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发表于 2005-8-21 01:16:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

搜了下,还真够多的.基本是采样盘,Akai,GIGA格式,少数是WAV的LOOP ,VSTI插件音源有几个.


http://www.sinemedia.com/sample/ ... _ys_type&type=9


http://www.bestservice.de/detail ... idx=133&flg=grp

1 世界民族音色Rare Ethnic Instruments

Quantum Leap(曾以Brass collection赢得多项学院大奖)的 Rare Instruments 系列是一个专门为了搜罗世界各民族传统乐器而建立的专辑,为了某些传统乐器的可用性更强大,这个专辑还将其中的一部分乐器做了音域上的扩展,是一个物超所值的民族音色套装。整个3CDs 包罗了54种不同类型乐器的音色,其中有一些为了扩展使用范围,更是在原有传统乐器的自然音域基础上进行了扩展。使的更多的工作室可以使用它创造远在大洋另一边的非洲和亚洲音乐。

SAMPLETANK - Rare Ethnic Instruments
SAMPLETANK - Rare Ethnic Instruments.zip (110.95 MB)

Akai - Rare Ethnic Instruments 1
Akai. East West. Quantum Leap Rare Instruments Disc 1 Of 3 (Fareast).rar (181.24 MB)

Akai - Rare Ethnic Instruments 2
[GIGA] Quantum Leap Rare Instruments Disc 2 of 3 (Middle East & India).rar (287.55 MB)

Akai - Rare Ethnic Instruments 3
GIGA - East West Quantum Leap - Rare Instruments Disc 3 of 3 (Europe).rar (402.95 MB)

2 世界民族乐器 World Instruments [E-MU]

AKAI Prosamples 30 World Instruments (East West).zip
AKAI Prosamples 30 World Instruments (East West).zip (327.59 MB)

Ethno World Library (AKAI S5000) Bell and Metal Instruments.rar
Ethno World Library (AKAI S5000) Bell and Metal Instruments.rar (76.82 MB)

Ethno World Library (AKAI S5000) CD2 Stringed Instruments.rar
Ethno World Library (AKAI S5000) CD2 Stringed Instruments.rar (109.84 MB)

3 中东民族音色Middle Eastern Instruments

a丝绸之路与中东乐器Silk Road Middle Eastern Instruments

Sonic Implants Silk Road Middle Eastern Instruments.GIGA
[GIGA] Sonic Implants Silk Road Middle Eastern Instruments (No need Pass).zip (333.72 MB)

b中东&北非 Middle East & North Africa
(AKAI) Roots of the Middle East & North Africa
(AKAI) Roots of the Middle East & North Africa (ccd) [found via ].zip (476.16 MB)

(AKAI) Roots of the Middle East & North Africa (ccd) [found via ].zip (476.16 MB)

c中东和印度Middle East And India
就是Quantum Leap那套Rare Instruments 里的第2张

[AKAI] Quantum Leap - Rare Instruments CD2 - Middle East And India
[AKAI] Quantum Leap - Rare Instruments CD2 - Middle East And India.rar (353.36 MB)

5 民族打击乐 West Percussive Adventures

West.Percussive Adventures.GIGA
Eastwest.Percussive.Adventures.2.LE.v1.0.VSTi.DXi.AU.HYBRiD.DVDR-DELiRiUM.rar (935.23 MB)

6 亚洲之心 Heart of Asia

AKAI-Spectrasonics Heart Of Asia CD1
AKAI.-.Spectrasonics.Heart.of.Asia.CD.1.(Bin.&.Cue).rar (442.01 MB)

Akai-Spectrasonics Heart Of Asia CD2
[Akai].[Spectrasonics].Heart.of.Asia.-.vol.2.-.[CCD].zip (563.86 MB)

Akai-Spectrasonics Heart Of Asia CD3
Spectrasonics Heart Of Asia CD3 [AKAI].rar (380.64 MB)

中国民乐音色AKAI S系列 Sounds Of Asia Opium

Sounds Of Asia Opium - NWrelease - [ACID Fruity Loops Samples WAV].zip (205.1 MB)

7 世界民族VSTi音色 SoundBurst - Ethnosphere
Ethnosphere是一个民族音色 VST Sample Player

Ethnosphere Vsti
Ethnosphere Vsti.rar (362.69 MB)

[DTM](VSTi)Soundburst.Ethnosphere.vsti.TZ7iSO.rar (286.85 MB)

8 波里西亚民族音色

Sounds Of POLYNESIA 原厂是dvd盘,CD镜像
Zero-G.Sounds.Of.Polynesia.v1.0.VSTi.DXi.RTAS.DVDR-AI.iso (1.44 GB)

