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[电吉他硬件] 关于EPI Sheraton和Sheraton II 的相关资料翻译

发表于 2015-5-31 13:53:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 punkbusi 于 2015-5-31 19:57 编辑

B B King去世后,怀着复杂的心情,收了一把很老的EPI Sheraton,为了了解这款琴,就查了些东西,做了写翻译,现在发出来让大家看看,让更了解的朋友指正一下。

Epiphone Sheraton
The Epiphone Sheraton is a thinline semi-hollow body electric guitar. Though the Sheraton and all its variations were introduced under the ownership of the Gibson Guitar Corporation, Epiphone is the exclusive manufacturer.
Epiphone Sheraton是薄线型半空心吉他(笔者:原文为“thinline semi-hollow body”,姑且将thinline 翻译成薄线性,希望懂的朋友纠正一下)。Sheraton以及其所有其他类型的所有权都归Gibson Guitar公司所有。而Epiphone 是一家独家制造商。
Under the ownership of Epaminondas ("Epi") Stathopoulo, Epiphone was a leading manufacturer of hollow-body and archtop guitars. Epi Stathopoulos died in 1943. Control of the company went to his brothers, Orphie and Frixo. In 1951, a four-month-long strike forced a relocation of Epiphone from New York to Philadelphia. The company was bought out by their main rival, Gibson in 1957. In 1958, Gibson began to expand upon its Epiphone line of semi-hollow guitars. They reworked Epiphone's old Century archtop into a thinline electric fitted with a single P-90. This was followed by the introduction of a twin-pickup, double-cut thinline semi-hollowbody, the Sheraton. The original Gibson-made Epiphone Sheratons were up until 1970, when production moved to Japan, and major design changes began to occur.
Epiphone吉他曾经是半空心吉他和archtop吉他生产者中的领导者,所有权归Epaminondas ("Epi") Stathopoulo所有。Epi Stathopoulos死于1943年。公司的控制权移交其兄弟们,Orphie 和Frixo。1951年,一场四个月之久的罢工迫使Epiphone 从纽约搬迁至费城。Epiphone公司被他的主要竞争对手Gibson在1957年买下。1958年,Gibson开始扩展Epiphone半空心吉他这条生产线。他们改造Epiphone的老archtop类型吉他,方法是使用细线连接的单个P-90(笔者:应该是拾音器吧)。这个就是后来被称为“双胞胎拾音器-twin-pickup”的“双切-double-cut”半空心吉他,“Sheraton”。Sheraton最早是有Gibson公司生产于1970年,当工厂迁移至日本后,在设计上开始有了一些改变。
Design evolution
Gibson used the same body for the Sheraton as it was using for its new ES-335, ES-345, and ES-355 models.。It featured the same double rounded horns, and had similarly placed electronics. The Sheraton was fitted with a set glued-in neck, in accordance with Gibson's standard practice. Distinguishing characteristics of the Sheraton included its multiple body binding (like that of its top of the line Gibson cousin, the ES-355); its Frequensator tail piece; and its headstock and fretboard inlays. Unlike any of the semi-hollowbodies in the Gibson line, the Sheraton's headstock featured Epiphone's traditional fancy vine (or "tree of life") inlay on its headstock, while its fretboard featured a block and triangle (or "V") inlay of mother-of-pearl and abalone, as well as binding on the fretboard's surface, inset slightly from the outer edges. 1958 Epiphone Sheraton introduction specs: Thin body, double cutaway, semi-hollow with solid maple block down center; 2 Epiphone "New York" (single coil) pickups; 2 volume and 2 tone controls with white 'carousel' knobs, and a pickup selector switch; tune-o-matic bridge with no retainer wire; gold plated metal parts; Frequensator tailpiece or Bigsby vibrato; bound tortoise-shell pickguard; Epiphone 'E' tuners; multiple bound top and back; single bound rosewood fingerboard; abalone/pearl block "V" fingerboard inlays, neck joins body at 19th fret, 5-piece neck (from remaining Epiphone-built inventory) has a "V" chunky back shape; tree of life pearl peghead design; sunburst or natural finish. 