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【中文翻译】voodoo lab gcx 音频线路选择器 说明书

发表于 2013-9-17 10:40:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
全部个人翻译,由于水平有限,有什么错误的地方,敬请大家指正!谢谢另:GCP的说明书比较长,正在校对中,过一段时间会发上来,请大家见谅 01.jpg
Guitar Audio Switcher

用 户 手 册

• GXC将大大提升和扩展GROUND CONTROL的功能。使用GXC,你可以切换多个单块、箱头、前级等设备通道。
• GXC有两个1/4英寸的直通接口。其中GUTAR IN用来接入吉他,可以提升吉他拾音器的音质、减少噪音,并允许信号分离驱动多个设备 The one labeled "FEED THRU" is passive and can also be used from back to front as an amp out.
• GXC拥有8个音频环路,每路都有独立的IN\OUTSEND\RETURN。它们可以用来选择效果器出入、AB选择、发送并行效果的系统等。此外,循环可以作为锁存或瞬时开关。
• GXC还可以通过5MDI连接线为GROUND CONTROL等设备提供幻象供电。

• Power switch——可以同时打开GXCGROUND CONTROL
• GUITAR IN——直通背板的吉他输出
• FEED THRU直通——被动连接到背板的FEED THRU

• POWER——连接AC电源适配器
• MIDI OUT —— echoes MIDI data from the PEDAL IN
• GUITAR OUT——提升吉他输入
• FEED THRU——被动连接到面板的FEED THRU. 也可以在前面板的FEED THRU没有被使用时(信号接入GUITAR IN),复制GUTIAR OUT的信号。注:一入双出
• IN/SEND/RETURN/OUT ——每路的输入输出、发送返回

注意:GXCMIDI输入不是标准接口,请参照Using GCX without a Ground Control部分后按照要求连接。
拆包纸箱应包含:1.、本手册2、GCX   3、电源适配器4、保修卡请填写所附的保修卡,并将它邮回Digital Music Corp。通过注册,我们会向您发送有关产品的重要信息,更新和配件。

Buffered and Passive Feed Thru's 缓冲和被动直通
There are two front panel feed thru's which provide convenient connection to your switching system. The feed thru labeled "GUITAR IN" is buffered and the the feed thru labeled "FEED THRU" is passive.前面板有两个接口方便你连接到选择系统。GUITAR IN" 带buffer, "FEED THRU" 是被动的。
The passive feed thru is simply hard-wired from the front jack to the rear. The most common use for the passive feed thru is for an "amp out" connection (passing from the back to the front). You can also use it as an instrument input if you do not wish to use the buffer.被动通道是直接焊接了前后通道,最普遍的用法是连接到“amp out”(从后到前),如果你不想用buffer功能,你也可以把它当做乐器输入。
Using at least one feed thru ties audio ground to the GCX chassis. This allows the GCX chassis to act as a noise shield for the audio loops and circuitry.每个FEED THRU通道都有接地,这样GCX就可以为你的LOOP和电路屏蔽噪音。

Why Use the buffer?为什么使用buffer
Guitar pickup tone is greatly affected by the input characteristics of the device it's plugged into. Unlike typical buffers which utilize bipolar transistor components resulting in unnatural sound, our buffer inputs are carefully matched in both impedance and capacitance to those of tubeamplifier inputs. Further, using the latest ultra low noise FET technology provides tube amp characteristics with the lowest possible noise level. The result is an exceptionally transparent buffer which optimizes guitar pickup tone quality.吉他拾音器音色很受接入设备特性的影响。由于使用晶体管的buffer产生的声音不自然,所以我们仔细地通过与电子管音箱输入的电阻及电容的对比,选用了最新的超低噪声FET技术,提供了类似电子管的特性和尽可能低的噪音水平,制造了一个优化拾音器音色的特殊的透明的buffer。
Using the GUITAR IN passes your guitar signal through the in-line buffer which converts from high to low impedance. This improves signal quality, lowers noise, and allows splitting with simple Y-cables to drive multiple devices.吉他信号接入GUITAR IN接口,通过inline buffer信号阻抗降低,这将提升信号品质,降低噪音,同时允许你通过分线接驳多个设备。

