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All That Remains吉他手Oli Herbert吉他风格技巧教学

发表于 2013-1-6 01:28:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Oli做为他们的主音吉他,吉他技术不用说,而且弹起琴来和我喜欢的Dimebag的范儿有点类似,a really awesome guitarist! 恰好最近在国外的一个网站上看了了他的一篇教学文章,就迫不及待的想翻译过来和大家分享。但由于本人英语水平有限,更主要是乐理知识有限,而且翻译的比较急,很多术语可能望文生义翻译的不巧当,请大家别见笑,欢迎指正。共同学习!
       th.jpg          Oli_GW.jpg          Oli_Herbert_20060702.jpg
    Oli Herbert,来自美国的金属核乐队All That Remains的Shredding大师(这个词在经常遇到,但不知道怎么翻译好...估计指吉他的速弹技术吧),凭借他标志性的吉他声音和技巧逐渐的引起了大家的注意。Oli现在跟大家分享一些他的吉他技巧,拿起你的吉他插上电进入速弹的世界吧!
    下面所有的例子中Oli的吉他调弦整体低了1度半(低到高为C#–F#–B–E–G#–C#). (咱们懒得调的话就用常规调弦练吧...)
    Lick 1 在这条乐句中有一系列的七和弦琶音,使用了各种衔接方式类似的圆滑奏。所有这些琶音都适合这个B minor的调式没有半音阶和模式的改变。琶音本身可以看作是独立的七和弦(Em7, C#m7b5) 或组合成不同的九和弦琶音。我倾向于认为它们是由节奏表达出的更大的和弦形式( larger chord forms )。
Fig 1.jpg

    Lick 2 这是一个着重于用三连音的形式演奏琶音——在根音位置弹奏的Gmaj7和其他的三个倒置形式。我已设计出采用相同的picking方法弹奏的形式。我主要利用了扫拨和经济拨弦,这样有利于表现出重音和乐句的整体弹奏。我还概述了每个琶音的音阶是D major。在这样的形式中 Gmaj7作为四级和弦带来了一种Lydian调式的感觉。这个乐句以B minor的琶音结尾 采用了高八度的音和5根弦的小调递减...(看不懂这句...)
Fig 2.jpg
    Lick 3 此乐句重点在于左手,调式为G major。尽量用右手减少琴弦的噪音。这里主要挑战是保持手指的延伸并保持食指和小指之间相同的压力。我想这是一个例子,低的踏板音在高音移动的同时保持不变。我改变了低音,每两拍创建一个旋律序列。我建议使用一个干净的音色从慢速开始练习,然后变为失真音乐约160 BPM,逐渐的达到练习的总体平衡。
Fig 3.jpg

    Lick 4 这是一个非常直接的B minor模进乐句。我用六连音的方式,每6个音符后就换了把位,无论上行还是下行都是一样。要确保重头至尾保持交替拨弦。你会注意到低音弦换到高音弦的时候,每次换弦用到的是外侧拨弦,而高音弦换到低音弦的时候用的是内侧拨弦。这种顺序在一般的即兴连接旋律是非常有用的。
Fig 4.jpg

    Lick 5 这是例子4的变化。我使用了相同调,音阶指板形状和把置,但我改变的实际的弹奏模式。最值得注意的区别是每一个序列第6个音符的音程跳跃性,每组6个音里每一个都用的是交替拨弦。
Fig 5.jpg

这些乐句都是有一定难度的(大师们请无视),需要一定的吉他速弹功底。如果你像本人一样弹不来的话也不必灰心,耐心刻苦的练习吧! 没有一晚上就能成为吉他英雄的!

Lick 1
In this example, we have a sequence of stacked seventh chord arpeggios played using various forms of legato in which the articulation is consistent throughout. All of these arpeggios fit within the key of B minor with no chromatic or modal alteration. The arpeggios themselves can be seen as separate seventh chords, (Em7, C#m7b5) or combined to form various ninth chord arpeggios. I tend to view them as larger chord forms due to the tempo presented.

Lick 2
Here is a focus upon one arpeggio played as triplets in which the Gmaj7 is played in root position and all three inversions. I have arranged the shapes to employ the same picking pattern throughout. I mainly utilize sweep or economy picking to facilitate the proper accentuation and overall flow. I have also outlined each arpeggio with scalar material in the key of D major. This firmly plants Gmaj7 as the IV chord giving it a Lydian tonality. The example ends with a B minor arpeggio that employs a tapped octave and quintuplets to achieve a minor diminuendo.

Lick 3
This example is played entirely with the left hand and is in the key of G major. The right hand is only used to keep down string noise. The main challenge here is to keep up with extended stretching and to keep equal pressure between the first finger and pinky. I would classify this as an example of lower pedal point where the upper voices move but the lower remains the same. I change the bass note every two beats to create a melodic sequence. I would suggest practicing this on a clean tone at slower tempos and changing to distortion at around 160 bpm once the hand has a grasp on the overall balance of the exercise.

Lick 4
Here is a very straightforward scalar lick in B minor. I am utilizing a six-note sequence in triplets that changes positions after each six and is the same, both ascending and descending. Be sure to alternate pick throughout. You will also notice that on the way up, every string change uses outside picking and on the way down, inside picking. This kind of sequence is very useful in general improvisation to connect melodic ideas.

Lick 5
This is variation on example four. I am using the same key, modal shapes, and positions, but I am altering the actual pattern played. The most noteworthy difference is the intervallic leap of a sixth within each sequence, and every note is alternate picked with sextuplets.

[ 本帖最后由 Unbowed 于 2013-1-5 17:58 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-6 01:34:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-1-6 08:44:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-1-6 12:06:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-1-6 23:02:14 | 显示全部楼层
超级喜欢 all that remians,超级超级
发表于 2013-1-7 08:29:44 | 显示全部楼层
solo的确很难弹    我到现在也只能弹弹ATR的节奏部分。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-7 10:24:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-1-7 16:36:38 | 显示全部楼层
好帖 喜欢ATR早期的作品 新专辑太旋律了不喜欢
发表于 2013-1-8 10:11:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-1-11 05:46:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-22 22:19:29 | 显示全部楼层
Oli Herbert 此人极度牛B,可惜在这知名度不高
发表于 2015-5-21 16:10:29 | 显示全部楼层
欢迎加入  “金属摇滚联盟”  群号185214517!!!!声明:玩琴的进。谢绝各厂商代理!!!一起来玩吧!!!
发表于 2015-5-21 16:22:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-10-3 20:49:57 | 显示全部楼层
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