楼主帮下大忙也给我发个吧!我的邮箱是:myrg470@sohu.com谢谢楼主了!楼主多富多寿!新年快乐啊1All alone ,3Banana mango 4 Belly dancer 8Cool 9 12Down down down 17Forgotten part 118Forgotten part 2 20Gnaahhh 21Heart of the sun 22Hill of the skull 23Home 24Hordes of locusts 32Mighty turtle head 36New blues 43Secret prayer 50Thinking of you 52Time machine 53Trundrumbalind 57What a breaks a heart 59You’re my world向你致敬!~
先谢谢搂主!里面的有些伴奏我已经苦苦找了好久了.今天得见,真是喜出望外。烦劳楼主给在下发一下。望楼主能成人之美。清单如下:9.crush day 13.echo 19.Friends 28.light of heaven 30.love thing. 33 mind strom 41Rubina 45.starry night 54 until we say goodbye. 55.up in the sky.辛苦楼主了。再次感谢!!realmyy@163.com
1All alone
3Banana mango
4 Belly dancer
5Chords of life
8Cool 9
11 Crystal planet
12Down down down
14Engines of creation
17Forgotten part 1
18Forgotten part 2
21Heart of the sun万分感谢!!!!!!!!!!liqiang2323@163.com
伴奏已收 到!谢谢楼主的好意!但是我只收到了3个伴奏!其中有1个发了3遍!不好意思能不能再给我发一次呢?12Down down down 17Forgotten part 118Forgotten part 2 20Gnaahhh 23Home 24Hordes of locusts 32Mighty turtle head 36New blues 43Secret prayer 50Thinking of you 52Time machine 53Trundrumbalind 57What !再一次谢谢了!收到后!我会帮你发给帮你顶帖子的兄弟们的!再次表示感谢
1All alone3Banana mango
4 Belly dancer
5Chords of life
8Cool 9
11 Crystal planet
12Down down down
14Engines of creation
17Forgotten part 1
18Forgotten part 2
21Heart of the sun36New blues 22Home万分感谢
2Always with me always with you 8Cool 9
9Crushing day 11 Crystal planet 16Flying in a blue dream
25House full of bullets
30Love thing 31Memories 33Mind storm 35Mystical potato groove thing 40 Raspberry jam delta V 42Satch boogie 44 Sleep walk 45Starry night 46Summer song 47Surfing with the alien 48The crush of love 49The extremist 51Time 54Until we say goodbye 55Up in the sky
楼主大哥啊,上次管你要你只给了我2首也许是我太贪了,这次我就要3首好不好啊。这3首我找了好久都没有找到啊,请楼主一定成全我啊,在这里再次谢谢你了JOE:Friends Until We Say Goodbye -Steve Vai :The Crying Machineyangning32057404@yahoo.com.cn
1All alone 2Always with me always with you 3Banana mango 4 Belly dancer5Chords of life 6Circles 7Clouds race across the sky 8Cool 9 22Hill of the skull 23Home 24Hordes of locusts25House full of bullets 26Ice nine 谢谢楼主了!!!!jita_wangzi@163.com.