Connection Options连接选项
The rear panel feed thru jacks are both normalled to the buffer. This means that if you use only the GUITAR IN, your buffered signal will appear at both the GUITAR OUT and FEED THRU jacks. This split can be useful for driving a tuner or multiple amps and preamps.后面板的FEED THRU接口均连接到buffer,这意味着如果接入GUITAR IN,被buffer的信号将出现在后面的两个接口中,这样的设计有助于驱动调音表或多个放大器。
注:接入前面板FEED THRU的信号不会被bufferThe following diagrams show some common examples of buffered feed thruconnections下面的图例将显示一些常见的缓冲直通接法:(从官网截的图均由问题,在下图进行更正,后图均已此更正为准)
Example 1. Using with one instrument:使用一个乐器
The guitar signal passes from GUITAR IN to GUITAR OUT.吉他信号从GUTIAR INOUT.

Example 2. Splitting from one instrument to two devices:一个乐器两个设备
Since the two feed thru's are normalled together, the guitar signal passes fromGUITAR IN to both GUITAR OUT and FEED THRU.

Example 3. Splitting to more than two devices using Y-cables:使用分线器接多个设备
Because GCX feed thru's have low impedance outputs, you can drive multiple devices from each output. In this example, the guitar signal passes to all four devices using two Y-cables.因为GCX FEED THRU通道的低阻抗输出,你从每个接口可以驱动多个设备

Audio Loops 音频循环
Important: GCX audio loops are for instrument and line level signals only. Using them to switch amplifier or speaker outputs will severely damage your GCX.注意:GCX只接入乐器或线路信号,如果使用它们连接箱头的选择接口或音响输出将损坏GCX.

The most important characteristic of an audio switcher is sonic transparency.Some manufacturers implement loops using either optoFETs (optical transistors) or LDRs (light dependent resistors), or a combination of the two. Both optoFETs and LDRs cause sound coloration and measurable distortion. Some even claim their switching to be passive while using optoFETs (transistors are not passive). LDRs, while technically passive, are not linear and therefore degrade tone quality.对于音频选择器来说最重要的特性是音色的通透性。一些制造商实现LOOP功能使用optofets(光学晶体管)或LDRs(光敏电阻),或两者结合,但是两者都会使声音染色和失真。当然有些人甚至声称他们的选择器使用optofets(晶体管不是被动的)是被动的,至于LDRs,由于技术不成熟,它并不是线性的,因此会降低音质。
The only completely transparent way to switch both instrument and line level signals with no audible distortion is with relays. The GCX uses the finest gold contact relays sealed in nitrogen. We also include a snubber circuit to improve operation by filtering audio frequencies from the relay coil.为了使供选择的乐器和线路信号无损、完整,GCX使用最好的密封在氮里的黄金触点继电器。
Great care has been taken to reduce the possibility of ground loops and hum. GCX audio loop grounds are isolated, the return ground is lifted, and the circuit board includes a noise reducing ground plane.为尽可减少接地回路的可能性和嗡嗡声,GCX采用独立回路,电路包括一个降低接地噪音的设计。

Effects Loops效果器环路

The basic function of a GCX loop is to switch effects in and out of the signal path.GCX最基本的功能就是选择你的效果器信号通道。
In this example, when the loop is ON, the pedal is active. When the loop is OFF, the pedal is bypassed.例如,当LOOP开启,效果器激活;关闭LOOP旁通。

A/B SwitchingGCX
loops can be used for A/B switching. The following are two examples.GCX LOOPS还能用来选择AB通道,下面是两种不同用法示例
Example 1. Selecting between two preamps:例1,选择两个前置放大器PREfile:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ksohtml\wps_clip_image-6020.png
When the loop is OFF, Preamp-1 feeds the audio out. When the loop is ON,Preamp-2 is selected.LOOP关闭,PRE1输出音频,LOOP开启,PRE2输出音频。
Example 2. Selecting between two amps:例2,选择两个箱头
When the loop is OFF, Amp-1 plays. When the loop is ON, Amp-2 plays.LOOP关闭,AMP1工作;LOOP开启,AMP2工作。

