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学习+交流+连载,EVENTIDE SPACE 混响效果器说明书中文翻译,希望高手指点帮忙

发表于 2013-5-3 10:51:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

前段时间刚刚入手EVENTIDE SPACE——这块传说中的数码混响,由于英文水平拙劣,而且网上也没有现成的中文说明书,所以很长时间都限制于基本的操作,于是决心一边补补英文,一边尝试去完整地翻译一下SPACE的说明书,(个人理解吃透说明书应该是开始用好该块儿的基础吧)希望能够将此块的功能发挥出来。但是,一开始,就发现自己太菜了,所以斗胆借用GC宝地,将自己翻译的发布出来,请各位高手指点错误,同时希望通过这样的交流翻译,在大家的帮助下能够最终把SPACE的说明书成功的翻译出来!!希望GC上的大侠们不吝赐教!!感激涕零!!


Congratulations on choosing an Eventide stompbox. For years we’ve dreamed of putting our
rack mount effects in the hands of performing musicians and, in particular, at the feet of
guitar players. Space is the latest realization of that dream; bringing true studio-quality audio,massive processing power, world-class effects, and unmatched flexibility to your live sound.
恭喜您选择了Eventide效果器。多年来,我们的梦想就是把我们的机架效果器送到音乐人的手中,特别是送到吉他手们的脚下。SPACE 让这个梦想变成现实,它为你的现场演奏带来了真实的录音室品质处理能力、世界级的效果以及无与伦比的可控性。

A Few Words of Advice
Our stompboxes pack an unprecedented degree of processing and flexibility into a small
package. Our goal in creating SPACE was to give you the power to transform your sound.From the start, we recognized that the key to realizing this goal was to give you the flexibility
to bend and twist this power in the service of your creativity.
We’ve worked hard to make SPACE easy to use. We’ve done our best to design an intuitive.User Interface to manage and control the awesome power and flexibility packed into every
Eventide stompbox. We hope that you will take the time to master it.
We know that you’re eager to get going and hope that you’ll read this User Guide. However,if you read nothing else, please read The Basics.

Key Features
• Eventide’s best reverb-based effects 最好的基于混响的效果器
• Twelve unique algorithms 12种独一无二的混响模式
• 100 Named Presets 100种预置音色
• Support for instrument and line level connectivity 支持工具和线路连接
• Expression Pedal and Aux Switch inputs for external control 便于外部控制的表情和辅助脚踏借口
• Bright, easy-to-read 12 Character LED Display 高亮易读的12字符LED显示
• Extensive MIDI functionality 广阔的MIDI功能
• Programmable Hot Switch 可编程的热踏
• Software upgrades via USB or MIDI 软件设计


T 图片1.jpg
The Basics 基础
There are a few basic concepts that you’ll have to grasp to use successfully. If you read
nothing else, please read this section.

The Algorithms 混响模式
SPACE offers a wide range of reverb-type effects and comes loaded with 100 Preset effects.These effects are based on twelve unique algorithms. An algorithm is the underlying signal
processing structure of the effect – the signal processing software that creates the effect and
determines the ways in which the effect can be controlled. Each algorithm has a unique set of
parameters which are varied by turning SPACE's ten Control Knobs. Presets are created by
setting these parameters in a unique way. Simply put, Presets are based on algorithms and
the algorithms are the “secret sauce."

The Presets  预设效果
SPACE ships with 100 factory-created Presets. Whenever a Preset is loaded, the name of the
Algorithm on which the Preset is based is displayed momentarily. You can modify the sound
of the Preset by turning the Control Knobs (or using the HotSwitch, an Expression Pedal or
MIDI) and, if you wish, you can save the resulting effect as a new Preset. Instructions on
saving Presets will be found later in this User Guide. Refer to the Preset Guide for details on
the Factory installed Presets.

    Using the Encoder to Select Presets 使用编辑旋钮选择预设音色
Presets can be loaded by simply turning the Encoder and stopping at the Preset that youd like to use. When the Preset loads, the name of the Algorithm on which the Preset is based is displayed momentarily.

    Using the Encoder to Select Algorithms 使用编辑旋钮选择模式
You can access SPACEs 12 Algorithms using the Encoder. Simply press and release the Encoder. The Algorithm LED will light and the Billboard will display an Algorithm name. Turn the Encoder to scroll through the 12 Algorithms. When you stop scrolling the displayed Algorithm will load. After a few seconds of inactivity, the Algorithm LED will turn OFF and SPACE will revert to normal Preset or Play mode.
Unlike Presets, the Algorithms are hard-wiredand cannot be overwritten or erased. This is important because it gives you access to all 12 Algorithms even if you have overwritten all of the Presets. In other words, even if you have programmed all 100 Presets based on Spring,the other 11 Algorithms are accessible by simply pressing, releasing and turning the Encoder.

    Using the Footswitches 脚踏
The Footswitches can be used in two ways - Play Mode and Preset Mode. In Play Mode, the Footswitches are used to control certain aspects of the Presets, like Tap Tempo. In Preset Mode, the Footswitches are used to scroll through and load Presets.

    Play and Preset Footswitch Modes 用脚踏转换演奏和音色模式
To switch between Play and Preset Modes, press and hold the Right Footswitch for two seconds. Notice that as you change modes the Billboard display changes. In both modes a lit LED above the Left Footswitch indicates that the Preset is Active. In Preset Mode, this LED is lit RED and in Play Mode it is ORANGE.
In Preset Mode, the Preset Number and the first 10 characters of the Preset Name are displayed. In Play Mode, the Billboard displays the first 12 characters of the Preset Name.
Each time that you press and hold the Right Footswitch, the unit will change from one Mode to the other.

