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[效果器知识] 《何时需要一个buffer?》——来自bjfe论坛的全文翻译第二篇

发表于 2017-12-14 14:30:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


This with wether a buffer is needed and where it should go if needed and whatthe effects of buffers would be and what kind of buffer would be needed is asubject that pops up now and then and it is a subject with many levels, andbelow are some answers I have given on occations
Let's start with pick ups.
Most guitar pick ups are of the passive kind, made from a coil of wire, and amagnetsystem and some mechanical parts to hold the contraption together
Due to the coil the pick up then gets an impedance that rises with frequency. It'san impedance as it contains several 'ghost' parts as in the wire resistans thatis measured in Ohm's or more often KiloOhms which makes the unit more managableand this is also what one easily can measure with a DVM or VOM, but then itbecomes tricky as there is also an inductance, interwire capacitans, anpossibly metalparts that add to the inductance and so a complex filter isformed: a lowpassfilter with resonans.
Now just keeping the last part in mind the peak of the resonans is affected bythe loading it sees.
Loading here means anything that is connected across the poles of the pick upso that means potentiometers tone capacitors, capacitans in the cable thatconnects the guitar to first amplification stage( really this can be a fuzz ora buffer or amplifier input or.......)
In a pedalboard system all capacitans inthe cables add up as the appear in parallell with eachother, like this firstcable 50pF, second cable 50 pF and if we stop here total capacitans is 100pF.
If all pedals in the system are truebypass,all cable capacitans adds on.
This then appears in parallell with the controls inside the guitar and theinput network on the amplifier.
Often it is desired to tune the resonans ofa pick up. There are examples of guitars with preamps to the pick ups in aneffort to make as pure tone as possible, i.e Les Paul Recording, but musicianstend to want a voice from there instrument. There's another example of theLevin Horseshoe pick up that could reproduce signals up to 40KHz- well it wasthe time of treble guitar maybe this example was for the dogs, as normal humanhearing only extends to about 20KHz if ears are in good condition.
I don't know about you, but I'd tend to define treble into useful treble thatis just a bit lower than I actually can hear. There's just this point whereintelligence is affected. Here's an experiment if you compare just the delaysignal of a BOSS DD2 ( most any digital delay would do fine), with the straighttone, do you find that you have lost any treble? Let's for the sake of thediscussion exclude the influence of the buffers and just toggle effect on andoff.
对于你来说我不清楚,但是对我来说,我更倾向于把高频定义成有用高频,有用高频比我实际能听到的极限稍微低一点点。这个点就是影响理解的点。这里有个试验,我们对比Boss DD2(大部分数字延迟都可以做这个试验)和直通的tone,你是否发现损失了一些高频?为了方便讨论,我们去除buffer的影响,而仅仅比较效果器开和关之间的高频差别。
*即吉他>BOSS DD2>音箱,对比DD2开和关两种状态下的高频差别。
If you'd do the same thing with an analog delay of standard type what do youfind?
This effect should perhaps be more evident if you'd throw a tapeecho in theretoo.
All will affect high treble to some extent, but there may also be a level ofnothing really important lost.
I can say difference between buffered and unbuffered systems can be quitesignificant, and I have also used a 'silent' pedal in my own system for years.It's an old Ibanez that has the 'vandal' switch.
Sometimes it flickers or seem hard to turn on but then I use it always onanyway file:///C:/Users/nitl/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif
It has the OP amp buffers and does cut a bit tone, but not harder than that Ican set things fine with the tonecontrols on amp- actually there's a slightloss of high treble, while no loss in signal strength or voltage. This onepedal I've had in the loop of amp for years when uisng ampdistortion and on astring on the floor when using pedals in front of amp.
