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发表于 2014-12-3 22:10:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
品牌: BOSS
型号: FT-2
成色: 9成新
数量: 2
价格: 000
详细描述: 下面!
姓名: 浩南
电话: 15822699244
QQ: 278878068
商品所在地: 天津
是否中介: 无所谓
付款方式: 支付宝 现金面交 
本帖最后由 278878068 于 2014-12-3 22:14 编辑

1.BOSS FT-2日产,自动哇音、动态滤波效果器,音色的跳跃感以及弹性极好,吉他、BASS、键盘均适用。产量稀少,市场能见度极低,近全新!价格750元包邮!可遇不可求!

2.HIWATT ECHO-THEREMINH是一个很独特的演奏乐器,因为它不要敲击或者其他碰触就能发出声音。当你的手一旦靠近其天线时,那个倾斜的一面就会倾斜得更明显。工程师们准备通过延迟其时间来获取更有节奏感的声音,只要300毫秒的延迟时间就能得到更强的乐感声音来。在制作科技类的乐曲时这个东西会比较适合。裸块日产,价格750元包邮!罕见货!如果您准备增加一些真正地不同的声音到您的集合,您将想要Hiwatt回声Theremin(泰勒明电子琴是1920年由俄国的物理学家泰勒明发明)就应该选这**特的仪器。这是一种在其两个凸出电极附近移动双手进行演奏的一种电子乐器。HIWATT的工程师在泰勒明电子琴基础上又增加了延时的效果,可以得到300毫秒的延时时间,这样可以得到更加好的制造出这种类似宇宙空间的Sci-Fi的声音。

(福娃店引用介绍)FT-2是BOSS继TW-1之后推出的第二款自动哇音,其设计上增加了一个截止频率(Cutoff Freq)调节,改变这个参数可以调节哇音效果的中心频点,因此FT-2可以做出非常丰富的哇音音色。

    FT-2除了延续TW-1的UP、DOWN两种自动哇音音色模式,还可以通过外接一个Roland EV-5踏板使其变身成为一个真正的哇音踏板,功能非常强大。同时FT-2也可以给BASS或键盘使用。


   本人实际使用和对比了BOSS TW-1、FT-2、AW-2,这个FT-2的特点是哇音效果最强烈,声音的跳跃感和弹性最好,音色最Funk。

关于早期日产BOSS 使用ACA型(非稳压)电源的问题,完全不必担心,甚至不必考虑!
FT-2 Dynamic Filter
The FT-2 is an Auto Wah pedal that fits into Boss line of Auto Wah's between the TW-1 and the AW-2. The cutoff frequency knob sets the central frequency and gives the FT-2 more active control that goes a step beyond other Auto Wah's. In Manual mode, the unit has EQ-like capabilities for creating tonal effects with a specific frequency. This pedal can be controlled by the touch sensitivity of the guitar string or add an external expression pedal to control it like a wah.
Boss Pocket Dictionary vol.6 (1989):
With the basic sound of a conventional wah-applied effect, the FT-2 Dynamic Filter makes a much more exciting sound possible through its Cut Off Frequency control that sets the center frequency where the effect occurs. Along with the Up/Down modes, a Manual mode is incorporated, letting the FT-2 perform as an equalizer for creating distinctive sound effects. With a Roland EV-5 expression pedal linked to the Exp In jack, the FT-2 takes on an active role as a wah pedal. A newly developed envelope detection circuit only affects the harmonics without impairing the fundamentals. The result is sound that's much smoother and more stable without any level attenuation than that of a T wah. With a Q control for filter peak level adjustment built-in, the FT-2 lets you produce effects that range from a softly filtered sound to a sharp, distinctive wah sound.
Using the FT-2
The Cut Off Frequency control is the secret to creating many effects with the FT-2.
Setting the Mode Selector to the Dynamic Mode, Fig. 1 (Sens 5, CutOff Freq 5, Q5, Mode Up), makes the FT-2 function as an auto wah unit that varies cut-off frequency according to picking force.
Choose between UP (frequency goes up as the input level increases) and DOWN (frequency goes down as the input level increases).
In the Manual/Exp mode, Fig. 2 (Sens 5, CutOff Freq 5, Q5, Mode Manual/Exp), the cut-off frequency is stable during picking so the filter frequency band can be varied with the cut-off frequency for equalizer-type use.
Connecting an EV-5 to the Exp In jack while in the Manual/Exp mode transforms the FT-2 into an effective wah pedal.

Controls: Sensitivity, Cutoff Frequency, Dynamic Q, 3-Way Mode Switch
Connectors: Input, Exp. In, Output, AC Adaptor
Current Draw: 16 mA (DC 9V)
Weight: 400g/0.88 lbs.
Input Impedance: 1Mohm
Residual Noise Level: -85dBm (IHF-A)
Recommended Load Impedance: 10kOhm or greater
Recommended AC Adaptor: ACA Series
Black - Made In Japan
The FT-2 was sold from October 1986 to December 1988.

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补充内容 (2015-1-7 15:43):
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-4 12:56:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-4 16:11:11 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-15 08:36:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-15 16:37:55 | 显示全部楼层
特雷门玩过moog的 hiwatt的介绍找不着 LZ可否贴些视频参考
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-15 19:14:49 | 显示全部楼层
Deadsoul 发表于 2014-12-15 16:37
特雷门玩过moog的 hiwatt的介绍找不着 LZ可否贴些视频参考

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-15 20:01:17 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-16 08:40:18 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-16 16:03:20 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-16 21:36:34 | 显示全部楼层
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