    Using Play Mode 使用演奏模式
When youre in Play Mode, the Footswitches are used to control the Preset thats currently loaded. The Left Footswitch toggles Bypass/Active. An ORANGE LED located above the Left Footswitch indicates that the Effect/Preset is Active (not Bypassed). The Middle Footswitch is the HotSwitch; its action depends on how it has been programmed for the Preset. Use the Right Footswitch to tap Tempo.

Using Preset Mode
In Preset Mode the Billboard displays the current Preset Number and Name. If the Preset is Active (not Bypassed), the Left Footswitch LED is solidly lit.
To bypass the currently loaded Preset, press the Left Footswitch. The LED will turn OFF and the Billboard will briefly display [BYPASS] and then display the Preset Number and Name. Pressing the Left Footswitch again enables the Preset. The Billboard briefly displays [ACTIVE] to indicate that the Preset is enabled.
The Middle and Right Footswitches are used to scroll through the Presets. The Middle
Footswitch decrements and the Right Footswitch increments. Notice that the Preset Number flashes to indicate that the Preset has not yet been loaded. You must press the Left Footswitch to load the cued preset.
Note: See System Mode for setting active Preset range and for using an AUX Switch to increment/decrement through the Presets.

SPACE Power Up
When SPACE turns on it remembers what it was last doing and powers up in the same mode,running the same Preset, with the same parameter values, same tempo, same system settings, etc. With power off, relays connect SPACEs inputs directly to its outputs.

Can Two Presets Be Used Simultaneously?两个音色可以同时使用吗?
No. When you load a Preset it runs on both channels. Presets can be used as Stereo In/Stereo Out, Mono In/Stereo Out, or Mono In/Mono Out. is smart enough to know what cables are connected and to automatically route the signals for your set up.

[ 本帖最后由 某谋眸 于 2013-5-3 11:13 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-6 16:06:22 | 显示全部楼层
Connections 接口
SPACE is designed to be flexible and can support both instrument and line-level inputs and outputs. Rear panel toggle switches allow you to independently select input and output levels. Audio Inputs and Outputs accept standard mono (unbalanced)1/4 " phone plugs.

SPACE can be connected directly to your guitar, behind another pedal, in your Amps effects loop or to your mixers send/return or insert. Given the variety of guitars, effects pedals, amp sand mixers, we cant describe a bestsetup. The setup should be driven by you and the sound that youre going for. That writ, here are some suggestions and typical setups.

Note: Its usually best to connect after distortion effects, compressors, EQs, and noise

SPACE detects which input and output jacks have cables plugged in and routes audio I/O accordingly. With a Mono Input (Input 1) and Stereo Outputs, the dry contribution for both outputs comes from the Mono Input (Input 1). With Stereo Inputs, the dry contribution at Output 1 is from Input 1 and the dry contribution at Output 2 is from Input 2, thereby maintaining the original signal stereo image.

Typical Setups 典型设置
Here are some suggested ways of connecting to your rig and suggested I/O level switch settings:
Guitar > SPACE> Amp - Mono In/Mono Out
吉它> SPACE>音箱
- 单声道输入/单声道输出

This is the simplest way to connect SPACE. Connect your guitar cable to SPACE Input 1 and a cable from SPACE Output 1 to your amp. Input and Output Level switches (In Lvl & Out Lvl) should be set to GUITAR and AMP.

If you are using other stompboxes or pedals, its best to connect them in front of SPACE.
Connect SPACEs Input 1 to the output of the last pedal. If SPACEs peak LED lights solidly, set SAPCEs In Lvl to LINE.

Guitar > SPACE> Amp1/Amp2 Mono or Stereo In/Stereo Out
吉它>space>Amp 1/Amp2-单声道或立体声输入/立体声输出

Connect your guitar cable to SPACE Input 1 and a cable from SPACE Output 1 to one amp and
a second cable from SPACE Output 2 to the other amp. Input Level switch (In Lvl) should be
set to GUITAR and Output Level switch (Out Lvl) set to AMP.

If you are using other stompboxes or pedals, it’s best to connect them in front of SPACE.
Connect SPACE’s Input 1 to Output 1 of the other pedal. If the other pedal has stereo
outputs, connect its Output 2 to SPACE’s Input 2. If SPACE’s peak LED lights solidly, set SPACE’s In Lvl to LINE.
如果你使用其它的效果器,最好将它们放在SPACE的前边。连接最后一个效果器的输出至SAPCEInput1。如果那个效果器是立体声输出,那就将它的Output2连接到SPACEInput 2.如果Peak灯会亮,请设置In Lv1LINE处。

Guitar > Amp Effects Send > SPACE> Amp Effects Return
吉他> 音箱Loop Send > SPACE > 音箱Loop Return

If your Amp has an Effects Loop, you can connect SPACEs Input to the Amp Effect Loop Send and SPACEs Output to the Amp Effect Loop Return. Most guitar amps Effects Loops run at Line Level so set SAPCEs Input and Output Level Switches to Line.

file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-14908.pngMixer Effects Send> SPACE> Mixer Effects Return

When connecting SPACE to a Mixer, set SPACE’s Input and Output Level Switches to “Line.”

