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[古典吉他视听] 视频推荐:布里姆演奏英国著名作曲家阿诺尔德的吉他协奏曲

发表于 2014-2-10 11:27:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


马尔科姆·亨利·阿诺德爵士,CBE(英语:Sir Malcolm Henry Arnold,1921年10月21日-2006年9月23日),英国著名作曲家。网站:http://malcolmarnold.co.uk ,详细介绍:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Arnold

阿诺德出生于北安普敦的一个鞋匠家庭,在五名孩子中为最幼小,自小就已对新兴的爵士乐抱有相当兴趣。看到著名爵士乐演奏家路易斯·阿姆斯壮在伯恩茅斯的演出后,他就开始学习吹小号,并于5年后获得奖学金和入读皇家音乐学院。在皇家音乐学院中,他跟戈登·雅各(Gordon Jacob)学习作曲和欧内斯·霍尔(Ernest Hall)学习小号。1941年,他加入伦敦爱乐管弦乐团,其位则为第二小号手,并于1943年晋升为首席小号手。
阿诺德虽为一名作曲以调性为主的保守派作曲家,但其作品数量非常丰富和受欢迎;他个人认为自己的风格深受柏辽兹的格调影响。他很有名气的作品为他九首的交响乐。此外,他也写下多首吉他、大提琴、单簧管、口琴和钢琴的协奏曲。其威尔士舞曲、英格兰舞曲、苏格兰舞曲、爱尔兰舞曲和康瓦耳舞曲也是非常受欢迎的轻音乐,其中英格兰舞曲的一首乐曲为英国电视节目《报章摘要》(What the Papers Say)的主题曲。此外,他写下大量自己作品的管乐队改编曲。

阿诺德为不少电影作曲,如《乌龙女校》(The Belles of St Trinian's,1953年)、《六福客栈》(The Inn of the Sixth Happiness,1958年)和《微风轻哨》(Whistle Down the Wind,1961年),而他于1957年为《桂河大桥》(The Bridge on the River Kwai)创作的音乐更荣获奥斯卡金像奖的最佳原创音乐奖。此外,他指挥为深紫色合唱团作品,《乐队与管弦乐团协奏曲》(Concerto for Group and Orchestra)录音的皇家爱乐交响乐团和为让·罗德(Jon Lord)的作品,《双子组曲》(Gemini Suite)录音的伦敦交响乐团。



1、吉他独奏:《吉他幻想曲》,Fantasy for Guitar, Op. 107 (1971)
视频欣赏:Sean Shibe演奏 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjczMzYzNzQ0.html

2、吉他协奏曲:Serenade for Guitar and Strings, Op. 50 (1955)
3、吉他协奏曲:Guitar Concerto, Op. 67 (1959)
这首《吉他协奏曲》作品编号第67号,作于1959年。其版本,首选著名吉他演奏家布里姆(Lulian Bream)和梅络斯协奏团版,RCA公司,LP编号LSC2487。这张唱片被美国TAS评为发烧名片。其次可选费尔南德斯(Eduardo Fernandez)和英国室内乐团版,Decca公司,正价,CD编号430 233-2,《企鹅》评介三星。再其次可选威廉斯(Williams)和伦敦小交响乐团合作版,CBS公司,LP编号M-36680。


4、吉他室内乐:Fantasy for Flute and Guitar (1960)

Ballets 芭蕾舞曲
Homage to the Queen (Op. 42, 1953; choreography by Frederick Ashton)
Rinaldo and Armida (Op. 49, 1954; choreography by Ashton)
Solitaire (1956; based on the English Dances, choreography by Kenneth MacMillan)
Sweeney Todd (Op. 68, 1959; choreography by John Cranko)
Electra (ballet) (Op. 79, 1963; choreography by Robert Helpmann)
The Three Musketeers (ballet) (2006; arranged from Arnold's other music; choreography by David Nixon)

