
楼主: 冰岛的括号

[原声琴评测] 想买Ryan吉他?看这一篇帖子就够了!

 楼主| 发表于 前天 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
24 - 25 关于Kevin

24、如果 Kevin 为自己制作一把 Ryan 吉他,他会选择什么型号和木材组合?(回答者:Kevin)

如果是为我自己制作,我会选择一把 Nightingale,使用巴西玫瑰木或可可波罗木(Cocobolo)搭配西部红杉(Western Red Cedar)
 楼主| 发表于 前天 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
24. If Kevin were to make a Ryan guitar for himself, what model and wood combination would he choose?(Respondent: Kevin)

For myself, I would build a Nightingale with Brazilian or Cocobolo and Western Red Cedar.
 楼主| 发表于 前天 19:26 | 显示全部楼层
25、多年后,当 Kevin 退休时,Ryan Guitars 将如何发展?它会成为家族企业吗?(回答者:Kevin)

 楼主| 发表于 前天 19:27 | 显示全部楼层
25. Years later, when Kevin retires, how will Ryan Guitars evolve? Will it become a family business?(Respondent: Kevin)

We’ve established a legacy in our company that will hopefully outlast me. We care about beauty and craftsmanship and taking care of each other and our families. Because at the end of the day, everything is about relationships. With each other, our clients, and the world around us. How will it evolve? I have no idea, but I trust it will be governed by the principles that have guided it the last 37 years. It’s a family business now; and the family gets bigger all the time.
 楼主| 发表于 前天 19:39 | 显示全部楼层
在2024年的Namm Show上,Ryan Guitars推出了新的油漆工艺,Cellar Door。在与他们的沟通中,我也咨询了相关问题,暂时隐去价格,有点贵......


At the 2024 NAMM Show, Ryan Guitars introduced a new finishing technique called Cellar Door. During my communication with them, I also inquired about it—I'll leave out the price for now, it's a bit expensive...

You can check out the pictures or search online; the craftsmanship is truly stunning.
 楼主| 发表于 前天 19:41 | 显示全部楼层



我们在 NAMM 展会上介绍了三种样式:Darkwood、Driftwood 和 Mirkwood。Darkwood 是银黑色,处理较为轻微,大多数面板部分仍能清楚看到原始的木纹。Driftwood 使用了多种大地色调,使音板看起来既自然又异域风情,木纹仍然可见。Mirkwood 是我们最喜欢的一款(也是目前最复杂的一款)。我们使用了细腻的渐变色调和大量的有机线条,营造出一种深邃、情绪化森林的感觉。这种技术基本上改变了面板的外观,原始的木纹已不易察觉。

这些样式都是可重复的,但我们预计每把吉他看起来都会有所不同,因为它们都是单独手工制作的。除了选择样式(Darkwood、Driftwood 或 Mirkwood)外,外观不可定制。


 楼主| 发表于 前天 19:41 | 显示全部楼层
1. Will this technology affect the guitar's tone? Will the color change over time, like a regular guitar?

No, this does not affect the guitar's tone in any way. The process is purely aesthetic. The color of the wood underneath will likely continue to change over time. All of the materials we use to create the effects are light-fast. While these are the first guitars that have ever been done with this technique, we have every reason to believe the colors will remain vibrant in the future.

2. Are there specific styles available to choose from, or is the appearance customizable, or are each guitar random?

We introduced three styles at NAMM. The Darkwood, The Driftwood, and The Mirkwood.

The Darkwood is silvery-black in color and is relatively lightly treated. You can still clearly see the original wood grain in most parts of the soundboard.

The Driftwood used a variety of earth tones and makes the soundboard look very natural but exotic. The original wood grain is still visible.

The Mirkwood is our favorite of them (and by far the most complicated to do). We use subtle chromatic undertones and plenty of organic lines to create the feeling of a dark, moody forest. This technique essentially replaces the appearance of the soundboard. The original grain is no longer easily visible.

Each of these styles are repeatable, but we expect each guitar will look quite different from the last because they are made individually and by hand. They are not customizable beyond selecting the style (Darkwood, Driftwood, or Mirkwood).

3. If we proceed with this technology, could you please provide guidance on whether to incorporate it only into the soundboard or to include the back & sides as well? What would be the approximate appearance and color?

At this point, the process is only achievable on the soundboard.
发表于 前天 22:58 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
冰岛的括号 发表于 2024-10-14 19:08
18. How do you balance the use of efficient machinery and handcrafting in guitar making? Some argue  ...

发表于 昨天 08:50 | 显示全部楼层
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