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-13 14:47:33 | 显示全部楼层
Bypass 直通
It's important to select the Bypass function that works best with your setup. SPACE gives you the choice of Bypass type – DSP Bypass, Relay Bypass or DSP+FX Bypass. SAPCE’s default Bypass setting is DSP Bypass.

DSP Bypass 数字直通
When set to DSP Bypass, bypassing sends the audio at the DSP’s inputs directly to the outputs without any effects processing. This type of bypassing works well in most situations, and protects against gain and tone changes when bypassed.

Relay Bypass/True Bypass 继电器直通、真直通
Some guitarists prefer a“true bypass” in which the pedal’s electronics are completely disconnected from the signal path.When [RELAY] Bypass is selected space uses relays to“hard wire” your inputs to your outputs. (In fact, whenever space's power is off, space's electronics are completely bypassed by the relays.)
Relay Bypass is not a good choice, however, if space’s input is your guitar and you’ve connected space’s output directly to a non-instrument level input device or have connected to your amp over a long cable.Non-instrument inputs are often low impedance (typically<10k ohm) and will load the guitar output and change its tone. DSP Bypass allows space to act as a buffer, providing a low impedance output (500 ohm) capable of driving any device input or cable length.
真直通并不是一个很好的选择。如果你需要直接将吉它接入space,而space连接一个非乐器输入设备或者连接到音箱的连线过长,都会使你的音色受到的影响。非乐器输入一般是低电阻(通常小于10K欧姆),当接入吉他时会改变它的动态。而DSP Bypass模式则会提供一个Buffer功能,提供低阻输出信号(500 ohm),完全可以解决这些设备连接和连线过长带来的问题。 Note: Relay Bypass should not be used if the Input/Output Lvl switches are set opposite toone another.Specifically, if the Input Lvl switch i
s set for GUITAR and the Output Lvl switch is set to LINE or the Input Lvl switch is set for LINE and the Output Lvl switch is set to AMP,space will not have unity gain.In this case, using Relay Bypass will result in a level change whenever you Bypass space.
注意:在使用Relay bypass功能的同时,请避免将Input/Output Lvl开关设置成不同的选项。比如,设置Input Lv1到guitar的同时Output Lv1设置为Line,或者Input Lv1设置为Line的同时Output Lv1设置为AMP。这样space的Gain控制会不平衡。在你Bypass或激活space的时候,会出现音量改变的问题。

DSP+FX Bypass 数字特效直通
When [DSP+FX] is selected, Bypass sends the audio at the DSP’s inputs directly to the outputs with the decaying ‘tail’ of the current effect mixed in. 使用这种模式时,当你Bypass 的时候,之前的乐句处理出来的效果仍然会继续,而Bypass后的乐句则不会被处理。

Selecting Bypass Type 选择直通模式
The Bypass mode is selected in System Mode under [BYPASS]. [DSP] is the default. Here’s how to change it:在系统模式下的[BYPASS].进行选择。  
1) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few seconds to enter System Mode.同时按下并按住Encoder按钮和右脚踏开关按钮几秒钟,进入系统模式。放开Encoder钮和脚踏开关。  
2) Turn the Encoder until [BYPASS] is displayed.转动Encoder钮直到显示[BYPASS]。
3) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder钮。
4) Turn the Encoder until [BYPASS TYPE] is displayed.转动Encoder钮知道显示[BYP TYP]。
5) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder钮。
6) Turn the Encoder to select [DSP] or [RELAY] or [DSP+FX].转动Encoder钮选择[DSP], [RELAY] 或 [DSP+FX].
7) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few seconds to exit System Mode.同时按下并按住Encoder按钮和右脚踏开关按钮几秒钟,退出系统模式。

Note: Using MIDI Program Change to control Bypass - MIDI Program Change is typically used to load a preset but it can also be programmed to directly control the unit’s BYPASS setting.See the System Mode [MIDI] section for details.
Note: When connecting space to a computer, we suggest that you use a dedicated audio interface and to select the type of Bypass that works best for your application.
Note: space has been carefully designed to not mess with your tone in any of the Bypass Settings.
Note: With space’s power turned off, the relays automatically Bypass the unit. This means that if power should accidentally go down while you’re playing, your guitar signal will not disappear. Of course, if power is down, you may have bigger problems.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-17 08:49:27 | 显示全部楼层
Killdry – Send/Return Loop去干声功能
If youve connected SPACE using an effect send/return loop (either your amps or a mixers),SPACEs Killdry feature can be enabled.
When Killdry is enabled, SPACE does not send any dry signal to the outputs; only the Effect.Note that when Killdry is enabled, Bypassing will mute the Effect rather than Bypass it when DSP Bypass is selected.