Orchestral 管弦乐
Symphony for Strings (Op. 13, 1946)
Symphony No. 1 (Op. 22, 1949)
Symphony No. 2 (Op. 40, 1953)
Toy Symphony, Op. 62 (1957)
Symphony No. 3 (Op. 63, 1957)
Symphony No. 4 (Op. 71, 1960)
Symphony No. 5 (Op. 74, 1961)
Symphony No. 6 (Op. 95, 1967)
Symphony No. 7 (Op. 113, 1973)
Symphony No. 8 (Op. 124, 1978)
Symphony No. 9 (Op. 128, 1986)

Dance Suites
English Dances, Set 1, Op. 27 (1950)
English Dances, Set 2, Op. 33 (1951)
Four Scottish Dances, Op. 59 (1957)
Four Cornish Dances, Op. 91 (1966)
Four Irish Dances, Op. 126 (1986)
Four Welsh Dances, Op. 138 (1988)

Comedy Overture: Beckus the Dandipratt, Op. 5 (1943)
The Smoke (Overture), Op. 21 (1948)
A Sussex Overture, Op. 31 (1951)
Tam o' Shanter Overture (1955)
A Grand, Grand Overture, Op. 57 (1956)
Commonwealth Christmas Overture, Op. 64 (1957)
Sunshine Overture, Op. 83 (1964)
Peterloo Overture, Op. 97 (1968)
Anniversary Overture, Op. 99 (1968)
The Fairfield Overture, Op. 110 (1972)
Robert Kett Overture, Op. 141 (1988)

Sinfonietta No. 1, Op. 48 (1954)
Sinfonietta No. 2, Op. 65 (1958)
Sinfonietta No. 3, Op. 81 (1964)

Divertimento No. 1, Op. 1 (1945)
Divertimento No. 2, Op. 24 (1950), revised as Op. 75 (1961)

Little Suites
Little Suite No. 1, Op. 53 (1955)
Little Suite No. 2, Op. 78 (1961)
Little Suite No. 3, Op. 142 (1990)
Little Suite No. 4, Op. 80a (1963)
Little Suite No. 5, Op. 93a (1957)

Larch Trees, Op. 3 (1943)
Symphonic Suite, Op. 12
Serenade for Small Orchestra, Op. 26 (1950)
Symphonic Study Machines Op. 30 (1951)
Sarabande and Polka from Ballet 'Solitaire' (1956)
Sweeney Todd Concert Suite, Op. 68a (1959)
The Song of Simeon, Op. 69 (1959)
Grand Concerto Gastronomique, Op. 76
Water Music, Op. 82 (1964)
Severn Bridge Variations (1966, part of a composite work composed by Arnold, Alun Hoddinott, Nicholas Maw,Daniel Jones, Grace Williams and Michael Tippett)
Salute to Thomas Merritt, Op. 98 (1987)
Concerto for 28 players (Op. 105, 1970)
A Flourish For Orchestra, Op. 112 (1973)
Philharmonic Concerto, Op. 120 (1976)
Variations for Orchestra, Op. 122 (1977)

Suites from Film Music
The Bridge on the River Kwai Concert Suite (1957; orchestra)
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (Suite) (1992)

Concerto 协奏曲
Concerto for Two Violins and String Orchestra (Op. 77, 1962)
Concerto for Piano Duet and Strings (Op. 32, 1951)
Concerto for Piano 3 Hands and Orchestra (Op. 104, 1969; better known as Concerto for Phyllis and Cyril)
Fantasy on a Theme of John Field Op 116

Viola Concerto (Op. 108, 1971)
Cello Concerto Shakespearean (Op. 136, 1988)
Flute Concerto No. 1 (Op. 45, 1954)
Flute Concerto No. 2 (Op. 111, 1972)

Oboe Concerto (Op. 39, 1952)
Clarinet Concerto No. 1 (Op. 20, 1948)
Clarinet Concerto No. 2 (Op. 115, 1974)