9 爱尔兰民族音色库Celtic Instruments
a. Zero-G Celtic

GIGA - ZERO-G Celtic Disc 1
GIGA - ZERO-G Celtic Disc 1.rar (397.31 MB)

GIGA - ZERO-G Celtic Disc 2
GIGA - ZERO-G Celtic Disc 2.rar (397.38 MB)

b. Big Fish Audio- Celtic Instruments

(Sampling CD) - AKAI - Celtic Instruments
(Sampling CD) - AKAI - Celtic Instruments.zip (509.72 MB)

[Giga] Celtic Instruments 1 & 2 by Big Fish Audio (2 CDs in one) 注:ace为压缩文件
[Giga] Celtic Instruments 1 & 2 by Big Fish Audio (2 CDs in one).ace (483.02 MB)

c. Soundscan Vol 42 Celtic Flavours AKAI

AKAI U-- SoundScan 42 Celtic FLavours
AKAI U-- SoundScan 42 Celtic FLavours.zip (516.95 MB)

10 Power FX 2rAw New World Order 2
Power FX公司最新推出了New World Order系列民族乐音色库,它将带给您世界上最具特色的loops ,诱惑力十足。NWO 2中不仅有风格各异的音乐loops,而且还收录了丰富的民族乐器音色,是它的一亮点,这其中包括有摩洛哥/阿尔及利亚的鲁特琴、法国街头艺人经常使用的手摇琴、塞内加尔的二十一弦竖琴、俄罗斯的三角琴、瑞典的竖琴以及印度、爱尔兰颇具特色的弦乐器。

找到New World Order 1
Power.FX.2rAw.New.World.Order.1.Acid.Refill.Rex2-CoBaLT.rar (487.79 MB)

11 印度民族音色全集 Deepest India
Zero-G公司利用1996、1997两年时间在印度录制了这套音色盘,它收录了印度人从高兴到绝望各种情绪的人声、五花八门的印度乐器声以及带有浓郁印度色彩的弦乐音色。该套音色盘一上市就受到英国《SOS》、《Futurre Music》、日本《Sound&Recording》、澳大利亚《Digital Music》等著名的音乐技术杂志的一致好评,竟相将其评选为人类最优秀的区域文化财富发掘。
这套音色盘包含有三张CD,第一张为人声音色,无论是经典Indian Raga (印度拉格)中的"Alaap",还是Punjabi Folk song(旁遮普人民族乐曲)中的“Hek”,都极具印度音乐的传统特色,您也可以即兴将其与西方音乐相结合,别有一番风味。第二张CD为乐器音色,印度音乐的一个突出特点是喜欢乐器合奏,经典的合奏往往是先由Sitar(西塔琴)或Tablachi(塔布拉鼓)等乐器独奏来起头的。该碟中既收录了简单的乐器二重奏,也有富含各种东、西方乐器的多重奏。第三张CD侧重表现印度人的喜怒哀乐,所有的loops都有80、90、100、110和120BPM(每分钟的拍子数)多种选择。总而言之,Deepest India是非常棒的音色素材盘!

Disc 1 - Vocals
Disc 2 - Instruments
Disc 3 - Orchestras and Ensembles

[Akai] Spectrasonics Deepest India 1
Deepest India Cd1.zip (324.38 MB)

[Akai] Spectrasonics Deepest India 2
AKAI_Deepest India CD2 ISO.zip (341.21 MB)

[Akai] Spectrasonics Deepest India 3
[Akai] Spectrasonics Deepest India 3.rar (363.56 MB)

12 印度VSTI音色 SwarShala

Swar Systems SwarShala v2.0
Swar Systems SwarShala v2.0.zip (121.49 MB)

Swarshala 3 Version Pro
Swarshala 3 Version Pro.zip (10.06 MB)

Swarshala v2.0.4
Swarshala v2.0.4.zip (241.61 MB)

Halion Sitar
Halion Sitar.zip (5.31 MB)

[AKAI] Tabla Collection
Audio Sampling Cd - Zero-G Vinda Loop Tabla Collection.rar (345.06 MB)

13 印度之根Roots of India
http://www.bestservice.de/detail ... 0999a61p149p200p135

AKAI - Roots of India 2
AKAI - Roots of India 2.zip (355.23 MB)

14 阿拉伯传统乐器Arabian Traditions

Akai U-- Soundscan 43 Arabian Traditions
Akai U-- Soundscan 43 Arabian Traditions.rar (236.62 MB)

(Refill)Soundscan-Arabian Traditions
(Refill).-.Soundscan.-.Arabian.Traditions.rar (120.81 MB)

15 蓝调口琴 Bigga Giggas Harmonica Essentials

Bigga Giggas Harmonica Essentials [GIGA ]