Killdrys factory default is disabled. It can be enabled in the [BYPASS] menu of the System Mode. Heres how:去干声功能在出厂时候默认关闭。你可以到系统模式中的[BYPASS]菜单去开启,下面是方法:
    1) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few seconds
to enter System Mode.同时按下并按住Encoder按钮和右脚踏开关按钮几秒钟,进入系统模式。放开Encoder钮和脚踏开关
    2) Turn the Encoder until [BYPASS] is displayed.转动Encoder钮直到显示[BYPASS]
    3) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder
    4) Turn the Encoder until [KILLDRY] is displayed.转动Encoder钮知道显示[KILLDRY]
    5) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder
    6) Turn the Encoder to select either [YES] or [NO].转动Encoder钮选择[YES]或者[NO].
    7) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few seconds
to exit System Mode.同时按下并按住Encoder按钮和右脚踏开关按钮几秒钟,退出系统模式。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-27 15:39:01 | 显示全部楼层
Global Mix 全局混合 The Mix Control sets the relative levels of the input signal (dry) and the effect (wet). The Mix setting is always saved with each Preset. Often however, it can be useful to have the Mix setting uniform for all of the Presets that you’re using.To do this, use the System GLOBAL MIX command. When GLOBAL MIX is ON, the Mix setting that was saved with the Preset is ignored and the current Mix setting (Mix Control Knob) is used for all Presets.
混合设置控制输入与效果间的相对比量。虽然,每个预设都有自己的混合设置。不论如何,它都有助于统一你使用的预置的混合设置。为此,你需要使用系统全局混合命令。当GLOBAL MIX开启,预置内保存的混合量将被忽略。
Turning GLOBAL MIX ON or OFF. The factory default is OFF.默认全局混合是关闭的。
1) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few secondsto enter System Mode.同时按下并按住Encoder按钮和右脚踏开关按钮几秒钟,进入系统模式。放开Encoder钮和脚踏开关
2) Turn the Encoder until [GLOBAL] is displayed.转动Encoder钮直到显示[GLOBAL]
3) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder钮
4) Turn the Encoder until [MIX] is displayed.转动Encoder钮直到显示[MIX]
5) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder钮
6) Turn the Encoder to select [ON] or [OFF].转动Encoder钮选择[YES]或者[NO]
7) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few secondsto exit System Mode.同时按下并按住Encoder按钮和右脚踏开关按钮几秒钟,退出系统模式。

Setting Output Levels 设置输出音量

Preset output levels can be adjusted in either Play or Preset Mode.预置的输出音量在演奏或预置模式中调整。To set output level:
1) Press Left Footswitch to Bypass the Preset.按下左脚踏直通预设效果。
2) Press and hold the Left Footswitch, the Preset will now be Active.按住左脚踏,预设效果激活。
3) After holding for 1 second the display will show “O/P LVL 0dB” (default value).按住1分钟将显示“O/P LVL 0dB”(默认值)
4) Continue to hold the Left Footswitch pressed and turn the Encoder to adjustoutput level from -20 dB to +6 dB.继续按住左脚踏,转动Encoder改变输出电平从-20 dB to +6 dB。
Note: Levels change in 0.5 dB increments from -10 dB to +6 dB and in 1 dB increments from -20 dB to -10 dB.
注意:电平在-10 dB to +6 dB 直接以0.5为改变,在-20 dB to -10 dB之间以1为改变。
Note: Preset output levels must be saved even if there are no other changes to the preset or the output level will revert to its previous setting the next time the Preset is loaded.

Peak LED 电平灯
The Peak LED lights to indicate that the input signal level is near clipping. Occasional flashing is OK. If the Peak LED is lit solidly, reduce the input level either by reducing the signal level fed to space or by setting the rear panel input switch to the Line position. Space has a soft clipping circuit that will reduce nasty noises when overloaded.电平灯是用来显示当前输入信号是否过载的。偶尔闪一下的话并不是什么问题。如果它一直持续的亮,请降低输入信号的音量或者将后面板输入模式开关切换到Line的位置。Space有一个软件削波电路可以减少过载时的噪音。

Signal Present LED 独立预置信号灯
The GREEN LED immediately below the Peak LED lights to indicate that an input signal is present. If you’re playing and the Signal Present LED doesn’t light, either the input signal level is too low, you’re input cable has come unplugged or space is in Bypass.这个在电平信号等底下的绿色LED显示当前输入的信号。如果在你演奏时信号灯不亮,或者输入信号音量太低,可能是你的连接线被拔出或者在直通状态。
发表于 2013-5-27 19:50:29 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2013-5-29 15:45:10 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 08:27:22 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢啊!您有用MIDI功能吗?由于之前没有学过相关MIDI的知识,SPACE MIDI这部分对我来说难啊?
原帖由 给我一支烟 于 2013-5-29 15:45 发表

[ 本帖最后由 某谋眸 于 2013-5-30 08:28 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 08:36:46 | 显示全部楼层
Algorithms & Presets 混响模式和预置
Space 's Presets are based on a set of reverb-type audio processing algorithms. An algorithm is
the underlying structure of the effect that the Preset is built upon. Please refer to the included
Preset Reference Sheet and to our on-line documentation for descriptions of spaces Presets.
In this section, we document the Algorithms and their control parameters.

Selecting Presets 选择预置
Presets are selected by using the Footswitches while in Preset Mode or by turning the Encoder
in either Preset or Play Mode.
Select a Preset by using the Right Footswitch to increment or the Middle Footswitch to
decrement the preset until the desired one is cued. Press the Left Footswitch to load the Preset.
To select a Preset using the Encoder simply turn the Encoder, stopping when the desired
Preset Name appears. Preset Numbers will flash as you scroll. Presets automatically load when using the Encoder and, when loaded, the Preset Number display will stop flashing.

Control Knobs - Adjusting the Presets 控制钮-调节预置
A Presets parameter values can be adjusted by turning the ten Control Knobs. Whenever a Control Knob is turned, the Billboard displays the parameters name and value. The controls are arranged in two rows and grouped according to their functions.

