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[电吉他硬件] Seymour Duncan拾音器输出一览表

发表于 2020-9-29 02:01:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 slayest 于 2020-9-29 02:04 编辑

众所周知,Dimarzio对它生产的各型号拾音器都有明确地标出输出电压值。而Seymour Duncan在官网产品页至今则仍未有这样的定量描述。其实Duncan也测量过其产品的输出电压值,只不过静静地发在了官方论坛里,以致鲜为人知。故此特意把它转帖到这里,方便大家查阅。

但需注意的是,由于各厂家的测试标准、方法(比如拨弦的力度)难以做到一致,所以数值没有横向可比性。比如Dimarzio X2N的官方输出值为510毫伏,Duncan JB737毫伏,但实际上X2NJB猛得多。因此下面的数据仅有助于Duncan产品线内部各型号之间对比,不适合与其它品牌的数值比较。


原文发布者的Seymour Duncan官方论坛ID是:Mincer
原文标题:Seymour Duncan Pickup Output Experiment
原文发布时间:08-10-2020, 06:49 AM


Several years ago, experiments were done toget mV output values from many pickups available at that time. I don't know ifthis list will help anyone, as the output numbers never stay constant, but itmight be interesting if you are comparing one pickup next to another. Since itwas originally posted on this forum by an SD employee, it is at least somewhatofficial.
The only time tests were done were about5-6 years ago. I found this list from the thread I remember. I don't know howscientific this was but I think they really worked hard to provide consistentpicking. At least it gives you a good idea when comparing different pickups.From what I remember, this was the only time this info was published. From theoriginal post:

Good afternoon forum friends, as many ofyou know we are deep in the midst of a website design (and yes for those of yourolling your eyes, it has been an extraordinarily long journey as we completelyre-design, record and sample our many, many pickups). I wanted to give you guysa peak at some upcoming mV data. You all know the limitations of using DCresistance as an indicator of output, a much better indicator is mV. We'vedevised a precise and repeatable method for testing pickup output which webelieve corresponds closely to actual playing. We start with a Telecaster thathas an oversized cavity routed to allow easy pickup installation. The guitar iscarefully tuned to standard tuning (consistent tuning is important). We add acustom machined, mechanical, spring loaded strum arm with a tempered, .004”thick spring steel pick. We install the pickup, setting the distance from thetop of the pickup to the string to .093” +/- .010” (consistent set-up isessential). We then load and release the strum arm, capturing the result on adigital storage oscilloscope. We perform this process 5 times for a 3 pickupsample lot and average the results. This is repeated for every model we make.

I'm happy to be able to share some of thisdata with you today. I appreciate you guys being cool and patient with us as wework to give you all the tools you could ever want to make the best selection.

(意译by Slayest
几年之前做过实验,以测定当时已有的很多拾音器的毫伏输出值。我不知道这个列表是否能对人有所帮助,因为输出数值从来就不是个常数,但当你想对比各个拾音器时或许会感兴趣。由于这个表最初是被某位Seymour Duncan雇员贴在了本论坛(指https://forum.seymourduncan.com/),因此它至少在某种程度上可以说是官方的。



