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发表于 2005-2-12 22:04:00 | 显示全部楼层



The basis of Eddie's sound remains pretty much from the 1993 setup (see below) except for some small changes. Eddie was happy with his original system, so we only upgraded the switching system. He didn't see a big need to change says Bob Bradshaw, so I took it upon myself to build a new system on spec just to show him some of the new things we're doing. A RS-10mini foot controller was implemented for him, and also installed one of our new amp selectos that will allow him to switch, for instance, his 5150 heads and insert a Marshall instead for different sounds. He'll be able to switch between two different amps into the same cabinet, and also have the line-level effects that he uses.
Live, Ed plays from one Peavey 5150 EVH head (unmodified) for the whole show. Ed plays through three cabinets that have the highter efficiency speakers. The signal from the amplifiers speaker output gets bridged by putting it through a Palmer speaker simulator. The Palmer is basically a glorified thru box as far as the dry cabinet in concerned, and it's only real function is to steal enough signal off the speaker outpul of the 5150 to feed the effects a line level signal. The signal makes its way thrugh the effects to the last effects output stage. From there it goes to the input of an H&H V-800 power amp, which then goes out left and right to the two FX cabinets. Edd ies rack is real simple. The effects that stay on most of the time are two Roland SDE-3000 delays and an Evantide H-3000 Harmonizer. A PCM-70 is only used for Cathedral. There are four stomp boxes. A Boss OC-2 Octave box, an old MXR Phase 90, an old MXR Flanger, and a Boss SD-1 Overdrive, which is said to never be used. There is an eight loop, non MIDI Bradshaw switcher, which is really small and really old. The 5150 amp itself is a 120 watt, high gain amplifer. It has five 12AX7 preamp tubes and four 6L6 power amp tubes. For noise reduction, a Rockman half space noise gate called a Smart Gate is used. Its ran directly into the 5150's effects loop. The wireless is a Sony WRR-840 UHF system.

Eddie's setup is much simplier than it used to be. His Sony wireless system plugs directly into a Marshall head that he uses to get his tone, his main sound. The Marshall head is loaded with a load box that Bradshaw built; it takes the place of speakers. A line out from the load box feeds the effects. It splits into stereo with a Lexicon PCM-70 digital processor, which he uses basically for his Cathedral sounds. One side of the PCM-70 has an Eventide 949 Harmonizer and a Roland SDE-3000 delay. All of the outputs of these effects feed a Ranne SM-26 stereo mixer that allows you to pan effects left, right, and center. Eddie likes the sound of seperate effects on either side. The one Harmonizer is panned hard left and the other is hard right, as opposed to selecting one of them and panning it down the middle.
Then we go into a Rockman RX2H exciter, which is just used for the Hush function; its not used for the exciter part. From there, the signal feeds H&H V-800's; these are 400 watts per channel stereo power amps. then it goes to two 4X12 cabinets. The cabinets are wired at 16 ohms, so basically the amp is only pushing about 100 watts per channel. The band carried 12 tops on the road, but they only used one or two heads for the whole tour. They never had blowups; nothing ever went wrong.
There is a Variac on the AC input side of the Marshall's- this varies the line voltage. Eddie generally sets it around 90 volts, so the amp sees 90 volts AC instead of 110 or 120. The effects rack that is feeding those power amps, the signal is also split to several different power amps and cabinets around the stage. So wherever he is onstage, he hears the exact same sound that he has when he's standing in front of the pedalboard. The pedalboard has three ros of four buttons that are presets of different combinations of the effects. He always works out of the presets; he never goes to individual effects or anyting in the system. He just has his five basic sounds. Eddie stated in an 1987 that he was starting to be influenced by seeing some of the stuff in Sammy Hagar's rack, and that he admitted he was starting to experiment with the little neat toys.
Eddie was using a Nady FM wireless, Flag Systems effects system controlling three pedalboards onstage. He also continued to use his MXR phaser and flanger. He used an ADA preamp,MXR Micro-Amp, Roland DC30 echo/chorus, and a MXR Echo. For amps he used Marshalls with H&H V800 power amps for consistent sound onstage, three 4X12 cabinets, and a Fender Deluxe Reverb for pre gig warming up
1980 & early
Eddie "I've gone through every amp on the market. I mean, first tour I started out using my old 100 watt amp, which broke down every other song, so I started using new Marshall's I didn't like the way they sounded, but I had to have something tht would make it through the show. Then I lost them somewhere on an airplane. And then I started using Music Mans, and Laneys>They all pretty much sound the same, just because I play the same." He also played a Wurlitzer electric piano through his Marshall stack on the craddle will rock. 1978 Eddie "What I basically have is three different setups, three complete setups. I have three 100 watt tops of whatever make- right now I'm using Music Man, and a couple of new Marshalls. I'm just using everything right now because I lost those old amps. But I use three 100 watt amps for the main set-what I call it- and then I do my guitar solo, and after that I change guitars and amps to setup number two. setup number three is also again three amps, for backup. So I have each guitar plugged into a different setup. So if something is wrong with the first one, all I do is grab another guitar, and it's completely different amps. So I don;t have to worry abut trying to fix the setup that I was using. I got so many different heads. I just gotta patch'em all together and hope it sounds cool" For effects I use two Echoplexes, I use a flanger, just for little subtle touches. I use a phase shifter, an MXR Phase 90. It doesnt't really phase; it just kind of gives you treble boost, which I like. It cuts through for solos. I use a Univox echo box, and I had a different motor put in it so it will go real low and delay much slower.
Info was taken from the Web Site Brown Sound...check it out!
发表于 2005-2-12 22:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-12 22:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-12 22:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
让我选我还是喜欢他以前用的MM的琴然后早上上学的时候遇到两个好朋友,他们对我说哦,那就是VAN,他喜欢的是PP而不是MM(PP就是婆婆,MM就是妹妹,并不代表着MUSIC MAN或是PEAVEY)
发表于 2005-2-12 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-12 22:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
不好好学习英文啊~··呵呵。好吧我去翻译了 再贴 晕~
发表于 2005-2-13 02:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
我也是一个也没看懂 !!~~~
发表于 2005-2-13 02:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-13 13:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
liuxur 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-2-16 02:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-2-16 02:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用liuxur在2005-2-16 2:26:55的发言:
发表于 2005-2-16 11:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-2-16 12:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-16 12:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-18 10:28:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 heyjoe 于 2005-2-16 11:40 发表

老范的音色太有味道了,比JOE VAI啊之类的好听的多。还有英格威的音色也好听。
发表于 2009-9-18 10:45:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-25 14:50:56 | 显示全部楼层
你敢发国语的不敢? 吓死你
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