Edited Preset Indication编辑预置显示
Whenever a Presets parameter values are changed, the green EditedLED in the upper right corner is lit. Parameters can be changed by:当预置音色参数改变时,绿色的edited信号灯将亮起。参数能通过以下方式改变:
    a) turning a Control Knob or,转动控制钮
    b) tapping Tempo or,打点
    c) moving the Expression Pedal or,表情踏板
    d) receiving a MIDI command.接受MIDI命令

The Algorithms 混响类型
Spaces 12 Algorithms are the basis for all of its Presets. Each Algorithm employs a unique signal processing structure to achieve its effect and each Algorithm has a unique set of control parameters associated with it. Some of spaces Algorithms are designed to simulate the sound of real-world enclosures and devices like halls and rooms and plates and springs.Other Algorithms are designed to creatively combine reverb effects with other signal processing functions such as tremolo, modulation, distortion, pitch change, resonance and reversal to create unique effects well beyond the confines of simple reverb.
You can access spaces 12 Algorithms using the Encoder. Simply press and release the Encoder. The Algorithm LED will light and the Billboard will display an Algorithm name. Turn the Encoder to scroll through the 12 Algorithms. When you stop scrolling the displayed
Algorithm will load. After a few seconds of inactivity, the Algorithm LED will turn OFF and space will revert to normal Preset or Play mode.
Unlike Presets, the Algorithms are hard-wiredand cannot be overwritten or erased. This is important because it gives you access to all 12 Algorithms even if you have overwritten all of the Presets. In other words, even if you have programmed all 100 Presets based on Spring,the other 11 Algorithms are accessible by simply pressing, releasing and turning the Encoder.
The following describes each Algorithm and its Control Parameters. For each control
parameter the knob legend, the parameter display name and a brief description is shown.

Hall  大厅
The Hall Algorithm simulates the sound of large enclosed spaces. Hall offers flexible control
of a 3-band crossover reverb network. There are independent decay controls for the low and high band, as well as independent level controls for low, mid, and high band. This is the goto Algorithm for beautiful realistic spaces or for reverb sounds just beyond the boundary of realism.
Mix [MIX]: wet/dry mixer, 100% is all wet signal 干湿混合,100%为全湿
Decay[DECAY]: master decay in seconds or note-based in Tempo Mode主衰减以秒为单位或用打点控制。
Size[SIZE]: hall size 大厅尺寸
Delay[PDLY]: pre-delay in milliseconds or note-based in Tempo Mode 延迟以毫秒为单位或打点控制。
Low[LOW-LVL]: boost/cut of LOW reverb with cut-off at 300 Hz, -100 effectively cuts all of the low band reverb 提升或削减低频
High[HI-LVL]: boost/cut of HIGH reverb with cut-off at 1500 Hz, -100 effectively cuts all of the high band reverb 提升或削减高频
Contour[MID-LVL]: boost/cut of MID reverb (between 300 and 1500 Hz), -100 effectively cuts all of the mid band reverb 提升或削减中频
FXMIX[MOD-LVL]: increases random modulation of reverbs 增加混响的MOD
Ynob[HIDCY]: decay of HIGH reverb, scales the [DECAY] 高频混响衰减
Xnob[LODCY]: decay of LOW reverb, scales the [DECAY] 低频混响衰减


[ 本帖最后由 某谋眸 于 2013-5-30 08:37 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-3 16:57:08 | 显示全部楼层
Catchup 非即时参数修改功能
You would expect that when you turn a Parameter Control Knob, the parameter’s valuewould change instantly and, unless Catchup is enabled, it does. Instant changes, however,may not be desirable for all situations and users. Consider the following example:

You have just loaded a preset based on Room and the preset’s value for the Decay is set to 1 second. Now, let’s say that the Decay Knob happens to be at its full clockwise position corresponding to a Decay of 3 sec. If you’d like to tweak the Decay (for example, up from its current value of 1 sec to 1.5 sec), you would reach down and turn the knob only to find that the Decay at first abruptly jumps to its maximum of 3 sec. If this happens while you’re playing, it might be a tad distracting.

SPACE’s Catchup feature is designed to prevent parameter values from abruptly changingwhen the knob positions don’t correspond to the Preset values. When Catchup is ON and a Control Knob is turned, the parameter value doesn’t change instantly. Instead, the display alternates between the Preset value and the word “TURN” (displayed accompanied by either a left or right pointing arrows as appropriate). The parameter (and hence the Preset) does not change until the knob position passes the current parameter value at which point TURN and the arrow disappear, the parameter name and value are displayed, and the knob becomes active.

Returning to our example, if Catchup is selected, the Decay will not change until the Control Knob is turned from its full clockwise position to the position corresponding to the Preset’s stored value of 1 sec. At that point, the Control Knob becomes “live” allowing you to slightly increase the Decay time without an abrupt change in the sound of the Preset.

