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[电吉他人物] 前megadeth成员Chris broderick以及Shawn Drover将组成新乐队!

发表于 2015-3-26 05:00:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 丢架 于 2015-3-26 05:02 编辑


     就在上个月许多megadeth的歌迷们都感到非常震惊!当鼓手Shawn Drover和吉他手Chris Broderick几乎同时宣布离开乐队的时候,这是他们自宣布离开以来的第一次采访,Broderick向SiriusXM主持人Jose Mangin 谈到了他决定离开的原因以及透露他和Shawn Drover已经组成了一支新的乐队!  当被问及他未来的工作计划,Chris透露:我一直以来最想做的是一张独奏专辑,所以这应该是我2015年的重要工作之一。 并且我最近最为兴奋的是通过和Shawn Drover的交谈,我们都认为我们创作的一些Riff和素材无法得到发表(指的是megadeth,看来老马在创作上还是很霸道,原文提到这段说的是杀手级的Riff),所以我们决定为什么不把它发表出来呢?为什么我们不组建个乐队并且把这些创作发表出来呢?我只想看看别人会怎么想!所以我们组建了一个乐队并且有一个杀手级的主唱,他真的很棒!在我们桌子上也有一份唱片公司提供的很好的企划案,我们真的很兴奋接下来会去的地方!


    他补充说:我不认为之后会和以前有什么不同,这就像一个厨师离开然后开了自己的餐厅,或者像一个律师开了自己的公司;这只是在一个很不错的时间点让事情继续而已。而且我认为,我和Shawn交谈过,他也是一样的想法。我们曾讨论过它,也仔细想过这个问题,所以当Shawn退出的时候感觉就像”哇喔!发生什么事了!?“ 我的意思是我知道我们曾讨论过这事,但他真的做到了!他真的离开了乐队!



    同时,即便没有了Chris和Shawn,贝斯手David Ellefson透露megadeth明确表示会在2015年发表新专辑,新的两位乐手目前还没有公布名字。



Many Megadeth fans were shocked last month when drummer Shawn Drover and guitarist Chris Broderick nearly simultaneously announced their departures from the band. In his first interview since leaving the band, Broderick spoke with SiriusXM host Jose Mangin about his decision to leave and also announced that he and Drover had formed a new band.

When asked about his future plans, Broderick revealed, “Well, one of the things that I’ve always wanted to do is a solo CD, so I’m definitely gonna be working on that in 2015. But one of the things that I’ve really recently become very excited about is, through talking with Shawn Drover, we’ve talked about how we had all this material that was never gonna get released, all these killer, heavy riffs that we had written and stuff, and so we just decided, ‘Hey, why don’t we put the stuff out? Why don’t we form a band and get out these killer riffs, just to see what people think?’ So we formed a band, we’re working with a killer singer — he’s awesome — and we’ve got record labels that have made some good offers on the table, and we’re really excited about where that’s gonna go.” Details on the band name and the identity of the singer will be forthcoming according to Broderick.

The guitarist also addressed his exit from Megadeth with Mangin and the ’666-Live’ callers. He explained (as transcribed by Blabbermouth): “It’s not gonna be as exciting as anybody would want. It’s not gonna be some huge drama thing or anything like that. It was simply time. I’d been in Megadeth for seven years and I really wanted to just be able to have that kind of creative freedom to write anything I wanted to, to go anywhere with it that I wanted to and just kind of direct my own course.”

He added, “The way I kind of think of it is it’s kind of not unlike a chef that works at a restaurant that decides that he wants to open up his own restaurant or maybe a lawyer that wants to start his own firm or something like that. It was a great time to move on. And I think, talking with Shawn, Shawn was in the exact same place. We had talked about it and we had thought about it for a little bit. And so when Shawn quit, it was, like, ‘Whoah! What happened?’ I mean, I knew that we had talked about it, but he did it; he actually just left the band.”

Broderick says as soon as Drover made his decision public, he knew it was the right move and he then started the conversations to follow suit. “Megadeth is going to be ramping up for their next CD recording cycle and if you’ve got trepidation about being part of something, you don’t wanna commit to that process, the writing process, and then bail on ‘em,” says the guitarist. He adds that David Ellefson and his sponsors were among his first calls before making the decision. Broderick also said there was definitely some disappointment from frontman Dave Mustaine when he let him know he was leaving the band.

Meanwhile, even without Drover and Broderick, Megadeth have vowed to continue and David Ellefson revealed that much of 2015 will be devoted to recording their next disc. Replacements for the two musicians have yet to be named.
发表于 2015-3-26 08:12:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-3-26 08:40:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-3-26 10:44:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-27 01:03:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-3-27 01:39:41 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得像大屠杀那么出名的乐队,和METALLICA 一样,不难招到好的乐手
发表于 2015-3-27 02:24:54 | 显示全部楼层


期待Chris 新樂隊的專輯表现。


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