laney hcm 65b 英文说明书
1 passive input:socket provided for connecting a bass guitar equipped with passive pickups
2 active input : socket provided for connecting a bass guitar equipped with active pickups
3 compressor gain : sets the level of of compression of the input signal.should be used to give a punchy bass sound as des-ired
4 compressor swith :activates the on board compressor
5 bass :sets the level of bass frequencies present in the signal ..
6 swept mid sweep :sets the frequencies at which the swept mid gain control is applied
7 swept mid gain : sets the amount of gain applied to the frequency selected by control 6
8 treble :sets the level of high frequencies present in the signal
9 volume :sets the overall listening volume of the amplifier
10 cd/line input :sockets for connection of external cd player
11 di :socket provided for connecting the amplifier to an external amplifier such as front of houfe PA or providing a direct in-put into a recording device
12 fx send :socket for connecting an external effects device,such as a delay pedal etc.connect the FX send to the input on the effects pedal
13 fx return :socket for connecting the return signal from the output of an external effects device such as a delay pedal.the out of the external effects pedal should be connected to the FXreturn
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