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[新闻中心] 冰上录音大师:为世界首个冰山演唱会赞助PA音箱

发表于 2014-11-3 15:05:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Studiomaster on ice: UK pro audio company supplies PA for World’s first gig on an iceberg

Carlsbro Holdings, Milton Keynes, Bucks., UK. Studiomaster supplied a “berg suitable” PA for the world’s first ever gig on a floating iceberg, when UK metal band, The Defiled, performed in sub-zero temperatures atop of the floating berg for the Jägermeister Ice Cold Gig.

Carlsbro Holdings, Milton Keynes, Bucks., UK.前日,英国著名金属乐队The Defiled 在零下摄氏度的浮冰上举办野格冰冻演唱会,录音大师作为赞助商,为全球首个冰上演出提供音响。

Jägermeister approached Studiomaster to supply a PA tough enough to perform in Arctic conditions following Carlsbro / Studiomaster’s sponsorship of this year’s Bloodstock festival, during which the company supplied emergency kit to The Jägermeister Stage. “It was a brief we could confidently commit to, given the robust build quality of Studiomaster product,” says Assistant General Manager Patrick Almond. “In fact it presented a perfect opportunity to prove the near-military grade construction of the new Horizon powered mixer. The very look of the all-British design says how tough it is – and then there’s 1000 watts a side of class-D power amplification; more than enough to provide sound coverage on an iceberg!”


The Studiomaster 2012 powered mixer was partnered with a pair of XPX 12 moulded cabinets on stands, providing the best possible power to weight ratio; weight being a critical consideration in not tipping the band and all their equipment into the freezing sea. Studiomaster KM92 dynamic mics were also used, being tough enough for The Defiled’s full on vocal style as well as the icy conditions. The entire rig performed flawlessly, undoubtedly providing the best quality and loudest PA sound ever on a floating iceberg.
为了达到最佳功率重量比,我们为Studiomaster 2012调音台,配套的是一对XPX12音箱。因为是在冰上演出,重量是一个重要因素,我们必须确保乐队和设备不会掉入海里。本次演出还使用了KM92动圈麦克风。在冰雪天气下,坚固的KM92完美呈现了The Defiled的声音。录音大师为此次空前的冰上演出提供了品质绝佳,声音响亮的PA音箱,因此,整个演唱会非常顺利。

Commenting on the value of the promotion for the company Almond says, “This was a great opportunity to create some amazing brand exposure and we are going to be following that through with related promotional campaigns at retail level, to provide some of that benefit to our dealers. Watch out for our forthcoming Iceberg Horizon bundles and some in-store Jägermeister co-sponsorship promotions.”

提到宣传重要性时,Almond表示:“这次机会对于增加品牌曝光度大有帮助,随后,我们会在零售环节推出相关促销活动,给与我们的代理商一些福利。请关注即将推出的Iceberg Horizon 套装以及各大商场野格利酒的赞助促销。

To see pictures and video of The Defiled taking on the Jägermeister Ice Cold Gig Challenge visit facebook.com/JagerMusicUK and youtube.com/JagerUK

facebook.com/JagerMusicUK and youtube.com/JagerUK

Jägermeister music manager Tom Carson said, “As far as stage backdrops go, I don’t think you’ll find anything more impressive than this. We’re used to staging events at music venues and summer festivals, so it made for an interesting change to be checking ‘berg suitability’ as part of the pre event checks as opposed to the typical band riders and sound systems. The Studiomaster gear more than met the environmental challenges of this unique ‘venue’.”

Jägermeister音乐项目负责经理Tom Carson表示:“到目前为止,我觉得不会有比这个更加令人印象深刻的舞台背景了。以往的演出大都在夏季音乐节和场馆内举办,所以,跟乐手和音响系统相比,将“冰山适应力”作为前期检测的一部分也是一个有意思的突破。录音大师为此次独一无二的演出场地做出的努力,远不止环境挑战而已。

The Defiled have been involved with the Jägermusic programme for a number of years and readily accepted the challenge to be the first band ever to play a gig on an iceberg, braving the elements to perform a 30 minute set to an audience of local people from the nearby settlement of Kulusuk, who sailed out the berg in their fishing boats and pleasure craft.

