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发表于 2018-4-10 13:18:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
品牌: Ibanez 太阳脸
型号: ts808
成色: 9成新
数量: 3
价格: 85023002600
详细描述: 普通版=850
姓名: j
电话: 15926227092
QQ: 479292772
电子邮件: 479292772@qq.com
商品所在地: 武汉
是否中介: 无所谓
付款方式: 支付宝 现金面交 
本帖最后由 JohnHudson 于 2018-4-10 13:24 编辑

第一块,Ibanez ts808 tube screamer,2000年左右的块9新盒子有点旧了,850咸鱼:https://2.taobao.com/item.htm?id=566793608713&spm=a1z38n.10677092.0.0.594c1debti7xZ4

第二块,Analogman True Vintage Mod(NOS JRC4558d芯片)ts808已经绝版,Reveb裸块已经到400刀了,盒说全logo旁边有一处掉漆,2300咸鱼:https://2.taobao.com/item.htm?id=565042730892&spm=a1z38n.10677092.0.0.594c1debti7xZ4

第三块,Analogman Vintage Mod 35周年窄盒版ts808,双NOS 1458P芯片,盒说全,2600咸鱼:https://2.taobao.com/item.htm?id=566970844136&spm=a1z38n.10677092.0.0.594c1debti7xZ4

这里附上关于NOS JRC4558D的808介绍(以下内容转自大神Les-caster 49
http://www.buyanalogman.com/Iban ... -ts-808-reissue.htm  以下内容摘自Analogman官网

The TRUE VINTAGE mod is a fun mod, like putting original PAF's into a '59 reissue Les Paul (but a lot cheaper!!). To do this, we use a new Old Stock (NOS) actual early 1980s IC chip of the exact type used in an old TS-808. We can use the famous JRC4558D chip (sold out in 2016) or can use the rare TL4558P chip. The TL4558P chip is a Texas Instruments chip, made in Japan as is the JRC chip. The TL could be a little clearer sounding. We also install a bunch of original style capacitors, replacing the cheap little capacitors that are now used.Sorry we ran out of the NOS JRC4558D chips in early 2017, so we offer a new JRC chip at a discounted price. The sound of the new chip is about the same as the old ones. We also have some newer RC4558P chips with the Texas logo on them we can use. These were sometimes used in the old TS808 pedals.

True Vintage Mod是一个很有趣的改装,就像往R9 Les Paul上安装元年PAF拾音器一样(当然便宜多了!!)。为了达到这个目的,我们使用了80年代早期生产的元年芯片,和元年TS808里面使用的一样。我们既可以使用著名的JRC4558D(2016年售罄)也可以使用少见的TL4558P芯片。TL4558P是德州仪器旗下的一款芯片,和JRC芯片一样产于日本。TL芯片音色会更清晰一点。除了替换芯片,我们还会安装一大批元年风格的电容,将复刻版本中廉价的原件替换掉。非常抱歉我们在2017年年初将元年JRC4558D用光了,所以我们会以一个更低的价格提供新JRC芯片的版本。新JRC芯片的音色和老的大概差不多。我们还有一些更新的带Texas Logo的RC4558P芯片。这些也曾在老TS808中被使用过。

The exact original TS-808 sound is what we are going for with the TV mod, it is a classic due to the components they used which worked together wonderfully. We are not "fixing problems" with the TS808, as they have been used for some of the best live and recorded tones ever. That would be like plastic surgery on Halle Berry- some people might like larger, um, "parts" but sometimes the original is just wonderful! Have you ever heard anyone say "SRV played great but he needed more low end"? By the way, Cesar Diaz was a friend and we communicated a lot about pedals and amps. I helped him and sold his pedals and he was very generous with info and even gave me a vintage Fender amp transformer free. He didn't modify SRV's Tube Screamer, but did modify his Fuzz Face. We are getting as close as possible to the subtle nuances of the best of the old TS-808 pedals with this TRUE VINTAGE mod.

我们做TV mod的目标是得到和元年TS808一模一样的音色,这个音色来源于原版中使用的元件的完美结合。我们不是在“修复”TS808(因为很多人认为TS808缺失低频,从而有很多改装是“修复”808这个问题的,但是日脸改装是完完全全忠于原版的),因为他们毕竟出现在太多最牛逼的专辑和现场中。这就像给Halle Berry整容,有人可能喜欢某些部位可以更大一点,但是有时候原本的样子就是最棒的!你有听过任何人觉得SRV弹得牛逼,但是他需要更多低频吗?顺便说一下,Cesar Diaz是我的好朋友,我们过去经常一起讨论效果器和音箱。我帮他卖过他的效果器,他也非常大方的给我提供了很多他知道的信息,甚至送给我一个老Fender音箱Transformer。他没有改装过SRV的TS效果器,但是改装过SRV的Fuzz Face。在这个True Vintage改装中,我们在非常非常细微的层面使音色尽最大可能接近最好的元年TS808。

On the left is Jim Weidercomparing his old TS-808 (which he rebuilt into a TS9 case after Rick Danko stepped on it- note the TS808 knobs!) with our new TS-808 reissue True Vintage mod. I used a dual loop box with a switch to switch between the loops. It also has a toggle switch to turn off the LED so you can do true blind comparison tests. After testing for a while, you determine which one you like best and why, then turn on the LED switch and see which one it is. You have to use this blind method otherwise there will be psychological bias. When we did this, Jim picked our new pedal as often (actually more often!) than his, proving we had FINALLY been able to capture the true vintage tone of his old TS-808.
We don't like to put a true bypass stomp switch on these as they look funny that way. They lose their cool vintage look which is the real reason to buy a reissue TS-808 over a TS9. If you want true bypass, the Maxon OD-9 with one of our 808 mods is the best bet and cheaper, and looks fine as the stock switch is true bypass. But if you want a TS-808 or TS-9 with true bypass we can do that for $40 more along with one of our mods. Here is a picture of the TS-808 silver (RE-J sticker) with the bypass switch.

左边是Jim Weider在对比他的元年TS808和我们的True Vintage Mod。我用了一个Loop切换将两块连接在一起(消除连接顺序带来的音色干扰)。我们还用了一个开关,可以把LOOP的指示灯关掉,所以测的时候你自己都不知道哪一块在被使用。在测试了一会儿之后, 你可以决定你更喜欢哪一个以及为什么,然后把LED灯打开,看看正确答案是什么。你必须用这种手段来测试,否则就会带有主观判断和偏向。我们做了这个测试之后,Jim经常(实际上是非常经常)把我们的True Vintage Mod选出来,这也最终证明我们的确得到了真正的元年TS808音色。
我们不喜欢在808上面安装True Bypass开关,因为那样看起来很搞笑。这会让效果器失去原本经典的外观(这也是为什么很多人选择用808而不是TS9改装。如果你想要True Bypass,带有我们808改装的MAXON OD-9是最好的选择,也更便宜,外表上也OK。但是如果你想在TS808或者TS9上面装True Bypass,我们需要加收40美金。

以上翻译属于个人劳动成果,转载请注明出处(les-caster 49),谢谢!

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