Recorder Concerto (Op. 133, 1988)
Theme and Variations: Fantasy for Recorder and String Orchestra

Horn Concerto No. 1 (Op. 11, 1945)
Horn Concerto No. 2 (Op. 58, 1956)

Trumpet Concerto (1988) (Op. 125, 1988)

Serenade for Guitar and Strings, Op. 50 (1955)
Guitar Concerto, Op. 67 (1959)

Organ Concerto (Op. 47, 1954)
Harmonica Concerto (Op. 46, 1954)

Opera 戏剧
Henri Christophe (1949; four acts - incomplete, 25 pages in full score)[Libretto: Joe Mendoza]
"Up at the Villa" (1951; one act -unfinished, preliminary sketches only)[ Libretto: Joe Mendoza, after Robert Browning]
The Dancing Master, Op. 34 (1952; one act) [Libretto: Joe Mendoza after William Wycherley]
The Open Window, Op. 56 (1956; one act) [Libretto:Sidney Gilliatt after H.H.Munro("Saki")]
Vocal and choral 对唱与合唱
Laudate Dominum (Psalm 150) for choir and organ, Op. 25 (1950)
Two Ceremonial Psalms, Op. 35 (1952)
John Clare Cantata, Op. 52 (1955)
Song of Praise "John Clare", Op. 55 (1956)
The Song of Simeon, Op. 69 (1959)
Parasol (1960) - TV musical
Song of Freedom for choir and brass band, Op. 109 (1972)
The Return of Odysseus, Op. 119 (1976)

Chamber 室内乐
Three or more players
Three Shanties for Woodwind Quintet, Op. 4 (1943)
Quintet for Flute, Violin, Viola, Horn and Bassoon, Op. 7 (1944)
Divertimento for Flute, Oboe and Clarinet, Op. 37 (1952)
Oboe Quartet, Op. 61 (1957)
String Quartet No. 1 (1949)
String Quartet No. 2 (1975)
Piano Trio, Op. 54 (1956)
Trio for Flute, Viola and Bassoon Op. 6(1942)
Quintet For Brass, Op. 73 (1961)
Brass Quintet No. 2, Op. 132

Two players
Duo for Flute and Viola, Op. 10 (1946)
Flute Sonata (Op. 121, 1977)
Clarinet Sonatina, Op. 29 (1951)
Flute Sonatina, Op. 19 (1948)
Oboe Sonatina, Op. 28 (1951)
Recorder Sonatina, Op. 41 (1953)
Violin Sonata No. 1, Op. 15 (1947)
Violin Sonata No. 2, Op. 43 (1953)
Viola Sonata, Op. 17 (1947)
Five pieces for Violin and Piano, Op. 84 (1965)
Duo for Two Cellos, Op. 85 (1964)
Divertimento for Two Clarinets
Fantasy for Flute and Clarinet

Instrumental 器乐独奏
Fantasy for Bassoon Op. 86 (1966)
Fantasy for Clarinet Op. 87 (1966)
Fantasy for Horn, Op. 88 (1966)
Fantasy for Flute Op. 89 (1966)
Fantasy for Oboe Op. 90 (1966)
Fantasy for Trumpet, Op. 100 (1969)
Fantasy for Trombone, Op. 101 (1969)
Fantasy for Tuba, Op. 102 (1969)
Fantasy for Guitar, Op. 107 (1971)
Fantasy for Harp, Op. 117 (1975)
Fantasy for Recorder, Op. 127 (1987)
Fantasy for Cello, Op. 130 (1987)

