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B.B. King疑遭人落毒 警循謀殺方向調查

发表于 2015-5-26 20:36:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本月14日逝世的美國藍調傳奇歌手B.B. King,他的兩名女兒聲稱亡父是被人謀殺,內華達州警方已開始循謀殺的方向調查。

兩名女兒指控B.B. King的財富管理人Laverne Toney及另一個服務了B.B. King多年的助手,向他提供「促使其提早死亡的外來物質」,又指B.B. King臨死前數日,二人都阻止家人探望他。Toney的代表律師就指,有關指控毫無根據,反籲她們拿出證據來。

內華達州的警方則表示,已開始循謀殺的方向調查BB King的死因,而法醫亦已取得授權,可以解剖他的屍體。法醫向CNN表示,初步驗屍結果並未能證實兩名女兒的指控,但要在6至8星期之後才有完整的驗屍報告。

B.B. King的女兒和Toney早有嫌隙,她們今年初和另一名女兒曾控告他疏忽照顧,最後因證據不足撤控。

BB King's children claim the blues legend was poisoned
May 26, 2015 - 9:12PM

Blues legend BB King performs in London in 2006.

Two of BB King's daughters are accusing the blues legend's two closest aides of poisoning him.

However, the lawyer for King's estate says the claims are ridiculous.

Three doctors determined that King was appropriately cared for, and King received 24-hour care and monitoring by medical professionals "up until the time that he peacefully passed away in his sleep", lawyer Brent Bryson said.


Daughters Karen Williams and Patty King allege that family members were prevented from visiting while King's business manager, LaVerne Toney, and his personal assistant, Myron Johnson, hastened their father's death.

Toney is named in King's will as executor of an estate that according to court documents filed by lawyers for some of King's heirs could total tens of millions of dollars.

Johnson was at BB King's bedside when he died on May 14 in hospice care at home in Las Vegas at age 89. No family members were present.

"I believe my father was poisoned and that he was administered foreign substances," Patty King and Williams say in identically worded sections of affidavits provided to the Associated Press by their lawyer, Larissa Drohobyczer.

"I believe my father was murdered," they say.

Toney and Johnson each declined to comment on the accusations.

"They've been making allegations all along. What's new?" said Toney, who worked for King for 39 years and had power-of-attorney over his affairs.

Las Vegas police homicide detectives are investigating, Lieutenant Ray Steiber said.

Drohobyczer said she represents Williams, Patty King and most of King's nine other adult children and heirs.

"The family is sticking together ... to oust Ms Toney based on her illegal conduct, conflicts of interest and self-dealing," she said.

She alleged that Toney hastened King's death by "misconduct, or by failing to properly attend to his medical needs".

Before his death, King was rushed to hospital in early April reportedly suffering from a "diabetes-related emergency".

Following his hospialisation, three of his 11 surviving children attempted to take control of his estate. Williams, Patty King and Rita Washington said they suspect the musician's manager of stealing his money, neglectin

http://gawker.com/b-b-kings-kids ... ness-man-1706828610
但外国又有报道他女兒指责是他经理人干的 ??

B.B. King's Kids Say He Was Murdered by His Business Manager

Earlier this month, a coroner determined that B.B. King’s death was caused by a series of mini-strokes. Now the late bluesman’s kids say his cause of death was tied to something much more nefarious—poison.

King of the Blues B.B. King Dead at 89
Legendary blues singer and guitarist B.B. King died late Thursday in his Las Vegas home. He was 89.
Read more
King’s health began deteriorating over the last year and he reportedly entered a home hospice two weeks before his May 15 death. Both King’s physician and the Las Vegas coroner who examined his body attributed his death— multi-infarct dementia caused by a series of small strokes—to his type 2 diabetes.

At the time, the AP reported that the doctors believed King’s “strokes resulted from reduced blood flow as a consequence of chronic diabetes — or unhealthy fluctuations in blood sugar levels.”

Now, the AP reports, at least two of King’s daughters say that they believe King’s business manager, LaVerne Toney, poisoned King to death. But Toney—a longtime employee who was reportedly the last person to see King alive—has been at legal odds with his kids for some time now.

B.B. King’s daughters didn’t see him at all during the last 2 weeks of his life — and are now just hoping they can be involved in planning his memorial.

Patty King tells TMZ ... she and her sister Karen Williams spoke to B.B.’s manager Laverne Toney on Thursday morning, and she had agreed to let them see B.B. on Saturday at noon. But Patty says Toney called her at 9:40 PM to say her father had died peacefully in his sleep

As TMZ first reported ... Patty and her sister Karen had been at odds with Toney for months — accusing her of elder abuse and stealing from King. Their claims were shot down in court last week.
A coroner tells the AP an autopsy was performed this weekend and should be completed sometime over the next eight weeks. And a Las Vegas police spokesperson tells the outlet that homicide detectives are still investigating the case.

King’s family is also accusing Toney—who still has power of attorney over King’s estate—of misappropriating millions of dollars, lying, and exerting undue influence over her late client.
发表于 2015-5-26 21:00:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-5-26 21:22:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-5-27 02:42:46 | 显示全部楼层
我看这事得先从GC查起,谁平时最痴迷嫉妒B.B. King,谁嫌疑就最大。
发表于 2015-5-27 08:52:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-5-27 10:04:07 | 显示全部楼层
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