The Defiled 参加Jägermusic活动已有数年,得知此次挑战欣然接受,冒着严寒在冰山表演了30分钟,成为全球第一个在冰山举办演唱会的乐队。来自Kulusuk的当地居民,开着自己的渔船和游艇前来观看。

Production manager and Operations Director for the event was Tom McShane, who’s company, Secret Compass, was formed by ex-Parachute Regiment officers to conduct exploratory expeditions to remote post-conflict areas and endangered ecosystems in places like Afghanistan, South Sudan, Madagascar and Panama. “The trip went fantastically and the Studiomaster gear performed superbly,” he says. “I was massively impressed with the set-up and it sounded great. The little generator we had actually put out enough power to run all of the gear, so thanks so much for your advice and selection of the equipment. It was also a really light set-up too.

本次活动的产品经理和负责人是Secret Campass公司的Tom Mcshane。Secret Campass是一家由前伞兵团军官创立的公司,负责组织去阿富汗,南苏丹,马达加斯加,巴拿马这些国家的濒危生态区和边境冲突地带探索考察。“这次旅程非常精彩,录音大师表现出色。”他说道:“我太震惊了,现场效果非常棒!这次携带的发电器足够给全场设备供电,真的很感谢你们的建议。在设备的选择上,也很合理,重量很轻。

“I had to set-up all the backline and the PA and soundcheck it. But I managed to get it all up and running within five minutes; it was really simple.”

About Studiomaster:
Studiomaster was formed in 1976 by a small band of sound engineering entrepreneurs, designing some of the first truly high performance power amplifiers. The company boasts a major catalogue of live sound products and technologies, from self-powered sound reinforcement and portable PA cabinets, to the latest word in powered mixers, with 1000 watts a side of astounding digital power. Just as it was back in 1976, what sets Studiomaster apart in today’s musical equipment industry is design innovation and the drive to offer premium quality product at the most competitive price


About Soundking Group Europe 关于欧洲Soundking公司
The Soundking Group Company Limited is among the largest musical equipment and professional audio manufacturers in China, established for more than 20 years and with a major manufacturing, research, engineering, and administrative HQ in Ningbo, south of Shanghai. In recent years The Soundking Group Company Limited has acquired three major UK 'heritage' audio brands: CADAC, the high end mixing console manufacturer known internationally for its premium custom engineered mixing desks that made modern sound design for large scale West End and Broadway musicals possible. Studiomaster, one of the most famous names in UK pro audio – making the first affordable PA amps and mixing desks – and the first 'home studio' mixing desks  – in the 1980's, and effectively 'inventing' the powered mixer. Carlsbro, the famous British guitar amplifier marque that pre-dates even Marshall.

音王集团是中国最大的音乐器材与专业音响制造商之一,至今已有20多年历史。总部位于上海之南的沿海城市——宁波,负责制造,研发,工程,行政。近年来,音王集团连续收购了英国三大老牌音响品牌:高端调音台制造商CADAC, 英国著名音响品牌之一Studiomaster以及英国老牌吉他功放品牌Carlsbro。CADAC一直都以高级定制调音台闻名,他的现代化的声音设计使西区剧院和百老汇的大型演出成为可能;录音大师设计了世界上第一台价格实惠的PA功放和调音台,1980年,录音大师还发明了世界上第一台家庭工作室调音台。Carlsbro历史悠久,早在Marshall之前就已经成为了英国著名品牌。

All three companies remain independent entities within Soundking Europe group, retaining R&D development and product engineering, strategic management and international distribution – and certain key manufacturing capabilities in the UK. Soundking's ownership provides the three companies with 'in-house' mass automated production capabilities and considerable inward investment from the parent company; such as has enabled CADAC to develop a whole new series of live and installation sound mixing consoles; including, arguably, the world's most advanced digital live mixing console).


Soundking Group has an extensive range of innovative, market-leading products and was a major supplier for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.  Please see www.soundking.com

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