KNOB MODE factory default is [NORMAL]. To select Catchup:旋钮模式的默认模式是正常。
1) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a fewseconds to enter System Mode. Release the Encoder.同时按下ENCODER和右脚踏几秒,进入系统模式,放开ENCODER
2) Turn the Encoder until [UTILITY] is displayed.转动ENCODER直到功能显示。
3) Momentarily press the Encoder.按下ENCODER
4) Turn the Encoder until [KNOB MODE] is displayed.转动ENCODER直到旋钮模式显示。
5) Momentarily press the Encoder.按下ENCODER
6) Turn the Encoder to select [CATCHUP].转动ENCODER选择catchup
7) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a fewseconds to exit System Mode.同时按下ENCODER和右脚踏几秒,推出系统模式

Note: You can completely disable the action of the Control Knobs by selecting [LOCKED]
发表于 2013-6-3 20:04:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-3 21:07:25 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-5 17:30:54 | 显示全部楼层


Expression Pedal 表情踏板

An external Expression Pedal can be connected to the rear panel &#188;” phone jack. The
Expression Pedal can be set up to control any combination of the ten parameters. For proper operation the Expression Pedal should be a simple linear resistive potentiometer (“pot”) with a maximum value of between 5k Ohms and 25k Ohms. Refer to www.eventide.com for information on recommended expression pedals.
SAPCE可以使用大三芯接口的表情踏板,用表情踏板可以控制10个参数中的任意组合。为了更好的兼容,请选择电位器在5k Ohms到20k Ohms之间踏板。您也可以到www.eventidestompboxes.com上获得一些推荐表情踏板的信息。

The Expression Pedal settings can be adjusted simply by pressing the Pedal to the full heel or full toe position and turning the Control Knobs. You’ll notice then that whenever you move the Pedal, the green “Edited” LED in the upper right corner blinks. This indicates that Pedal programming is “live.” To program, press the heel completely down and adjust the knobs to get the sound that you want for the heel down position. You must turn the knobs to create the assignment. Knobs that are not turned are not assigned. Now, press the toe completely down and change the settings of any or all of the knobs. Parameters associated with any knobs that are moved will be mapped to the Pedal. Now, when you rock the pedal back and forth, you’ll hear the sound change between the two settings.

After a few seconds of pedal and knob inactivity, the green “Edited” LED will stop flashing.
When the LED is solidly lit, you can turn any of the Parameter Control Knobs to change the sound without changing the Expression Pedal mapping.

When the Expression Pedal is used, the Billboard will display the changing value. If the
Expression Pedal has been set up to control a single parameter, the display will show the parameter name and value in the same way as if you were turning the Control Knob. If the Expression Pedal has been set up to control multiple parameters, the display is a graphic representation of the Control Knobs. Control Knobs that are controlled by the Expression Pedal are represented as circles while unassigned Control Knobs are indicated by a solid line (dash). The 2nd character from the left indicates the position of the Expression Pedal with a value from 0-9 (0 = heel, 9 = toe).

Since any number of parameters can be programmed to respond to the pedal, it’s important
to learn how to un-assign parameters. Let’s say that you’ve programmed the Pedal to control Mix from 50% to 100% and Delay from 10 milliseconds to 100 milliseconds. Now, you’d like to un-assign Delay and have it fixed at 20 milliseconds rather than have it change when the Pedal moves. Here’s what you do:
    1) Press the Pedal to full heel and turn the Delay knob to 20 milliseconds.向后将踏板踩到底,将delay钮调到20ms。
    2) Press the Pedal to full toe. Turn Delay away from 20 milliseconds and then back to 20 milliseconds.向前将踏板踩到底,将delay钮调离20ms的位置再调回20ms的位置。

Remember, you must move the Parameter Control Knob to create the Pedal assignment. If a Parameter was previously assigned to the Pedal, the only way to un-assign it is to set the same value for the heel and toe by turning the knob.
The Expression Pedal settings are not saved automatically. If you want to be able to recall your Expression Pedal setting, you must perform the Preset Save operation.
If you load a Preset and the Expression Pedal is not connected, the parameter values will be same as they were the last time the Preset was used.

Note: Expression Pedal programming can be disabled in System Mode under the Utilities
menu. Since programming the Expression Pedal is so easy, it is possible to inadvertently
change settings that you’ve created. By setting Pedal Lock ([PDLOCK]) ON, accidental changes to the Expression Pedal settings are prevented.

Note: You can set the minimum value to be greater than the maximum value. When you do so, as the Pedal moves towards the toe, the Parameter value will decrease.

Note: The Expression Pedal input supports control voltage inputs from 0V to 3V. Care must be taken to avoid ground loops when using this input with external control voltages. If you hear a “hum” only when you’ve connected a control voltage source to SPACE’s Expression Pedal input jack, then it is likely that the device generating the control voltage is grounded to a different ground than your audio inputs and outputs. Ground loops are notoriously difficult to track down and beyond the scope of this User Guide to diagnose.


[ 本帖最后由 某谋眸 于 2013-6-5 17:35 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-3 08:55:11 | 显示全部楼层
The Footswitches – Play and Preset Mode脚踏开关-演奏及组模式
SPACE’s footswitches are multi-purpose and operate in one of three modes, Play Mode, Preset Mode, and System Mode. In normal use, SPACE is in either Play Mode or Preset Mode. System Mode is used to set up MIDI, external controls and various system parameters.
Pressing and holding the Right Footswitch switches between Play and Preset Mode.

Play Mode 演奏模式
In Play Mode, the Billboard displays the first 12 characters of the currently loaded Preset
Name. Three Footswitches are used to control the Preset.