Muting Sends静音
Loops can be used to mute the input to effects.用来静音
When the loop is ON, "Audio In" feeds the input of "FX". When the loop isoff, the input to "FX" is muted.LOOP开启,音频到FX的输入;LOOP关闭,静音。

Combining Multiple Amps连接多个放大器
By using multiple loops, combining amps is possible.使用多个LOOP,连接多个放大器
When loop #1 is ON and loop #2 is OFF, only Amp-1 is active. With loop #1OFF and loop #2 ON, only Amp-2 is active. When both loops are ON, both ampsplay at the same time.当LOOP1开、2关,只有amp1激活,反之amp2激活。当两LOOP都开启,两amp同时激活。

Using Loops as Switches选择功能
GCX loops will act as footswitches like those used for amp channel switching and bypassing signal processors.GCX LOOP可以像脚踩控制器一样选择放大器通道和旁通信号处理器。The GCX supports both standard switch types, latched and momentary. You can also select between normally open and normally closed operation.GCX支持标准选择、锁定和瞬时模式。你也可以选择常开或常关某LOOP
Latched or momentary modes are selected from your Ground Control (see "Using the GCX with a Ground Control"). Normally open and normally closed operation are selected by plugging into either the OUT/N.O. jack (for Normally Open), or the SEND/N.C. jack (for Normally Closed).闩锁、瞬时模式需要连接GROUND CONTROL进行选择设置。常开需要接通OUT/N.O接口,常关需要接通SEND/N.C接口。

Latching Type闩锁模式
Most footswitch inputs on amps, preamps, and effects devices require latching type switches. A latching switch has two possible states, either open (tip and sleeve unconnected), or closed (tip尖 and sleeve套 are connected together).大多数有脚踩选择器输入的AMP、PRE、效果器都需要闩锁模式的选择。
To control latching footswitches from a GCX loop, simply connect from the GCX loop OUT/N.O. jack to the footswitch jack:用GCX loop控制闩锁脚踏,只需要将脚踏接口连接到GCXOUT/N.N.接口

Normally Open vs. Normally Closed常开或常关
A  normally open switch is open when it's off. A normally closed switch is closed when it's off. In most cases, you will use normally open (plug into the OUT/N.O. jack).通常,你都会使用常开(连接OUT/N.O.接口
However, if the GCX status LED is ON when you want it OFF, you can reverse polarity by selecting normally closed.然而,如果你想GCX状态LED关闭,你可以选择常关。
For example, let's say you're controlling reverb on your amp from its footswitch input, but the GCX status LED is ON when the reverb is OFF. You can fix this by changing from normally open to normally closed (plug into the SEND/N.C. jack). The LED will now show the correct state of the reverb.例如,当你通过脚踏输入控制音箱的混响时,但你的混响关闭时,当GCX的状态LED亮着,你可以通过改变常开到常关(接入SEND/N.C.接口)来修正。

Momentary Type瞬时模式
Some devices require momentary type switches. A momentary switch changes state (from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON) by closing for a short time and then opening again. These are most often used for bypass switches on digital effects.一些设备需要瞬时模式选择。瞬时模式可以在很短的时间里改变状态(从开到关或从关到开),通常用于数码效果器的直通选择。
To use a GCX loop as a momentary switch, connect the GCX loop OUT/N.O. jack to the footswitch input jack. You must also configure the loop as a momentary switch in the Ground Control setup.接入OUN/N.O.到脚踏输入接口,使用GCX loop来瞬时选择,你还必须用GCP指定LOOP开启瞬时模式。

Using the GCX with a Ground Control

Your GCX is part of the Ground Control System, and is easiest to control with the Ground ControlProgrammable MIDI Foot Controller. From the Ground Control, you can specify whether each loop should act as an audio loop, latched switch, or momentary switch. You can then control loops individually, as well as save loop settings with each of your 100 presets for instant recall.GCX是地面控制系统的一部分,需要连接GCP 控制它。通过地面控制,您可以指定每个回路应作为音频回路、闩锁开关或瞬时开关。然后,你可以单独控制LOOP,还可以存储100预置。