SH-55n Seth Lover Model Nkl 399
SH-55b Seth Lover Model Nkl 399
SH-2n Jazz Model 501
SH-2b Jazz Model 571
SH-3 Stag Mag 389
SH-4 JB Model 737
SH-5 Duncan Custom 784
7Str Distortion Brg, Amt, Soapbar 792
8Str Distortion Brg, Amt, Soapbar 792
SH-6b Duncan Distortion 792
7Str Distortion Brg Pmt 792
8Str Distortion Brg Pmt 792
7Str Distortion Nk,Amt, Soapbar 732
8Str Distortion Nk,Amt, Soapbar 732
SH-6n Duncan Distortion 732
7Str Distortion Nk,Pmt 732
8Str Distortion Nk,Pmt 732
SH-8SGn Synyster Gates,&Chr,Neck 491
SH-8SGb Synyster Gates,&Chr,Brdg 813
SH-8n Invader 491
7Str Invader Nk, Pmt 491
8Str Invader Nk, Pmt 491
7Str Invader Brg, Amt, Soapbar 813
8Str Invader Brg, Amt, Soapbar 813
SH-8b Invader 813
7Str Invader Brg, Pmt 813
8Str Invader Brg, Pmt 813
SM-2n Custom Mini-Humbkr 216
SM-2b Custom Mini-Humbkr 327
SM-3n Seymourized Mini-Humbkr 330
SM-3b Seymourized Mini-Humbkr 354
SH-PG1n Pearly Gates 513
SH-PG1b Pearly Gates 543
SH-10n Full Shred 709
SH-10b Full Shred 724
SH-11 Custom Custom 574
PA-TB1b Original Parallel Axis 749
PA-TB1n Original Parallel Axis 515
PA-TB2b Distortion Parallel Axis 741
PA-STK1n Parallel Axis Stack 291
PA-TB3b Blues Saraceno Model 694
SH-12 Screamin' Demon 500
SH-13 Dimebucker 1160
SH-14 Custom 5 Black 646
SH-15 Alternative 8 Black 761
SH-16 59/Custom Hybrid, 625
SH-18b Whole Lotta HB bridge 440
SH-18n Whole Lotta HB Neck 382
Black Winter, HB Neck 744
Black Winter, HB Bridge 763
7Str Black Winter, HB Neck 744
7Str Black Winter, HB Bridge 763
8Str Black Winter, HB Neck 744
8Str Black Winter, HB Bridge 763
6Str Pegasus Brg. 555
7Str Pegasus Brg, Amt, Soapbar 555
8Str Pegasus Brg, Amt, Soapbar 555
7Str Pegasus Brg, Pmt 555
8Str Pegasus Brg, Pmt 555
6Str Nazgûl Brg, Amt, Soapbar 666
7Str Nazgûl Brg, Amt, Soapbar 666
8Str Nazgûl Brg, Amt, Soapbar 666
7Str Nazgûl Brg, Pmt 666
8Str Nazgûl Brg, Pmt 666
6Str Sentient Neck, Amt, Soapbar 499
7Str Sentient Neck, Amt, Soapbar 499
8Str Sentient Neck, Amt, Soapbar 499
7Str Sentient Neck, Pmt 499
8Str Sentient Neck, Pmt 499
Jason Becker - bridge Black 582
TB-59 '59 Trembucker 593
TB-4 JB Trembucker 737
TB-5 Duncan Custom Trembkr 784
TB-6 Duncan Distortion Trmbkr 792
TB-8SGb Synyster Gates,&Chr,Brdg 813
TB-PG1b Pearly Gates Trembkr 543
TB-APH1B Alnc II Trembucker 499
TB-10 Full Shred Trembucker 724
TB-11 Custom Custom Trembkr 574
TB-12 Screamin' Demon Trembkr 500
TB-14 Custom 5 Trembkr Black 646
TB-15 Alternative 8 Trembkr Black 651
TB-16 59/Custom Hybrid, 625
Black Winter, TB Bridge 763
Pegasus Trembucker, Bridge 555
Nazgul Trembucker, Bridge 666
Jason Becker - TB bridge Black 582
APH-1n Alnc II Pro Humbuckr 452
APH-1b Alnc II Pro Humbuckr 499
APH-2n Slash Alnc II Pro HB 475
APH-2b Slash Alnc II Pro HB 524
LW-CH2n,LiveWire II,Classic,HB 534
LW-CH2b,LiveWire II,Classic,HB 936
LW-Must LiveWire Dave Mustaine,n 1080
LW-Must LiveWire Dave Mustaine,b 1368
AHB-1n Blackouts, Neck 1283
AHB-1b Blackouts, Bridge 1598
AHB-1n Blackouts 7-Strg Phase 1, Nk 1283
AHB-1b Blackouts 7-Strg Phase 1, Br 1598
AHB-1n Blackouts 7-Strg Phase 2, Nk 1283
AHB-1b Blackouts 7-Strg Phase 2, Br 1598
AHB-2b Blackouts Metal HB 3648
AHB-1n Blackouts, 8strg, Neck 1283
AHB-1b Blackouts, 8strg, Bridge 1598
AHB-3n MickT Blackouts HB Neck Bk 1079
AHB-3b MickT Blackouts HB Bridge Bk 1419
AHB-3n Mick T Blackouts 7-Str Ph 1 1079
AHB-3b Mick T Blackouts 7-Str Ph 1 1419
AHB-3n Mick T Blackouts 7Str Ph 2 1079
AHB-3b Mick T Blackouts 7Str Ph 2 1419
AHB-10n Blackouts Coil Pack Nk 1829
AHB-10b Blackouts Coil Pack Brg 1870
AHB-11n Gus G Fire Backout Coil Pack Nk1725
AHB-11b Gus G Fire Backout Coil Pack Brg1784
SH-1n '59 Model 7-Strg 572
SH-1b '59 Model 7-Strg 593
SH-2n Jazz Model 7-Strg 501
SH-4 JB Model 7-Strg 737
SH-5 Duncan Custom 7-Strg 784
SH-10n Full Shred Neck 7-Str 709
SH-10b Full Shred Brg 7-Str 958
SH-14 Custom 5 7-Str 646

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TB-4万精油,在cs上 用过TB-11 和TB-4,现在用的是TB-16 59/Custom Hybrid,如果自己搭配的话还要考虑好磁铁的型号,挺好玩的
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iza 发表于 2020-9-29 07:58

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玉树淋疯 发表于 2020-9-29 08:32
TB-4万精油,在cs上 用过TB-11 和TB-4,现在用的是TB-16 59/Custom Hybrid,如果自己搭配的 ...

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LTD 1000系列也是用的经典59/JB  
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