*on a string不太明白什么意思,瞎猜了
When on a string this would be the only buffered pedal I have and that at theend of the string and so what guitar I use would be loaded in bypass by thecable from guitar and interconnecting cables between pedals while the totallength of those is about 1m. The resulting capacitive load on the guitar isthen 760pF- yes I could use a cap in each guitar or to each pick up on eachguitar to tune that and use 6meters of George L with the same result, but thecable I have and use has better dynamics file:///C:/Users/nitl/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif as in how it folds on thefloor and it's red so I can easily spot it
当我把这个效果器放在效果链最后的时候,这个是我效果链里唯一的一个buffer,所以我吉他的负载就是从吉他至效果链末端的所有导线,总长度大约是1米,总负载电容是760pf。我确实可以在每个吉他或者拾音器上按上帽子(?)来调整(电容值),或者使用6miGeorge L线也会有相同的结果,但是我用的线有更好的动态,而且因为这根线是红色的,让它在地上折起来的时候我很容易发现。
As long as the resulting sound is fine.
Oh yes, I have had 6 BOSS pedals and someother similar effects in terms ofswitching on a string several years ago and the merits of the switches werethat they were extremely durable and utterly silent while the merits of thebuffers where that only the first cable from guitar to first pedal entered asload and so system was very easily controlled in terms of loading alsointerconnecting cables were dampened by being driven from a low impedancetheoretically but hard to define by this quality alone.
Drawbacks were that signal volage wasdropped a bit by each pedal-notiacble when entering a highimpedance like a tubeamp but the BOSS pedals could drive low impedance loads as in older effects orstudioquality gear that otherwise would muffle the guitar by loading- here thebuffers isolated the load so that the guitar only saw the buffered input andnot the a lot lower impedance of EH and Oberheim et.c effects.
While the switching was silent and mechanically sound, the headroom andfrequency response of the total system was lowered in bypass maybe most by theCE-2 and the Graphic EQ, both using noisereduction systems.
虽然这些开关是安静的和有机械声的,但是整个系统的headroom和频响会被降低,尤其是当使用CE-2Graphic EQ这种有降噪系统的单块。
One thing that was devestatingly obvious was that only one gainpedal at a timecould be on or sound would get separated- Yes I had and OD-1 and a DS-1 and wetdreams of what these could do together............but not.........didn't work
有一间特别明显的事情是,增益效果器通常只能单个使用,我以前有个OD-1一个DS-1和一个wet dreams,他们确实能同时开始,但是音色像屎。
* wet dreams应该是个增益单块,别去淘宝搜,会搜到奇怪的东西==
At the time of arrival of BOSS pedals they were indeed a giant step ahead indurability.
Even so the Arion and EH pedals et.c had more of an organic sound, while theBOSS pedals and also Ibanez to some extent more of just streamline-'it'll work'type of sound and they still do.
*organic  在测评类文章和视频中经常能见到的字眼,不知道怎么翻译合适,希望有大师能指点一下。我自己的感觉是,organic的声音是那种有空腔感共鸣感有厚度的声音,相对于叽叽嘎嘎的那种薄脆感来说的。
**it’ll work       作者单独打了引号,个人理解应该指的是单块的适应性,有的单块单独用很好,但是和别的单块或者和箱头一起用的时候非常难用。
It would be hard to say one could not be satisfied with a couple of BOSSes orIbanezes, though I'd lean towards BOSS since they make better mechanic senseand besides one of my early guitarhereos had a BOSS OD-1- great sound.......
即使排除这些效果器的机械部件感觉更好和我早年心中的吉他英雄使用boss od-1这两点主观倾向,bossibanez的效果器的用户体验通常来说也是相当不错的。
Now it is sometime quoted that there's a plastic quality with the silentswitching pedals,and part of that may be that these are ready and processedsounds.One thing to remember though is that most of these silent switchingpedals are tuned to work with Marshall JCM 800 and JCM 900........
现在这种静音开关有时会被诟病说声音有一种塑料质感,部分原因可能是这些效果器一直处于一种准备发声的状态。即使如此,仍然可以有个小tips,这类静音开关和Marshall JCM 800或者JCM 900一起用通常效果不错。
Would this have anything to do with switching method?