1961 Sheraton specs: Parts begin to change to Gibson-made parts. The pickups are changed from the New York single coils to mini-humbuckers, knobs become gold gibson bonnet knobs, tuners become Grovers. Serial number now pressed into the back of the peghead between the D and G tuners, in addition to being on the blue Epiphone label in the bass "f" hole. The new Epiphone "Trem-o-tone" adjustable vibrato tailpiece is introduced. 1962 Sheraton specs: Production changes from NY-made Epi necks to Gibson-made mahogany necks. Cherry red finish introduced (this will remain the rarest Sheraton finish throughout Gibson's production period of the 1960s). "Epiphone" script inlay on headstock becomes more streamlined in appearance. 1965 Sheraton specs: Sunburst finish becomes more two-tone (tobacco to amber). Late 60's to 1970: Neck width narrows to 19/16", as on many Gibson-made guitars of the era. Sheraton production totals (data from 1961 to 1970 only): Cherry - 53 Cherry w/vibrato - 20 Natural - 59 Natural w/vibrato - 49 Sunburst - 243 Sunburst w/vibrato – 197。
In 1970, production ceases in U.S., and begins in Japan. Mini-humbucking pickups are discontinued on the Sheraton, changing to standard full-sized humbuckers; serial numbering system changes. Body and headstock shapes begin to evolve, as they will continue to do throughout the 1980s onward into the 2000s, as production also shifts from Japan to Korea. Superior Korean build manufactured only up until 2006. To tell if its Korean built, it will have the following prefix: I=Saein, S=Samick, U=Unsung, and R or P=Peerless.
Foreign Manufacturers:
Matsumoku, Japan 1979 - 1986.
The Elite / Elitist Sheraton, Terada Japan 2002 - 2008.
The standard Korean Sheraton, made in Korea from 1997 - 2006
The standard Chinese Sheraton made in China from 2008 - present
Gibson 使用与ES-335, ES-345,和 ES-355相同的琴体来生产Sheraton。他们都琴角都是圆形的,并且电路排布方式相似。按照Gibson的标准做法,Sheraton 的琴颈使用胶连式。Sheraton 的特点包括多体结合(和他的表兄弟Gibson ES-335很像),Frequensator琴码和琴头以及指板。与Gibson的其他半空心吉他不同的是,Sheraton的琴头使用的是Epiphone的传统图案“花俏的葡萄藤”(或者称为“生命之树”)。指板是用三角形(或者V型)鲍鱼壳嵌在珍珠方块中,然后较浅的镶嵌在指板表面。
1958 Epiphone Sheraton规格介绍:薄琴体,双缺,半空心,中心是固体枫木;2个"New York" (单线圈) 拾音器;2白色个音量旋钮开关和2个音色旋钮开关;1个拾音器选择开关;tune-o-matic bridge 没有retainer wire(笔者:这两个词不知道专业词怎么说);镀金金属部件;Frequensator 琴码或 Bigsby 颤音系统;龟甲护板;Epiphone的“E”标志大量存在于顶部或背部;玫瑰木指板;三角形(或者V型)鲍鱼壳嵌在珍珠方块中,然后较浅的镶嵌在指板表面;琴颈在19品处与琴身连接,其中有5片有“V型”镶嵌;生命树图案琴头;日落色或是原木色。
1961 Epiphone Sheraton规格介绍:部件开始更换为Gibson生产的部件。拾音器由"New York" (单线圈)更换为“mini- humbuckers(双线圈)”,旋钮变成了金色的Gibson软帽旋钮,调弦器变成了Grovers。序列号压在peghead(此处应该是琴头)背部,D和G弦调弦器之间(也就是3弦和4弦调弦器之间)。在F孔里边有蓝色的Epiphone标签。说明书中还介绍了"Trem-o-tone"这种新的琴码颤音系统。
1962 Epiphone Sheraton规格介绍:产品由NY-made Epi变成了Gibson-made的桃花心木琴颈。樱桃红出现(这种琴是60年代期间最稀有的Sheraton吉他)。琴头的“Epiphone”字样看起来更具有流线型了。
1963 Sheraton specs: Peghead shape becomes more elongated. Binding on fretboard moves to outer edges (no longer inset).
1963 Epiphone Sheraton规格介绍:琴头性状变得更加修长。结合指板移至外部边缘(不再是插入式的了)。(笔者:这个做法其实我没有理解到是怎么一回事,关键是不知道Peghead是什么,是琴头还是那个鲍鱼镶的block?哪个神仙补充校正解释一下)
1965 Epiphone Sheraton规格介绍:日落色之后有了烟草色和琥珀色。
Sheraton产品总结(1961 至 1970年):Cherry- 53、Cherry w/vibrato -20、Natural -59、Natural w/vibrato-49、 Sunburst - 243 、Sunburst w/vibrato-197。
1970年,美国停止生产,日本开始生产。Mini-humbucking拾音器停止在Sheraton上使用,更换为标准尺寸拾音器(standard full-sized humbuckers);序列号系统改变。琴身和琴头形状发生改变,这些改变一直贯穿1980-2000时期,同时产品生产也从日本迁移至韩国。韩国工厂生产至2006年。如果说是韩国生产的Sheraton,序列号前边会有以下前缀:I=Saein, S=Samick(韩国三益,著名的钢琴品牌), U=Unsung, and R or P=Peerless. (笔者:我这把琴就是S开头的,从英国利物浦购买的回国的韩国三益97年生产的Sheraton)。
Matsumoku, Japan 1979 - 1986.
The Elite / Elitist Sheraton, Terada Japan 2002 - 2008.
The standard Korean Sheraton, made in Korea from 1997 - 2006
The standard Chinese Sheraton made in China from 2008 - present

