发表于 2018-7-16 15:25:53
本帖最后由 eaxiong 于 2018-7-16 15:53 编辑
现在不是BJ自己做又是哪里听来的小道消息?bj这人精力旺盛的一比 一个月能搞出十来个效果器设计 这能力根本不是做复刻能比的
别觉得好像bjfe卖的多了 bj就不干活坐着收钱一样 他是个闲不下来的人
这么说吧 把bjfe所有型号复刻一遍 一辈子就过去了
首先他们扒的不一定是原版的胶 比如bjfe很可能扒的是是疯教授手焊的 当然这个属于我个人恶意猜测 原因前面说过了
效果器这东西各有所爱 做复刻当产业也不现实 都是爱好者 非要跟原版争个高低 何苦呢
招黑 不划算
另外你要是听过bjfe deluxe的声音我不信你能说出复刻跟原版差不多这种话
ps.这是我让bj做两个新单块设计他的回复 都是六七个钮的 具体怎么做看他自己来
这种设计他不自己做 你说谁做 SF super deluxe用的还是他自己多年前库存的金脚管子 这管子现在丢到ebay上卖都不至一百块了
Very well, the SF super deluxe would be a new design that would take some work but I’ll do my best on making that an amazing piece. Yes I do have golden leg transistors- I have those in stock as they are used for some other models but they are indeed rare and it’s a bit sad they are hunted for their legs.
This is a new design so I don’t know yet what the controls will be and I also want to make sure each knob does something really useful but let’s say the format you want would be about 6-7 knobs and maybe some toggle and I might think of something in addition to that once the design is made
OK if you wish to have the same format for purple super dlx and again I may think of something in addition in terms of feature I might add-that would almost be a complete guitaramp preamp but I’d like to make this one so I’ll make it
Possible options and I am just listing some are three or four band post eq along with gain and filter options for the distortion circuit besides gain and volume