Well as seen above there can be drawbacks in terms of headroom and frequencyresponse, and signal losses.Internally there can be leakage through thepseudoground et.c. and the dynamic range of a J-FET as used as a switch islimited.
** J-FET搜索到的是结型场效应晶体管,具体是个啥,用在哪,不太懂……
Ah, there's nothing particurlarly wrong with the typical buffer used in suchpedals except possibly that they'd have a voltagegain less than one, typically96 to 98% of the inputvoltage will remain at the output of just one buffer- nowyou will get current gain, but that's another story...........
With just one pedal and thus two buffers and considering there may be a load atoutput things may just be a tad better with the circuit in line......guitarsdon't like to drive lineinputs et.c.and so there can be losses due to loadingthat the buffers will isolate from
*line input:线路输入即非平衡线路。相对于平衡线路,非平衡线路会随着线路长度的增加发生信号损失,也就是吃tone。原文中此处并非是让我们把吉他线路都改成平衡线路,只是指出非平衡线路的这种特性,提醒要避免这种损失,因为吉他和效果器和吉他音箱线路天生就是非平衡线路,强制改成平衡线路是不现实的。
Anyway if you'd run a system of 6 typicalsuch pedals containing two buffers each at a total of 12 buffers each having avoltage gain less than 1 times you would as an example entering 1Vget at theoutput of the last stage- now assuming a medium gain of 98% this
If what you drive is a tubeamp input it will react to voltage........oops;)
What if you want to drive your amp's input just so it steers out?
Oh well, you can always add a booster...........
Oh and it could be a bit worse too, if voltage gain of the buffers were to besay 96%.........and then perhaps more than 6 units are connected...........
However with 6 silentswitchers in a row losses would be constant and settingson the amp could easily compensate- everybody happy , everybody wins..............
Back to loading in pedalboard systems, the most noticable effect of loading isjust loss of treble.
Now if there is a level of tolerable or even wanted losses, the use of buffersin such a system may totally depend on user preference.
Let's assume system with a couple of pedals, that are all truebypass, mediumlenght of cables and desired pick ups in guitar.
Worst case of losses would result when all pedals are bypassed.If there are nodetected losses or let's say nothing troublesome, then a buffer may beredundant.
Now if sound changes when going through the whole system like described, then abuffer may be needed.
There can be this scenario that introducing a buffer in a system nulls lossesto such an extent that sound has more treble- sometimes this would bedesirable.
Buffers are problem solvers, but if you don't have a loading problem a bufferis just a piece of electronics.
As I see it strings to speakercloth and what's in between is the instrument andyou may tune all buildingblocks to your ear and vision, not by an exact rule.
It is actually a good question wether a buffer needs to be a dedicated unit.Any pedal run always on becomes a buffer, though it also may do other things.For instance if you run a compressor always on, perhaps set mildly, theneverything downstream from the compressor will be driven by the compressor,while your guitar sees the input of the compressor, so in that case a dedicatedbuffer would be redundant.( that's if the compressor does not need a buffer towork it's best, which would be highly unlikely).
Most compressors have high enough inputimpedance to make negliable load on pick ups, this would be all pedalcompressors I can think of, though there are rack mount compressors thatactually may require a buffer to be used with guitar.
In most cases though a buffer will not be needed ahead of a compressor and if abuffer is used in such a position it needs to have really low noise as thecompressor cannot distinguish noise from useful signals.
Placement of buffer depends on where the undesirable loading takes place.
An example:
You'd like to use a Maestro Phaser. This is an older unit with rather low inputimpedance and it will degrade your sound if left hanging as well as when on.
你喜欢用Maestro Phaser,但是因为这个相位效果器的输入阻抗相当低,所以无论它是否开启,只要它存在在你的效果链里,它就会对音色产生负面影响。
Placing a buffer just a head of the Maestro reduces the loading and makes itnegliable. Hm, so then the rest of the system has short cable runs and no otherlosses are present. The buffer may then make sound a little brighter if left inchain......one solution can then be to place a buffer inside the Maestro orplace the Maestro driven by an external buffer in a truebypass loop.
