继上周Gibson因疫情关闭纳什维尔工厂之后,美国吉他定制品牌Warmoth也于当地时间3月25日宣布暂时关闭工厂。 Warmoth在官网发布通告,因疫情影响,华盛顿州长宣布关闭全州范围内所有非必要企业,Warmoth公司按照要求暂时关闭工厂。这意味着现有的订单将会被延迟发货,在此期间,网站将继续开放并接受订单,客服也会继续通过电子邮件与客户进行沟通。 Warmoth公司表示,公司财务状况良好,库存充足,可以满足完成所有订单并继续生产。暂时停工是为了遵守地方法律而采取的临时措施,一旦得到生产允许,工厂将恢复生产。 强制关闭措施预计与4月8日结束,工厂计划于4月9日复工。
通知原文: Covid-19 Coronavirus Announcement As of Wednesday March 25th the Governor of Washington has announced a state-wide closure of all non-essential businesses in a united effort to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. To comply with this order Warmoth has temporarily closed its facility. During this time our website will be open and taking orders. We will also continue to work remotely to reply as quickly as possible to your needs and questions via email. While this closure does mean a delay in delivery times, be assured that all orders, past and present, will be filled. Warmoth is in strong financial shape and we have plenty of raw materials and supplies on hand to complete all current orders and continue production going forward. We remain as dedicated to our customers as ever and we look forward to emerging from this challenge to continue serving your guitar parts needs. This shutdown is a temporary measure to comply with local laws in our state. As soon as we are allowed to do so we will resume full production and all orders will be completed and shipped as quickly as possible. At this time the mandatory closure is scheduled to end on Wednesday, April 8. We plan to return to work the following day, April 9th. We will continue to post updates as they become available. We appreciate your patience and confidence as we await the notice that we can return to work. Thank-you. The Warmoth Team 3/25/20