    Active Footswitch激活开关
The “Active” footswitch is used to toggle between Active and Bypass. The Active LED is lit orange when the Effect is in use. When Bypassed, the Active LED is off.
激活开关是用来开关效果当前效果的(激活 或 BYPASS)。当效果被激活是Active下边的灯会发出橙色的光。

    HotSwitch&#8482; Footswitch热键
The Middle Footswitch can be programmed to act on the loaded Preset as a programmable
controller allowing the user to switch between the normal Preset parameter values and a programmed, alternate set of parameter values. It’s like having two Presets in one!
When a Preset is loaded with a HotSwitch assignment, the Middle Footswitch LED will be lit GREEN to indicate that the HotSwitch is “active.” (If the HotSwitch is not programmed, the LED will be unlit.)
Press and release the HotSwitch and the Preset’s parameter values will change to their
HotSwitch programmed values, the LED will turn orange and the display will indicate which
of the parameters have been modified by the HotSwitch. If only a single parameter is under HotSwitch control, the parameter’s value is displayed. If multiple parameters are under HotSwitch control, the display is a graphic representation of the Control Knobs. Control Knobs that are controlled by the HotSwitch are represented as circles while unassigned Control Knobs are indicated by a solid line (dash).

Press and release the HotSwitch again and the Preset’s parameter values will return to their default values (Preset values) and the HotSwitch LED turns GREEN. In this way, by pressing and releasing the HotSwitch you can toggle between two settings for the loaded Preset.
You can also use the HotSwitch to only momentarily change the parameter values rather than toggle between the two settings. Press and hold the HotSwitch and the values will change while holding and revert back to their Preset default values on release.

    HotSwitch Programming热键编辑
In Play Mode, the HotSwitch is always active and programmable, i.e., HOT.
To program, press and hold the Middle Footswitch (HotSwitch) and turn any combination of the parameter Control Knobs to achieve the sound that you desire for the HotSwitch. This will be the sound you’ll hear when the HotSwitch RED LED is lit. While in program mode, the HotSwitch LED may flash either GREEN or RED depending on the state of the HotSwitch but it is the RED LED state that is the HotSwitch programmed sound. The GREEN LED indicates that the parameter settings are those of the original Preset values and that the HotSwitch has been programmed and will change the effect when pressed.
Note: You must save the Preset to store the HotSwitch settings.
To clear HotSwitch programming, press and hold the Middle Footswitch (HotSwitch) pressed
and press and release the Encoder. The display will show [HOTSW CLEAR]. When HotSwitch programming is cleared, the HotSwitch will have no effect on parameter values and the HotSwitch LED will be off.
清除热键设置,长按中间的脚踏,同时按下并释放ENCODER。屏幕将显示[HOTSW CLEAR]。当热键设置被清除后,热键将没有任何效果,指示灯也将关闭。
The HotSwitch function can be accessed by MIDI or by using an Auxiliary Switch as described in the System Mode section of this User Guide.

    Tap Footswitch
The “Tap” footswitch is used to tap tempo. While tapping, the updated tempo value is displayed by the Billboard in Beats Per Minute (BPM) if Tempo is ON and in milliseconds if Tempo is OFF.
To turn Tempo ON or OFF, press the Tempo Button. When Tempo’s state changes, the Billboard will briefly display the appropriate message either [TEMPO ON] or [TEMPO OFF] When Tempo is ON, the Tempo LED flashes at the current tempo.
开关TEMPO模式,按下tempo按钮。速度模式改变时,屏幕将会简单的显示[TEMPO ON] 或者[TEMPO OFF],当速度模式开启,速度指示灯会一当前速度闪烁。
If Tempo is OFF, the Tap Switch can be used to set the decay times of reverb algorithms
whose decay is in seconds. This includes Hall, Room, Plate, Spring, DualVerb, Reverse,
ModEchoVerb, TremoloVerb, and DynaVerb. For Blackhole, MangledVerb and Shimmer, with Temp OFF, the Tap Switch sets the pre-delay time in milliseconds.
如果速度模式关闭,右脚踏可以用来设置衰减时间和混响模式(Hall, Room, Plate, Spring, DualVerb, Reverse,ModEchoVerb, TremoloVerb, and DynaVerb)或延迟时间(Blackhole, MangledVerb,Shimmer,)。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-17 11:37:24 | 显示全部楼层
Preset Mode预置模式
In Preset Mode, the Billboard displays the Preset Number followed by the first 10 characters
of the Preset Name of the currently loaded Preset. The Left Footswitch is used for loading and Bypassing Presets.
Note: Each of the 100 Presets can be based on any of the Algorithms. You can choose to have all 100 presets based on Blackhole. Or, two based on Spring, three based on Room, five based on Hall, etc. - or any combination.

    Loading/Bypassing Presets 装载或旁通音色
To Bypass the Preset, simply press the Left Footswitch. Press again and the Preset becomes
active. Whenever a Preset is loaded, the Presets underlying Algorithm is displayed
The following attributes are saved with Presets and recalled when Presets are loaded:下面这些属性将被保存在音色中。
    1) Parameter knob values.参数旋钮的数值
    2) Tempo/Tap value.*速度数值
    3) Tempo On/Off status.速度模式开关的情况
    4) Expression pedal mapping.表情踏板情况
    5) HotSwitch programming.热键的设置
    6) Output level输出音量
* Note: SPACE can be set up to change the Tempo value when a Preset is loaded or to ignore the value saved with the Preset. While Tempo values are always saved with the Preset, you may prefer to have your current Tempo stay the same as you switch from Preset to Preset.Turn GLOBAL TEMPO ON to do that. With GLOBAL TEMPO ON, the Tempo values saved with the Preset are ignored and the current Tempo value is used. Setting Global Tempo is described later in this User Guide.
    Selecting Presets选择预置
In Preset Mode, the Middle and Right Footswitch are used to step through the Presets. Tap the Middle Footswitch to decrement and the Right Footswitch to increment. Press the Left Footswitch to load.
You can also turn the Encoder to select Presets. When using the Encoder presets are loaded instantly.
Note: Edited Presets will be lost if they are not saved before loading another Preset.

