第一个是代朋友卖的坏猫落地前级 全新的 背面一点点试时的小划痕(微不足道)
Bad Cat 2-Tone Pedal / 坏猫 双Tone道落地前级
Bad Cat在业界的名声以及其专业的态度一直备受发烧友的追捧和支持。但是很多吉他手往往因为高昂的而价格望而却步。作为Bad Cat创始人James Heidrich,得知大部分客户对Bad Cat唯一抱怨就是价格的时候,他萌发了设计一款有着Bad Cat经典音色和品质并且让大家“买得起”的产品,而这恰恰就是2 Tone Pedal的设计初衷。
Channel 1 - Tone Boost: Provides a Volume or level match reference control to maintain sound play volume when accessing this Tone channel. This channel is both your Tone Boost and Clean play channel when optional tone color may be desired without overdrive.
Channel 2 - Gain Boost: Provides Gain Boost or pure tube overdrive effect as a function of the Gain & Master settings. Use of the interactive Bass and Treble controls offer an array of tonal shapes.
Clean + Gain 2 x 12AX7 True-Tube Preamp Pedal
Interactive Tone Controls, Chicken Head Knobs
Triple Plated Chrome Top, Industrial Black Powder Coated Steel Chassis, Detachable Power Cord
Large White Bad Cat Logo Across Front Fascia
Dimensions: 8.25"W x 8.25"D x 2.75"H