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[电吉他音箱] 关于peavey jsx的一点介绍和试听~

发表于 2015-4-22 15:38:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 贝克街幽灵 于 2015-4-22 16:18 编辑

最近刚收了一个peavey jsx的212COMBO,停产的老型号了,但是非常喜欢,买之前发现论坛上关于这个型号的资料非常少,所以只能跑到国外论坛上去看评测,可能是大家对于签名款的产品不感兴趣,觉得乐手代言的产品水分太大,但是别忘了5150当初也是给VAN HELEN做的签名款,我觉得由乐手参与设计的音色没什么不好,毕竟乐手才是乐器真正的使用者,所以乐手的反馈同样很有价值,所以写下这些简单的介绍,希望能帮到同样对这款箱子感兴趣的朋友.

JSX在当年是百威的旗舰产品,是5150的设计者传奇工程师JAMES BROWN根据老乔的要求量身打造的一款全管音箱,这台音箱的底子其实是百威另一个广受好评的型号Triple XXX,老乔在2003年的G3里用的就是这台音箱,维基百科里的解释是:
JSX series guitar amplifiers:Like the 5150/6505 series, the JSX series was designed for a recording artist: Joe Satriani.Satriani was looking for an amplifier that was customized to his style, that had every feature he required, and would work in both live and studio applications. This was reissued as the Peavey XXX II, since the original XXX platform was used as starting point for the design of the JSX series.

就是说JSX其实就是Triple XXX的第二代,是在Triple XXX的基础上根据老乔的需求做出的修改,JAMES BROWN在百威论坛里回复网友问题时曾说过Triple XXX是他个人最喜欢的一款作品:

It's great to hear people that appreciate other amps I worked on besides the 5150.....I'll have to admit that neither the 5150 or the Classic 50 were MY favorites, but they apparently both moved the bar up on what good tone meant for both moderate and high gain amps.
My favorite Peavey amp I did was the Triumph/Ultra/Triple XXX models. I used those at gigs the whole time I worked at Peavey. Now I play through a '36 Coupe, and it rocks too.
Thanks in advance for helping me come up with new products that continue to improve on the sounds of these past products.


JSX和Triple XXX的设定一样,也是CLEAN、CRUNCH和ULTRA三个通道,按老乔自己的解释就是,他的修改主要是重新设置了均衡使其音色更加传统一些,在演奏时可以减少失真度来着重表现力度和攻击性,其实就是更好的表现手上功夫,老乔自己解释说:“通常失真越大,音色的力度和冲击性就越小,这就是为什么Marshall音箱的力度非常好的原因,因为失真度比较小。”很多人觉得签名型号只适合模仿代言人的意思,因此应用不够广泛,但是看了一些资料后,我觉得老乔上述的这些对这款音箱的要求其实更像是一个吉他大师对一款好产品的改进意见,事实上老乔自己在某个介绍视频里说过,他在现场时只用这个箱子的清音通道,他独有的音色是他靠链接一大堆单块做出来的,这款JSX在当年是百威家的旗舰产品,在ultimate-guitar参与评论这款音箱的人,从用FENDER 到用B.C RICH的,涵盖从布鲁斯到极端金属的各种风格,国外网友的普遍反应是这是一款可调性极大的音箱,可以适应多种风格,并且都很到位.

下面是几个JSX的视频,可以从里面看到这款音箱的全面性,个人使用的最大惊喜是,虽然这是一款120瓦的音箱,但是可以在极小极小的音量下得到饱满的失真,简直就像调CD音箱一样你可以随意的调节音量,爱调多小调多小,不像我的ORANGE OR15 ,就算在7瓦的状态下声音还是大的不得了。

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-22 16:19:16 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-22 19:02:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-4-22 20:05:37 | 显示全部楼层
中国人  玩琴的 一般都比较屯    一般只认 吉他 F  G   箱子 M  M
发表于 2015-4-23 03:03:55 | 显示全部楼层
贝克街幽灵 发表于 2015-4-22 19:02

发表于 2015-4-23 03:35:51 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
麦丽素 发表于 2015-4-22 20:05
中国人  玩琴的 一般都比较屯    一般只认 吉他 F  G   箱子 M  M

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-23 08:48:51 | 显示全部楼层
slayest 发表于 2015-4-23 03:03
我其实非常感兴趣,一直想收个头,无奈国内很难以合理的价钱买到。海淘箱头又太麻烦了,而且多数是110V的 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-23 13:38:26 | 显示全部楼层
PEAVEY INT'L. HEADQUARTERS—Peavey has won a 2005 Musikmesse International Press Award (MIPA) for its acclaimed JSX(TM) Joe Satriani signature guitar amp head. The JSX earned Best Guitar Top honors in the annual event. Since its launch in 2004, the Peavey JSX has become one of the most popular, lauded guitar amplifiers on the market, inspiring the new JSX 212, a combo-amp version with two custom 12" JSX speakers, as well as critical praise. "The [JSX] is forgiving of inexperienced players yet infinitely rewarding for experienced hands," wrote critic Eric Kirkland in Guitar World magazine's March 2005 issue. Guitar Player's Terry Buddingh raved in its May 2004 issue, "The JSX separates itself from the pack by delivering the goods with an uncommonly refined sense of articulation and authority. The Peavey JSX is a hard act to follow." The Peavey JSX previously won the 2005 Music & Sound Award for Best New Instrument Amp and a Guitar Player Editor's Pick Award in 2004. Fifty-eight musical instrument magazines from around the world vote on the annual MIPAs, which are presented at the Musikmesse trade show in Frankfurt, Germany, each April.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-23 13:40:45 | 显示全部楼层
Peavey JSX Joe Satriani amp and Triple XXX 412 cab
By Eric Kirkland