GIGA Bigga Giggas Harmonica Essentials.zip (411.61 MB)

蓝调口琴 [教材pdf]
(Harp book) Sonny Terry Licks for Blues Harmonica.pdf
(Harp book) - Blues Harmonica - Big Walter Horton with Carey Bell.pdf
How To Play The Harmonica.pdf

16 雷鬼 New Roots Reggae

Fruity Loops - Loop Samples - New Roots Reggae
Fruity Loops - Loop Samples - New Roots Reggae.rar (206.53 MB)

Acid Loops - New Roots Reggae
Acid Loops - New Roots Reggae.zip (312.89 MB)

For Dj's - Loops & Samples From Ejay Sound Collection - Reggae

Loops For Acid Soundscan Reggae Dub (Wav Loops)
Loops For Acid Soundscan Reggae Dub (Wav Loops).zip (431.31 MB)

17 非洲之心 African Dream giga
GIGA African Dreams Vol.1
GIGA..African.Dreams.Vol.1.rar (378.03 MB)

GIGA African Dreams Vol.2
GIGA.African.Dreams.Vol.2.rar (411.56 MB)

GIGA African Dreams Vol.3
GIGA.African.Dreams.Vol.3.rar (204.29 MB)

18 巴西拉丁节奏及民族乐器音色库Soundscan Bossa Brazil

Soundscan Vol16 Bossa Brazil AKAI
(Akai)Soundscan Vol 16 - Bossa Brazil(Loops).rar (206.8 MB)

19 非洲世界民族打击乐音色,KB杂志5星推荐
Spectrasonics Supreme Beats

[AKAI] Spectrasonics-Supreme Beats
[AKAI] Spectrasonics-Supreme Beats.zip (462 MB)

20 世界管类乐器综合音色库World Winds
[GIGA] ILIO - World Winds
[GIGA] ILIO - World Winds (NERO).rar (349.96 MB)

21 特殊的民族乐器音色库
Didgeridoo & Other Primitive Instruments

[Akai] Didgeridoo & Other Primitive Instruments - Big Fish
[Akai] Didgeridoo & Other Primitive Instruments - Big Fish (Nrg).rar (296.57 MB)

22 西班牙民族音色Spanish And Gypsy Traditions

Soundscan 59 - Spanish And Gypsy Traditions
- U-- - Soundscan 59 - Spanish And Gypsy Traditions.rar (245.07 MB)

23 伊斯坦布尔民族音色Voices of Istanbul

(Sampling)[AKAI] VOICES OF ISTANBUL.zip (374.69 MB)

24 缓拍节奏Downtempo Beats
Downtempo Beats是现代音乐宝库中又一颗耀眼的新星。本盘共有427个节奏舒缓、富有灵感与创意的崭新节奏loop,将汹涌与平缓、繁忙与悠闲、电声与传统完美的融合在一起。
(Loops) Loops for ACID  Downtempo Beats - Leo Cavallo.zip (443.46 MB)

25 非洲龙舞 Marc Anderson's Dragon Dance
本盘共有586个非洲节奏及特殊乐器的loop,制作者是精通非洲打击乐的现代音乐大师Marc Anderson,富有激情与创意的展现了他那令人叹为观止的娴熟技巧。

Sonic Foundry Acid Loops - World Percussion Marc Anderson's Dragon Dance

26 世界打击乐world percussion
sonic reality refills vol.13 world percussion [refill]
sonic.reality.refills.vol.13.world.percussion.refill-ai.rar (217.35 MB)

27 爵士管乐
Jazz Solos and Sections: Vince Andrews Horns & Woodwinds
精选的529个由Vince Andrews制作的爵士铜管、木管、萨克斯演奏素材。

[ACID LOOPS] Jazz Solos & Sections
[ACID LOOPS] Jazz Solos & Sections.zip (392.26 MB)

28 爵士之巅 On The Jazz Tip

[Sample CD] On The Jazz Tip (Incredible Drum & Instrument Samples & Loops)
[Sample CD] On The Jazz Tip (Incredible Drum & Instrument Samples & Loops) (CCD) (ACID-Wav).rar (354.36 MB)

29 Hiphop
Electro Hip-Hop:Mac Money ACID
Acid Loop Electro Hip Hop
Acid Loop Electro Hip Hop.zip (326.49 MB)

Ejay 5 Hiphop

Ejay 5 Hiphop.zip (1.1 GB)

30 竖琴 GIGA Harp

GIGA - Best Service - Xsample Vol. 08 - Harp, Celesta, etc
GIGA - Best Service - Xsample Vol. 08 - Harp, Celesta, etc.rar (347.86 MB)

Gary Garritan's Giga Harp
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