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Sailing to Philadelphia 的故事(基情の地理天象编)

发表于 2015-3-19 15:29:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mark Knopfler 有一张叫Sailing to Philadelphia 的专辑
这张专辑有一首叫 Sailing to Philadelphia 的歌
这首歌其实讲的是一个“分界线” , 美国南北分界线
这条分界线有个名字,叫Mason-Dixon line,用来纪念当时测绘这条分界线的两位地理学家 Charles Mason和 Jeremiah Dixon


I'm Jeremiah Dixon
I am a Geordie boy
A glass of wine with you, sir
And the ladies I'll enjoy
All Durham and Northumberland
Is measured up by my own hand
It was my fate from birth
To make my mark upon the earth...
这段讲的就是 Jeremiah的自述,女士们乡亲们,干杯啊,哥是神话,从Durham 到 Northumberland,哥都是亲手测绘出来的啊,哥生来就是带着伟大命运的啊,地球上一定会留下我的印记啊(也许是去过的地方都尿上一泡)

He calls me Charlie Mason
A stargazer am I
It seems that I was born
To chart the evening sky
They'd cut me out for baking bread
But I had other dreams instead
This baker's boy from the west country
Would join the Royal Society...
这段是Charles的自述啦,我也很牛啊,天生的天文学家,观相高手啊(月球上的Manson火山口也是以他命名的),差点被弄去当大厨,幸好我心中有梦(看到这句请自觉从读变成唱!!)他曾经在皇家天文台工作,所以人家确实join the roya society。。

We are sailing这段就哼哼吧


Now you're a good surveyor, Dixon
But I swear you'll make me mad
The West will kill us both
You gullible Geordie lad
You talk of liberty
How can America be free
A Geordie and a baker's boy
In the forest of the Iroquois...

Now hold your head up, Mason
See America lies there
The morning tide has raised
The capes of Delaware
Come up and feel the sun
A new morning is begun
Another day will make it clear
Why your stars should guide us here

然后是Jeremiah劝他, Mason哥,你抬头看看,美国大陆就这样(脱光了)躺在我们脚下,浪(春)潮汹涌,狂拍Delaware海角,(多壮观啊), 出来晒太阳(被日)吧,新的一天又开始了,早晚我们会明白,按星星的指引一路走来是冥冥中注定的(好煽情,好诗意)


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