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[求助贴] 请教!周边机架连接箱头loop的爆破音!!

发表于 2015-2-8 22:22:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
想问下各位我的设备是legacy箱头  tc g force周边进入箱头的LOOP   箱头LOOP的Send接到TC的in put 箱头LOOP的return  这样接应该没有问题吧 希望专业玩家给看看  下面说下我的遇到的问题 关箱头的时候有时候会出现一声“peng”的巨响!经常把我吓一跳(关箱子顺便是先关standby 最后才关TC)不知道大伙有没有出现过这种情况?   有个朋友告诉我可以先把TC上的bypass打开 等于就是关掉TC的所有效果 直接进箱头  这样有时候是正常 但也偶尔还会有巨响! 真不知道怎么解决了  还有不知道这种巨响会对箱体和箱体有没有伤害 希望大家给看看 谢谢了
发表于 2015-2-9 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-2-10 00:53:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-2-10 09:29:12 | 显示全部楼层

其次,我没玩儿过这款机架,所以找不到说明,只能用其他我认为靠谱儿资料来参考,复制下供你参考:地址一见 ,我大概的吧每个标题点一下
The global Input/Output首先考虑总体输入、输出电平
Being a digital device, the G-Force uses A/D (Analog/Digital) converters to translate the analog input signal into digital code, process that code and then translate it back into analog signal again at the output. A/D converters achieve the highest dynamic range when the signal hitting them is as high as possible without becoming too high. Analog tape recorders and mixers often tolerate up to +3dB clipping without sounding bad, but digital equipment should never go above 0dB.建议输出不超过0db电平。

The input level is also important for the Gate, the Envelope Follower or the ADSRs, all of which may depend on precise input level settings. If the audio signal entering the G-Force is higher than when you edited the effects, the Gate will not reduce noise effectively while the Envelope Follower and the ADSRs will trig too easily or incorrectly. If on the other hand the audio signal is too weak the Gate may choke it and the ADSRs may not trig at all.控制输入电平可以有效降低噪音(让降噪发挥作用)

The input level can change for a number of reasons. Most important is the preamp's level and equalizer settings, but different guitars, pickups and even string gauges may also result in different sound levels. Tube amps may produce different sound levels from day to day depending on the tubes inside (especially old or low-quality tubes can be unreliable).主要建议你设置前级和均衡的电平,但是不同吉他的输出什么的也都可以考虑

Adjusting the input level调好输入音量
In order to set the input signal level to an optimal value, the G-Force features an In Level knob on the front panel. The amplification values of this wheel are shown in I/O Setup > Audio, which might be good to know if you need to remember the knob settings, but to see the actual input signal level you must look at the LEDs on the front panel. Try to adjust the Input so that the loudest sounds light up the yellow -3dB LED on the Input level meter but never reaches the red 0dB LED. Sometimes the G-Force Input clips even if the LED does not go red, so listen for any signs of clipping like strange bass or treble noises. If that happens, try to lower the input signal slightly and see if the noises disappear.

Preamp channel levels不同通道的前级音量也都要调适当
Clean sounds are more dynamic and therefore have higher peak levels. In contrast overdriven preamp sounds are more compressed but with higher average levels, which makes them sound stronger despite lower Input level readings. Because of this one must set the G-Force Input level is so that the strongest clean sounds will not make the G-Force clip, even if this may result in a much lower level meter reading for a matching overdriven preamp sound. This should not be a problem though; the dynamics of a distorted (or a compressed) sound are decreased to begin with, so I don't think you'll suffer any loss of sound quality if it doesn't reach the yellow LED range.

Internal effect levels这个比较关键,就是把你的周边里的各种效果音量都要放在合适位置,有时候其他都好,效果链里某一个因为位置或者输出效果音量过大也都会引起问题。所以这个得认真检查下,特别是你固定用某个音色时候容易出现问题的话,一般和这个有关。一个个检查,一个个打开排除法比较好。
The default level for all G-Force effects is 0dB (full level). The manual recommends that you start building a preset by lowering the Gate's or Input block's level with a few dB, so that you have some headroom to use if necessary. If all your presets use the full default level it will be difficult to increase the level of a single preset afterwards. A few emergency solutions for increasing levels are described on the page about combining presets.

If you experience unexpected level differences when bypassing and recalling effect blocks in a preset this might be due to using an incorrect mute mode. If there are level differences between presets it may have to do with how you set wet/dry levels in the Delay, Reverb and Pitch Shift blocks (see "Effects that are added to the dry signal" on the page about routing effect blocks).

Internal overflow观察面板指示,看是否有过载现象
In addition to clipping the G-Force Input you may experience internal overflow, which may happen when the effects themselves amplify the signal too much or use too much feedback. This goes especially for the Pitch Shift and some Filter effects like the Resonance filter. Internal overflow in the G-Force is indicated by a little red LED located below the Billboard, but you can easily fail to notice it if the LED just blinks briefly. If you experience internal overflow you must locate its source and lower the appropiate level or feedback values. The offending effect can sometimes be seen in the Mix menu, otherwise try bypassing effect blocks.

这个比较重要 参见源网址
Setup with amps
For discussions on gear, amp sound and effect placement, check out
G-Force in an amp effect loop
Using the G-Force together with an amp is no problem if your distortion comes only from the preamp如果你的失真源是前级.你可以将它串入loop Then you can simply place the G-Force in the amp's effect loop, and use a transistor or tube power amp between the G-force and your speakers:

Preamp --> G-Force --> power amp --> guitar speaker包括从gforce接入后级功放等
Other amp setups
Some amps don't have an effect loop, some effects may sound better before the preamp, and some people like to get distortion from tube power amps.


话说这个不错 ,你可以多看看

 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-10 11:10:14 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-2-26 00:12:59 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-26 17:07:50 | 显示全部楼层

谢谢 现在问题解决了 每次先把tc调到bypass模式 等于是直通箱子 然后箱头切换到干琴音色 等一小下 关箱子就没事了
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