以上部分介绍的是Sheraton吉他,接着为大家翻译一下Sheraton  II 的相关信息。
Sheraton II
The Epiphone Sheraton II was later introduced and featured only one major difference. The Frequensator tail piece was now replaced by a fixed stop bar. The Sheraton II became much more popular than the original. Epiphone's high end guitars, the elitist line, includes a Sheraton. Unlike the "regular" line Sheraton with its full-size Gibson-style humbuckers, it features the New York mini humbuckers of the original Sheraton (later used on several Gibsons, but originally an Epiphone-specific transducer). Currently original Sheratons are rare, but Sheraton II's are still in production and are readily available. The most recently manufactured Sheratons were John Lee Hooker signature models. Recently the vintage sunburst finish that many Sheratons are made in has changed colour from a black on deep red colour to a black on orange-yellow colour.
Epiphone Sheraton II 在产品介绍和特征上只有一个较大的区别(和Sheraton相比较,笔者:虽说Sheraton 和Sheraton II只有一个较大的却别,但是个人认为自从中国开始生产之后,区别肯定不止一个。。。。。哎。。。。。),这个区别就是在于Frequensator琴码系统如今更换成了“fixed stop bar”(直接翻译为“固定终止棒”,专业术语不知道怎么说)。和Sheraton相比Sheraton II 变得更加流行。Epiphone 的高端吉他,上边提到过的elitist系列,包括Sheraton。这个系列的Sheraton不像常规系列的Sheraton那样,它没有全尺寸的Gibson双线圈拾音器,而是使用New York mini-拾音器(这个拾音器是EPI的特殊拾音器,最早用在元年的Sheraton上,后来用在很多Gibson上)。如今,元年的Sheraton已经很稀有了,但是Sheraton II仍然在生产。最近生产的Sheraton都是 John Lee Hooker(美国布鲁斯歌手)签名款。最近,有复古款日落色Sheraton生产,颜色从黑色渐变深红色更改为黑色渐变橘黄色(笔者:我的这把Sheraton是黑色渐变深红色的)。
Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher has owned several Sheratons, including an early model featuring mini humbuckers and a frequensator with a customized Union Jack paint work.
Following this, Epiphone produced the Noel Gallagher Supernova (which was actually a variant of the similar Epiphone Riviera, rather than the Sheraton) and was made available to the public with a Union Jack,Manchester City blue, Cherry Red or Black Ebony finish. In 2014, Epiphone produced a Union Jack Ltd Edition Sheraton (limited to 1000). Though this is not an official signature guitar, it is much closer to Gallagher's Union Jack Sheraton, although with two noticeable differences. The blue of the Union Jack is darker than on Gallagher's guitar, and only features the Union Jack paintwork on the front, opposed to the whole of the body. Brian Aubert, frontman for the Silversun Pickups, has a modified Sheraton with silver hardware. Furthermore, the Epiphone Sheraton 2 has been used by Kings of Leon lead guitarist Matthew Followill. Ezra Koenig of  Vampire Weekend plays a Sheraton II almost exclusively. Also, Ted Leo of Ted Leo & The Pharmacists used one for many years. Most notably, the Sheraton and Sheraton II were the main guitars used by blues legend John Lee Hooker.
Oasis吉他手 Noel Gallagher有很多Sheraton,包括早期mini –humbuckers和frequensator样式的有英国国旗图案的CS-Sheraton。据此,Epiphone生产了Noel Gallaghe Supernova(其实这个琴是Epiphone Riviera型号的变异体,而并不是Sheraton),这个型号公开发行,有英国国旗图案和曼彻斯特城市蓝(Manchester City blue)。
2014年,Epiphone生产了英国国旗限量版Sheraton(只有1000把),虽然这并不是传统官方版的Sheraton,它更接近于Noel Gallaghe Supernova,尽管与其相比有2出明显不同。
Gallagher's guitar上的英国国旗的蓝色相对整个琴身来说颜色更深,并且只有前边有英国国旗图样。银太阳拾音器(Silversun Pickups)的先驱Brian Aubert在Sheraton上使用了银制硬件。
此外,Epiphone Sheraton  II曾被Kings of Leon lead乐队的吉他手Matthew Followill使用过 。
Vampire Weekend乐队的Ezra Koenig 几乎全部使用Sheraton II。同时Ted Leo & The Pharmacists乐队的Ted Leo也使用过很多年。
最值得一提的是,布鲁斯传奇人物 John Lee Hooker主要使用的吉他就是Sheraton 和 Sheraton II。
Epiphone introduced a signature John Lee Hooker Sheraton and Sheraton II in 2000, the year before his death.
在2000年John Lee Hooker去世之前,Epiphone生产了John Lee Hooker 签名款Sheraton和Sheraton II。
全名Epiphone  Sheraton ,韩产,序列号是S开头,区别于Sheraton II,Sheraton钟盖上的是印的GIBSON字样,Sheraton II钟盖上印的是“E”字样,琴体颜色是日落色(黑色渐变深红色),Sheraton II是的日落色是黑色渐变橘黄色。音色上,Sheraton比Sheraton II更厚实,应该更适合于爵士。价格上。。。。。。反正我觉得我买得挺贵的,但是也挺值的。
发表于 2015-6-1 09:26:02 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-2 13:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-2 13:57:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 punkbusi 于 2015-6-2 14:00 编辑