这个时候我们可以放一个buffer在这个相位前面来减少负载到可以忽略,酱紫以后,系统里其他线都用短线,那么就没有其他信号损失了。留这个buffer在效果器链里可能会让音色亮一点点,所以一个办法是在这个相位里植入一个buffer或者把这个相位和buffer一起放在一个TBP loop里。
Again if a compressor or other pedal like an eq is on at all times there shouldbe little chance of loading as either would also act as buffer when on.
Hm, you might want to be cautious with using a buffer at the beginning of asystem if at least one of your effects capatilizes on loading the pick ups forbest effect...........again if you hear no losses you can't stand then allwould be fine.
Hm, well you can't clean up all 'sins' at theend of chain. Losses happen along the way and sometimes you really want themtoo: if you'd play Hendrix system with George L's you'd have one shrill tone
当然,你不能排除所有的信号损失,因为信号损失在系统每处都在发生,有时候你甚至还希望有一些信号损失:假如你用George L’s的线串hendrixsystem效果器,那么你会得到一个很尖锐的音色。(这个意思是举反例,不要这么搞,线材和buffer一样要根据音色需求考量,无脑用贵的不一定会得到想要的音色)
*dunlop出过一套hendrix system效果器,此处可能指的是这个,也可能指的只是去用hendrix形式的效果器组合
The loading your guitar sees would be thefirst cable and if all effects are bypassed also the cables between the pedalsand then if a buffer is last pedal that will be the final piece of loading tothe guitar and if there's no buffer at the end then with all pedals bypassedalso the cable to the amplifier and finally the input of the amplifier becomesa part of the load.
Now most likely the longest cable in yoursystem is the one that leads from board to amplifier and any loading that giveswould be isolated if there's a buffer in the chain driving that cable or thecable becomes a part of total load .
I think you would know if you need a bufferand most notably by missing treble as in a dull sound- then your guitar mayneed less loading.
You can select your cables so there isminimum loss and in fact 'hifi' is rarely wanted in guitar systems
Note that some drives and fuzzes et.c thathave a lot of gain also have a low inputimpedance to minimize stray noise andmaybe also as a filter effect and such pedals may be quite bright if drivenfrom a buffered output.
Yes the input impedance will have greataffect on the pick ups
A few examples a Fuzz Face style pedal willhave an input impedance in the range of a couple of Kilo Ohms and this loads ane.g, strat pick up so that a lowpassfilter is formed, something that makes thistype of pedal much denser in the bass then in the treble.
举栗子,fuzz face类型的效果器的输入阻抗在几千欧姆之间,这个负载和st琴型的拾音器(可能就是指单线圈拾音器)一起组成一个低通滤波,使得这类效果器会让低频比高频糊的多。
The lowinput impedance will also load thetaper of the volume control making a rapid control range.......
*可能指的是fuzzclean up玩法,很多人用吉他音量钮来控制fuzz度,可以在不改变效果器设定下获得cleanoverdrivedistortionfuzz各种音色,我个人也乐此不疲=3=
Anything lower as a load than 500K Ohm'swill affect the resonance of the pickups notably in conjunction with the guitarelectronics.
If load is as low as 10K Ohm's about all ofthe resonant peak of a standard guitar pick up is flattend-- could be an asseton the bridge pick up of a strat.....
Have fun

发表于 2017-12-14 15:41:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-12-14 16:18:06 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-14 16:43:43 | 显示全部楼层
slash-7 发表于 2017-12-14 15:41
相当的好文,直通、缓冲放大的特点和用途,包括线材电容值的影响,整体的音色系统协调。 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-14 16:45:43 | 显示全部楼层
119000 发表于 2017-12-14 16:18

发表于 2017-12-15 01:48:49 | 显示全部楼层
潇潇童鞋 发表于 2017-12-14 16:45

挺好的    希望能多翻译 关于BJ老爷子的~
发表于 2018-2-22 19:19:33 | 显示全部楼层
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