库存货,刚在仓库里找到的经典的GCB95F哇音踏板.原价1100元左右,现在直接甩掉出清.简单介绍一下吧,首先这个是经典的vintage 60年代的哇音踏板设计,所有说的经典的cry baby音色,说的就是这款的设计.其次这款是TRUE BYPASS的切换,不会像其他哇音踏板那样吃掉你的音色.最后要说的是这款采用了一颗意大利产的红色Fasel感应器,这个电感应器是经典音色的源泉,光这一颗感应器就价值几百元.感兴趣的朋友可以搜一下这个fasel. https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a2126o.11854294.0.0.f8714831PRYFBK&id=586602963790
GCB95F Features the original Italian-made Fasel inductor.
Recreates the vocal sweep and lush harmonics from the wah's classic era.
Unavailable for decades until today.
The heart and soul of the original wah pedals was the legendary Fasel inductor, and the Cry Baby Classic has it. Why is that important? Because the Fasel inductor was the key to the gorgeous tone, voice, and sweep of those first wahs. Plus, these inductors have been unavailable for decades. Now you can get that magic tone again. Go back in time with the Cry Baby Classic with Fasel Inside. Hear what you've been missing. Power: Dunlop ECB003 AC Adapter or Single 9 volt battery GCB-95F Crybaby 古典哇音踏板
Crybaby的Vintage 60年代哇音效果
100k欧姆Hot Potz Poti用于
可选购9V电池驱动或DunlopECB-003 交流适配器(另购)