    Active Presets激活预置
If 100 Presets are more than you need, and youd like to make it quicker and easier to find and load your Presets, the number of active Presets can be reduced. Only the Presets that are active will show up when loading. While only active Presets can be loaded, Presets can always be saved to disabled Preset Numbers. Inactive Presets are not erased (but can be overwritten)and can be made active at any time.
Active Presets are limited to a range. The default is for all 100 Presets active. You can limit the number of active Presets, by setting the active range in System Mode. For example, if you set the lower limit to 5 and the upper limit to 10, Presets from 5-10 will be active. By logically grouping your Presets, you can get through a song or set without having to click through all 100 Presets. Remember, when saving Presets, group them to best suit your needs.
The factory default sets the number of active Presets to 100 (Preset#1 to Preset#100). To limit the number of active Presets:出厂默认的激活音色的数量是100,你可以通过以下操作限定其数量。
    1) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few
seconds to enter System Mode. Release the Encoder.按住Encoder钮和右脚踏开关,进入系统模式,释放Encoder
    2) Turn the Encoder until [UTILITY] is displayed.转动Encoder钮选择[UTILITY]
    3) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder
    4) Turn the Encoder until [PRESET RANGE] is displayed.转动Encoder钮选择[PRESET RANGGE]
    5) Momentarily press the Encoder.按一下Encoder
    6) Press the Left Footswitch and turn the Encoder to set the lower limit按下左脚踏,同时转动Encoder,设置下限。
    7) Press the Right Footswitch and turn the Encoder to set the upper limit.按下右脚踏,同时转动Encoder,设置上限。
    8) Press and hold the Encoder and Right Footswitch simultaneously for a few seconds to exit System Mode.按住Encoder钮和右脚踏开关,推出系统模式

Saving Presets 存储音色
To save a Preset:
1) Press and hold the Encoder for a few seconds. The current Preset# and 10 characters of the Preset Name are displayed. Release the Encoder. The EditedLED flashes. The Preset # flashes if it is NOT the currently loaded Preset. If the currently loaded Preset # is displayed, it is solidly lit.按住Encoder,显示当前音色编号和名称,放开Encoder,编辑指示灯闪烁。
2) Turn the Encoder to select the desired Preset#. The EditedLED flashes when the currently displayed Preset# is not the active Preset#. When saving, all Preset numbers are available even if youve limited the number of active Presets.转动Encoder选择音色编号,如果当前显示的音色编号不是激活音色时指示灯将闪烁。
3) Press the Right Footswitch and the first character of the Preset name will flash.
Turning the Encoder will change this character. Preset names can have up to 16 characters. (The available character set is '0-9', 'A-Z', '*, +, -,_, and |.),按下右脚踏,转动Encoder改变音色名称。
4) Use the Left and Right Footswitches to traverse the display, selecting the character
to be edited by the Encoder. (The active character for editing is always flashing.)Repeated pressing of the Right or Left Footswitch will traverse the name, onecharacter at a time, flashing the selected character. Press and hold Left Footswitch to DELETE the current flashing character.使用左右脚踏改变字符位置。按住左脚踏可以删除当前闪烁的字符。
5) Press and hold Right Footswitch to INSERT a character before the currently flashing
6) To save the Preset, press and hold the Encoder a second time. The Billboard
displays SAVED.”按下Encoder,屏幕显示“SAVED”,音色保存完成。
7) After a short time, the Save mode is exited.然后,存储模式自动退出。
8) To exit Save without saving, press and release the Encoder again without holding it or press any Footswitch at any time. Upon exiting Save mode without saving, the
Billboard displays NO SAVE.”如果想不保存音色退出存储模式,可以按一下Encoder(不要长按Encoder,或按下任意脚踏),屏幕显示“NO SAVE”。

Note: You must press and HOLD the Encoder to save. If you press and release quickly, the new Preset will not be saved. This is intentional. When you save a new Preset, you overwrite the old Preset. SPACE is designed to assure that saving is a deliberate act. The Preset number corresponding to the currently running Preset will flash as a warning that saving in this location will overwrite the currently loaded Preset.
Note: Name changes affect the current Preset even if NOT Saved. This feature allows you to rename a Preset without changing any of the Parameter values.
Note: The cursor will wrap around the display.Pressing the Left Footswitch will move to the left by one character at a time until it gets to the first character, then it will jump to the Preset Number field. Pressing the Left Footswitch again will jump to the last character.

    Organizing Your Presets 组织你的音色
When you save a Preset, you should consider when and how it will be used. For example, if you have a pair of Presets that you plan to use together in the same song one for the verse, one for the chorus placing them in sequential Preset numbers will let you quickly switch from one to the other.
Note: When saving to a location other than the active slot, the saved Preset location becomes the active slot. In other words, if Preset #1 is currently active and, after changing the parameters to get a new sound, you decide to save the new sound to in Preset #10, Preset #10 becomes the active Preset.
发表于 2013-9-26 11:15:41 | 显示全部楼层

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