为了鉴定琴的真假,我给Gibson EPI分部 发去邮件,以下是邮件内容。

我:   Hello, MR. or Miss. I bought a Sheraton recently ,but I do not know if it is real or fake,here is the SN:s6078882,would you please check the numbers to identity the guitar. Hope you can write me back soon, thank you very much.(我发去序列号,求鉴定真假)

Gibson –EPI分部客服:  Hello, Identifying and authenticating a particular model/variation can be difficult, and we are unable to do so with the serial number alone. Please send the following information to assist us in identifying and/or dating the instrument quickly and accurately-• Photos of the instrument (please limit to 2MB total size - emails larger than 2MB will not reach us) – full front, full back, as well as close ups of the front and back of the headstock, also of the serial number and any inside labels that the instrument may have. Thank you for writing us.(大意是单凭序列号,他们无法分辨真伪,让我传照片过去)
Gibson Customer Service

我:  Hello, MR. or MISS. Customer Service of EPI. As your requirement,I send the picture of my Sheraton to you,wish you can help me to identify it real or fake, and its place of origin ,and its birthday. thanks so much with my sincere gratitude. Please write me back soon.(同时我发送了海量琴的照片)
Gibson –EPI分部客服:  Hi, Thanks for sending the pictures,according them and the SN,this does indeed appear to be a genuine Epiphone Sheraton model in Vintage Sunburst finish, made in Korea in July of 1996. Thanks again, and I hope this helps!! (通过照片和序列号,他认为这把琴是真的Vintage 日落色Epiphone Sheraton,1996年7月 产于韩国,这个和我之前的买琴时得到的信息基本一致。)
Jon Sutherland (这次这个客服把署名写上来了,想必是他觉得已经给了我一个满意的答案)
Gibson Customer Service
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