If your Ground Control has the optional expanded memory, you can control up to four GCX Guitar Audio Switchers to provide 32 audio loops and switches.GCP可以控制多达四台GCX,提供32个音频回路和选择。

Connect a standard 5-pin MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT of the Ground Control to the PEDAL IN of the GCX. Because the Ground Control will both send MIDI data to and receive power from the GCX, you must use a MIDI cable with all five pins wired (most are). Also, since the Ground Control's power is now supplied by the GCX, you no longer need to use the power adapter which comes with the Ground Control.使用5MIDI线连接GCPMIDI OUTGCXPEDAL IN,因为GCP将同时发送MIDI数据,并接受GCX的供电。
If you have more than one GCX, connect the MIDI OUT of your first GCX to the PEDAL IN of the second GCX. Continue chaining additional GCXs in this manner.如果有另一台GCX,连接第一台GCXMIDI OUT到第二台GCXPEDAL IN,使用上述方法增接更多的GCX.
Now connect from the MIDI OUT of the GCX to the MIDI In of your first device. If you have additional devices, connect the MIDI Thru of your first device to the MIDI In of your next device. Continue to chain your devices, MIDI Thru to MIDI In until all your devices are connected. If you are chaining more than 3 additional MIDI devices, using a MIDI Thru box like the Digital Music MX-28S will eliminate data problems caused by generation loss.现在连接GCXMIDI OUT到你的第一个设备的MIDI IN。如果你有其他的设备,连接第一个设备的MIDI Thru到下一个设备的MIDI IN,这样继续连接设备直到所有设备都被连接。如果连接超过3MIDI设备,你可以使用像MX28S那样的MIDI伺服盒,以排除因电量损失造成的数据问题。

Setup Mode设置模式
In Setup Mode, you will first tell the Ground Control that it is connected to a GCX, and then specify how each GCX loop should function. Here's how:首先告诉GCP它连接的是一台GCX,然后为GCX LOOP指定功能。
1. Enter Setup Mode by pressing both Ground Control [SETUP MODE] buttons at the same time.——按下GCPSETUP MODE】按钮
3. Press [+/YES] so the display reads "GCX-1 ON".——按【+/YES】,显示“GCX-1 ON
4. Press [CURSOR >] to access the first loop. To use this loop as an audio loop or a latched switch, press [-/NO] so the display reads "GCX 1=NORMAL". To use this loop as a momentary switch, press [+/YES] so the display reads "GCX 1=MOM SW".——按【CURSOR>】进入第一个LOOP。设置LOOP为音频回路或锁定选择,按【-/NO】显示 "GCX 1=NORMAL";设置LOOP为瞬时选择,按【+/YUE】显示 "GCX 1=MOM SW"。
5. Repeat step 4 for each of the eight loops.——重复前四步设置所有8LOOP
6. If you have additional GCX modules, press [SELECT ] to select GCX-2 and repeat the above.——如果你有另一台GCX,按【SELECT 】选择GCX-2,然后重复上述步骤。
7. Exit Setup Mode by pressing either [SETUP MODE] button. When the display reads "EXIT Y/N", press [+/YES].——按下【SETUP MODE】推出设置,当显示"EXIT Y/N",按下【=/YES】。

You can now check if you have correctly configured the Ground Control. First turn off both Ground Control and GCX with the GCX power switch. Then turn power back on. After the Ground Control finishes its startup message the Active LED on the GCX will blink and then stay on. This indicates that the Ground Control and GCX are successfully communicating.现在你可以检查一下你的设置是否正确。首先关闭GCXGCP,重新启动。然后,GCP完成启动,LED激活,GCX LED闪烁然后亮起……,这标志着GCPGCX通信成功。

