. but i don't think there's much (if any) correlation between the size of your hands and how well you'll be able to play. practicing solves just about everything. the kind of music you choose to play also matters - perhaps having large hands will be a big help when you decide to bust out those paganini violin concertos! but for most music, all manners of bass playing are possible, even with very small hands. especailly with so many different kinds of basses out there. some of the short scale basses i've played sound absolutely great. you don't need a 34" scale bass to produce a nice, balanced bass sound - i've played several high-quality short scale basses that prove this point very nicely.

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-7-26 10:55:14编辑过]