Joe Satriani is one of the most commercially successful instrumental guitarists in history. He is also one of music's most respected axmen for his brilliant application of theory, high-energy style and ability to perform exceedingly intricate passages. As you might imagine, the complexity of his compositions is mirrored only by the depth and diversity of his guitar tones.

Unfortunately for Joe, reproducing his studio tones onstage has proved frustrating, requiring an extensive backline of amps. Further complicating the matter is that not all his amps mesh properly in a live setting. In for review this month is the logical solution to Joe's quest for consistent live tone: the new three-channel Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature Head. This chrome-clad genie is capable of conveying Satch's subtle studio textures and morphing to meet his extreme onstage demands.

With its bright-metal face, the JSX looks like the shiny brother of Satriani's metallic superhero guitar, "Chrome Boy." The amp's exterior is a functional and cosmetic mix of black vinyl, perforated grilles and that chopper-esque chrome front panels. A quartet of EL-34 tubes creates 120 watts of gut-punching power, and four 12AX7s drive the dynamic preamp. For rounder tone and more robust low end, 6L6s can be used; bias test points are provided on the rear of the amp.

Each of the JSX's three channels has controls for treble, mid, bass and volume. Additionally, the Crunch and Ultra channels have their own gain knobs and Fat switches, as well as a noise gate. Although the amp is exceptionally quiet for a high-gain device, this last feature provides an extra measure of noise management without affecting tone. Controls for resonance and presence let you fine tune the power section, while a master volume presides over the amp's final output level. For channel switching, you have the option of using a frontside short-throw toggle or the included footswitch, which also lets you access the effect loop, which is situated on the head's back end and features send and return signal controls. The backside, in addition to the loop and bias test points, has dual speaker outputs, a line out with a level knob and a cord wrap.

Joe currently favors the Triple XXX 412 cab as a mate to the JSX. The cab is loaded with a set of Sheffield speakers whose tone is somewhere between Vintage 30s and 70s. Peavey is presently working with Satriani on a JSX cabinet that the company promises will be "a significant technological advancement in cabinet design." The cabinet is scheduled to be unveiled at this summer's NAMM show.

I tested the JSX with a number of guitars, including my EMG-driven "Mongrel" Charvel, Fender Strat and DiMarzio-loaded Les Paul Custom. With the Charvel plugged into the amp's high-gain input, the Clean channel produced the elasticity, soft clipping and compression of a Peavey Classic 50 while it displayed the open headroom and top-end punch of an old Hiwatt. My Strat's passive single-coils tapped into even more of this bold tone and revealed the channel's stringy qualities. I can even go as far to say that I've never experienced an EL-34–derived clean sound with this level of balance.

Diving into the Crunch mode, the JSX leaned heavily toward the British ideal of distortion. My Les Paul Custom barked with a tight and modern crunch full of sustain and bass. Kicking in the Fat switch expanded the girth and added gooey harmonics to the mix. Achieving truly old-school bite and sting was only a matter of switching to the low-gain input.

The Ultra channel is aptly named, as it produces some of the best high-gain sounds I've heard from a Peavey amplifier. It's overflowing with gain and sustain, and it blasts out pinch harmonics like a steam whistle while retaining startling definition at full-up levels. I was able to let an open E ring clearly in the low register while creating distinct lead lines on top. Furthermore, the EQ for all three channels is unusually sensitive, making it ideal for some dramatically out-of-this-world tone shaping. This amp is capable of so much tone, it's scary.

The Bottom Line
The JSX Joe Satriani Signature Head expands smartly on everything we love about the Classic, 5150 and Ultra Series amps. The amp is forgiving of inexperienced players yet infinitely rewarding for experienced hands. While I would like to see a reduced power option on the amp, Peavey will provide that in its new JSX 212 combo. Even without this feature, I'm betting the JSX becomes one of Peavey's most popular amplifiers. It's certainly convinced me.

PRO: Versatility, defined super-gain, impressive clean

CON: No reduced power option (available in JSX 212 combo)

LIST PRICE: $1,499.00
发表于 2015-4-23 16:05:27 | 显示全部楼层
贝克街幽灵 发表于 2015-4-23 08:48
我觉得海淘买箱头不确定的东西太多了,运费、关税、安全,我记得二手区有人在卖这个头,还同时卖两台,卖 ...

谢谢提醒!我去搜搜。记得以前见过一个不出外地的,而且开价几乎够我海淘一台FJA mod的JSX了。但愿不是同一个卖家。
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