Controlling GCX Loops控制GCX LOOP
Now that you have setup your Ground Control to access the GCX, you can easily control each of the eight loops.现在你已经可以通过设置GCP访问GCX,你可以容易的控制8LOOP
1. Press [SELECT] until the Ground Control display reads "GCX-1".——按【SELECT】直到GCP显示"GCX-1。
2. Pressing [1] through [8] will control GCX loops. The Status LED's on the GCX front panel, and the LED next to each button on the Ground Control will show the current status of each loop.——按18控制LOOPGCX相应通道的LEDGCP相应按钮的LED将显示每个LOOP的情况。

Creating and Recalling Presets创建和恢复预设
For detailed information on programming, saving, and recalling Ground Control presets, please refer to the Ground Control User's Guide.关于编程、保存、调用GCP预置的详情,请参看GCP的使用说明。

Warning: The PEDAL IN jack on the GCX is not a standard MIDI In. It utilizes the two normally unused pins to provide 9 volts A.C. power for the Ground Control. Before connecting to a device other than the Ground Control, you must either use a cable without pins 1 and 3 wired, or verify that the MIDI Out of that device conforms to the MIDI specification which states that pins 1 and 3 are unconnected. Failure to do so can result in severe damage to your equipment. If you have any questions about this, please contact Digital Music Corporation's customer service department.注意:GCX使用的PEDAL IN接口不是标准的MIDI接口。它使用两个MIDI信息不未使用的针为GCP提供9伏交流电源。在你连接其他不同于GCP的设备前,你必须使用一个13针没有焊接的MIDI线,或者核实此设备的MIDI输出符合GCX的要求,也就是13针没有连接。不这样做会导致您的设备严重损坏。如果你有任何的问题,请联系的数字音乐公司的客户服务部。
It is possible to control the GCX from other devices like MIDI sequencers, some MIDI footpedals, or any device capable of transmitting MIDI Control Change messages.你也可以连接其他一些MIDI设备来控制GCX

The GCX responds to MIDI Control Change messages sent on channel 16 only. A data value of 0 turns the loop off, a data value of 127 turns the loop on. Controller numbers are as follows:GCX响应16个通道MIDI控制信号,数值0关闭LOOP,数值127开启LOOP

控制数如下:Audio Loop or Latched Switch Momentary SwitchLoop #1 = controller #80 Loop #1 = controller #104Loop #2 = controller #81 Loop #2 = controller #105Loop #3 = controller #82 Loop #3 = controller #106Loop #4 = controller #83 Loop #4 = controller #107Loop #5 = controller #84 Loop #5 = controller #108Loop #6 = controller #85 Loop #6 = controller #109Loop #7 = controller #86 Loop #7 = controller #110Loop #8 = controller #87 Loop #8 = controller #111

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跪求翻译voodoo lab mondo电源的说明书..
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-18 09:37:55 | 显示全部楼层


机身左边的“HIGH CURRENT DC OUTPUTS"是大电流设备使用的,


1-4路:9V (or 12V) outputs. Use for all pedals which operate from a 9V battery or require less than 100mA. Switchable to 12V via DIP switches.
这4路电流均为100ma。DIP开关ON,使用12v ACA输出,一般boss的块都是用这个的;DIP开关OFF,使用9v DC,,现在市面大多数单块都是适应的。

5-6路:9V (or L6) outputs. Use with 9V battery or high-current effects that require  less than 250mA. Switchable to L6 mode (unregulated 12V) via DIP switches.   
这2路电流为250ma。DIP开关ON,使用12v -16v输出,专供LINE6的产品使用,比如MM4,DL4,FM4^^;DIP开关OFF,使用9v DC,每路的电流250ma,像一些混响、延迟块儿,可能需要200ma以上的电流的,就可以接到这里。

7-8路: 9V (or SAG) outputs. Use for all pedals which operate from a 9V battery or require less than 100mA. Allows you to SAG voltage from 9V down to about 4V. Enable SAG control via DIP switches.
这2路电流为100ma。DIP开关ON,使用4v -9v低电压输出;DIP开关OFF,使用9v DC。

原帖由 我和我追逐的梦 于 2013-9-17 18:25 发表
跪求翻译voodoo lab mondo电源的说明书..
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-22 15:44:42 | 显示全部楼层

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