Piano 钢琴曲
Allegro in E minor for Piano (1937)
Children's Suite, Op. 16 (1947)
Day Dreams (1938)
Eight Children's Piano Pieces, Op. 36 (1952)
Eight English Dances, Opp. 27, 33 (1950/51)
Hobson's Choice (1953)
Homage to the Queen (1953)
Prelude (1945)
Sarabande and Polka from Solitaire (1956)
Serenade for Piano (1937)
Sonata for Piano (1942)
The Buccaneer (1952)
Three Fantasies for Piano, Op. 129 (1986)
Three Piano Pieces (1937)
Three Piano Pieces (1943)
Two Bagatelles, Op. 18 (1947)
Two Piano Pieces (1941)
Variations on a Ukrainian Folk Song, Op. 9 (1944)

Band 乐队
Little Suites
Little Suite No 1 for Brass Band, Op. 80 (1963)
Little Suite No 2 for Brass Band, Op. 93 (1967)
Little Suite No 3 for Brass Band, Op. 131

Fantasy for Brass Band (1974)
Symphony for Brass Instruments, Op. 123 (1978)
Fantasy for B flat trumpet, Op. 100
Fantasy for Horn, Op. 88
Fantasy for Trombone, Op. 101
Fantasy for Tuba, Op. 102

Fanfare For Louis

Film scores (selection) 电影配乐
Arnold composed music for 62 feature films (plus several documentaries and TV work) including:
Wings of Danger (1952)
The Sound Barrier (1952) (dir David Lean)
Stolen Face (1952) (dir Terence Fisher)
The Holly and the Ivy (1952) (dir George More O'Ferrall)
It Started in Paradise (1952) (dir Compton Bennett)
The Captain's Paradise (1953) (dir Anthony Kimmins)
Albert R.N. (1953) (dir Lewis Gilbert)
Hobson's Choice (1954) (dir David Lean)
You Know What Sailors Are (1954) (dir Ken Annakin)
The Sleeping Tiger (1954) (dir Joseph Losey)
The Belles of St Trinian's (1954) (dir Frank Launder)
The Sea Shall Not Have Them (1954) (dir Lewis Gilbert)
1984 (1956) (dir Michael Anderson)
Trapeze (1956) (dir Carol Reed)
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) (dir David Lean)
The Roots of Heaven (1958) (dir John Huston)
Dunkirk (1958) (dir Leslie Norman
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958) (dir Mark Robson)
The Key (1958) (dir Carol Reed)
Tunes of Glory (1960) (dir Ronald Neame)
Whistle Down The Wind (1961) (dir Bryan Forbes)
No Love for Johnnie (1961) (dir Ralph Thomas)
The Inspector (1962) (dir Philip Dunne)
The Heroes of Telemark (1965) (dir Anthony Mann)
Sky West and Crooked(1966) (dir John Mills)
David Copperfield (1969) (dir Delbert Mann)

发表于 2014-2-10 11:35:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-10 14:31:06 | 显示全部楼层

作曲家激动的把吉他当成了金箍棒抡了一圈 秀了个猴哥的造型,老布以为他要摸仿校长用军刺捅吉他来着 吓的脸都绿了,急忙上前一把抢过吉他 骂了一句;“捅你个头啊,别以为你长得帅我就不打你”
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-10 20:23:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-10 21:19:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-10 22:33:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-10 22:41:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-10 23:21:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-11 05:49:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 WHW7777 于 2014-2-10 14:31 发表
看到了,作曲家激动的把吉他当成了金箍棒抡了一圈 秀了个猴哥的造型,老布以为他要摸仿校长用军刺捅吉他来着 吓的脸都绿了,急忙上前一把抢过吉他 骂了一句;“捅你个头啊,别以为你长得帅我就不打 ...



发表于 2014-2-12 08:59:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 夜总汇 于 2014-2-11 05:49 发表

这个视频必须收藏,没大专心去听老布弹琴,就是最后被那作曲家耍那一圈惊呆了,老爷子太逗了,比看弹琴的过瘾,特别是老布怕琴转到地上,接琴的动作反应太快了,差点闪了腰,这种音乐看的 ...
发表于 2014-2-12 09:00:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wangjianguo 于 2014-2-10 20:23 发表
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